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4/25 夜班配送部主管{兼職/PT可}

  • 桃園市桃園區
  • 2年以上
  • 高中

負責配送服務 1. 計畫、協調和監控物流操作,如倉儲、庫存和運輸。 2. 跟蹤運輸、包裝和整個倉庫成本,確保成本最佳化。 3. 快速解決內部和服務提供商的交付不一致、運輸錯誤或延遲。 4.確定內部客戶的具體要求,提供適用於手頭情況的解決方案。與團隊討論分配設置和安排,確保貨物安全、及時轉移和交付。 5. 與內部和外部客戶保持良好的商業關係。 6. 修改設計並應用操作變更,以更好地服務客戶並促進更有效的流程。 運輸物流主管是一個重要的職位,將負責規劃、協調和監控物流操作,並確保貨物順利運輸和交付。

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4/25 【德商DHL】大園 - 倉儲物流主任 Operation Supervisor -DH

  • 桃園市大園區
  • 5年以上
  • 專科

全世界最大第三方物流公司 DHL Supply Chain 在台分公司誠徵大園倉儲物流主任 工作內容: - 負責倉庫運作成本控管 - 管理倉庫運作與團隊帶領 - 提升倉庫生產力與優化人力配置 - 提供管理報表給客戶與管理團隊以追蹤倉庫各種效能指標 - 維繫客戶關係 - Daily operation order fulfillment monitoring. - Production meeting participation. - Responsible for service issue response & investigation. - Seeking any opportunities to increase the gross margin. - Handling special project. - New Process implementation. - Submit regular report to customer and communication with customer for abnormal issue. - Manage the warehouse operations in line with the instructions of senior management. - Actively manage performance of ground level personnel in line with KPI requirements and the daily work schedule. - Promote appropriate working environment in line with DHL standards of Health, Safety and Security.

待遇面議 外商公司 員工900人
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4/25 運輸調度組長

  • 桃園市蘆竹區
  • 5年以上
  • 學歷不拘

1.負責運輸單位管理與運作(四台車) 2.人力招募、員工教育訓練 3.車輛維護、調度指派、績效考核 4.客情維繫、駕駛安全管理 5.配送品質監控管理 6.運輸之數據彙整分析,製作報表 7.其他行政作業 8.轉運運輸處理 9.完成上級交付任務

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4/25 HD倉儲主任 - 環東物流中心

  • 桃園市大園區
  • 3年以上
  • 專科

1. 現場作業規畫安排 2. 每日作業督導 3. 與客戶及業務窗口溝通協調 4. 倉庫作業安全維護、宣導,教育訓練及監督 5. 倉庫設備檢查 6. 外包人員篩選、訓練、評比及日常管理 7. 跨倉溝通協調

待遇面議 外商公司 員工550人
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4/25 救護派遣中心調度員

  • 桃園市龜山區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 高中

1、為本公司救護服務部-勤務派遣組正式職缺。 2、本次招募職缺為08-20日/夜班制(12小時),勤休制度依照勞基法。 3、工作為電話接聽、調度救護車輛、人員、救護任務管制、 4、另有離島空中救護啟動程序管制、救護服務報價等。 5、需基本文書作業能力與客戶溝通能力。 6、若有救護資格或經驗者尤佳,無經驗亦可培訓。 7、工作本身需要較佳溝通能力與資源調度邏輯。 8、通過新人考核後,底薪27000起,算入加班費與獎金可至35000甚至更高。 9、歡迎對救護派遣及勤務調度任務有興趣者前來挑戰。

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4/25 調度人員(桃園站)

  • 桃園市蘆竹區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 高中

1. 俱車輛調度、協調、派遣、掌控作業尤佳 2. 俱海空運進出口卡車配送作業經驗(必備) 3. 跨部門溝通協調的能力 4. 熟悉台灣路況及北部行政區位置分佈(必備) 5. 積極、靈活處理突發狀況車輛調度 6. 主管交辦事項 符合以上條件,再投履歷。

待遇面議 員工150人
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4/25 (Z4-9)正職外商物流小組長 入職享18天特休

  • 桃園市大園區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 高中

正職外商物流小組長 入職即享18天特休 ✪工作內容: 1.進出貨作業 2.每日現場作業異常排除 3.帶領9-12人工作小組 完成每日作業進度及小組作業進度(主要職務內容) 4.主管交辦事項 ✪工作時間: 早班 09:00-18:00 晚班 15:00~00:00 夜班 00:00~09:00 ✪工作時間: 月薪約$37000~$50000 依照過往經歷調整薪資 皆可再詳談 ✪休假制度:排休(依照當月見紅數字休假 約8-10天) 固定班別不需輪班 ✪加分條件: 1.1年倉儲物流相關經驗 2.曾經負青管理團隊經驗 ✪管理責任: 需負管理責任,且直接管理派遣人約9-12人

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4/25 【流通事業群】營運優化部_ 課長(楊梅)

  • 桃園市楊梅區
  • 1年以上
  • 大學

1.倉儲作業流程優化 2.倉儲作業產值規劃及分析 3.倉儲作業KPI規劃與追蹤 4.其他專案規劃推動與追蹤 5.到職後須於新竹縣新豐鄉與桃園市楊梅區兩地往來辦公 6.自備車佳,需配合跨縣市單日出差 (出差以桃園地區自有倉庫為主,得報支油料費或其他大眾交通工具之差旅費)

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4/25 【流通事業群】營運優化部_ 課長(新豐)

  • 新竹縣新豐鄉
  • 1年以上
  • 大學

1.倉儲作業流程優化 2.倉儲作業產值規劃及分析 3.倉儲作業KPI規劃與追蹤 4.其他專案規劃推動與追蹤 5.到職後須於新竹縣新豐鄉與桃園市楊梅區兩地往來辦公 6.自備車佳,需配合跨縣市單日出差 (出差以桃園地區自有倉庫為主,得報支油料費或其他大眾交通工具之差旅費)

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4/25 Logistics Specialist - Hsinchu

  • 新竹市
  • 5年以上
  • 大學

【請同時至科林研發官方網站投遞】 此職缺履歷登錄網址: https://careers.lamresearch.com//job-invite/182504/ Job Responsibilities: 1. 3rd Party Logistics (3PL) Vendor Management: 1) Coordination on 3PL operation (warehouses & transportation) to deliver KPI of On Time Delivery & Shipping Accuracy. 2) Drive Continuous Improvement on Cost/Operation/Process/Automation. 3) New warehouse & logistics routes feasibility study & implementation on schedule. 4) 3PL Billing and Spending review, payment approval process. 2. Reverse Logistics 1) Spares parts core return consolidation and expedition to meet KPI. 2) Manage logistics process from TW customers to US and/or other regions. 3. Spares Parts Quality Purge depot/consign inspection/quarantine/return consolidation. 4. Streamline projects: Include Warehouse Operation, Transportation related projects to Automation, Visual Management Dashboard and lead cross functional projects initiation, implementation and result delivery.

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4/25 倉儲組長(楊梅)

  • 桃園市楊梅區
  • 5年以上
  • 專科

█職務工作內容: •熟悉倉儲作業流程與操作(包括收貨/KEY單/定位貨物/理貨進度管理/理貨/出貨...等)。 •能夠指導協助員工提升效率。 •負責制定倉儲SOP與優化流程。 •負責與其他部門&門市溝通,並解決問題。 •負責理貨效率管理,分析數據。 •確保倉庫內的操作符合安全標準,並能夠執行相應的安全培訓和監督。 •負責規劃和分配工作,確保工作進度。 •規劃/管理車隊運輸路線。 •倉儲數據分析。 •配合公司教有訓練課程。 •負責員工績效考核。 •主管交辦事項。 █需求條件: •願意學習成長與部門團隊並參子公司教有訓練課程等。 •具備責任心、熱情、用心、耐心與自我管理能力。 •可以配合公司休假制度(休日一)

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4/25 運輸司機

  • 桃園市龍潭區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

◎公司、工廠回收物清運 ◎兩人配合出車,確保安全 ◎回收廠內貨物運送 ◎上、下班時間固定,不無故加班(若有加班需求,會詢問個人意願,不強迫) ◎休假人性化,可兼顧家庭生活(細節面試說明) ◎有完善的教育訓練資料,加上主管細心教導,協助新手快速吸收專業知識 ◎接觸各式五金材質、工廠設備,接洽各層級客戶,提升自身見識、經歷 ◎廠內塑膠收納櫃、五金材料若員工有需求,可以享員工價優惠(經主管同意,甚至可免費帶回家) ◎業務案件介紹分潤獎勵金(細節面試說明) ◎二手商品賣出獎勵金(細節面試說明)

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4/25 WMS-電商倉儲_倉儲物流組長/主任(工作地點:中壢楊梅)

  • 桃園市楊梅區
  • 5年以上
  • 高中

1.管理電商倉儲作業 包括:進貨管理、儲位管理、揀貨作業、包裝出貨作業管理、庫存管理。 2.倉庫環境5S管理 3.倉儲作業人員之管理與教育訓練 4.作業進度監督及異常作業處理

待遇面議 員工200人
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4/25 Logistics Supervisor

  • 新竹縣竹北市
  • 10年以上
  • 大學

• Develop and implement Parts Order, Logistics and 3PL Warehousing strategies, policies, and procedures to optimize operational efficiency and achieve business objectives, including cost reduction and control measures. • Lead and manage a team of Parts Order, Logistics and 3PL Warehousing professionals, providing guidance, coaching, and performance feedback to ensure high-quality service delivery. • Oversee the end-to-end Parts Order, Logistics and 3PL Warehousing operations, including Parts order fulfillment, transportation, 3PL warehousing, inventory management, and customers inquiry or requirement, to ensure timely and accurate product distribution. • Lead and manage the team to collaborate with the CSO planning and CSO repair team or their managers to optimize parts ordering processes, ensuring adequate inventory levels, minimizing backorders, and reducing costs. • Establish, monitor, and analyze key performance indicators (KPIs) related to Parts ordering, Logistics and Warehousing to assess performance, identify areas for improvement, and implement corrective actions as necessary. • Collaborate with cross-functional teams, such as procurement, planners, repair managers, Account managers, and Field team managers, to align Logistics and Parts ordering activities with overall business objectives and cost control initiatives. • Establish and manager with Logistics service providers, including carriers, freight forwarders, customs brokers, and warehouse operators, to ensure service level agreements are met the company goals. • Manage and negotiate contracts and manage relationships with vendors and suppliers, seeking cost savings opportunities while maintaining service quality. • Lead and manage the team to ensure compliance with applicable regional customs laws and regulations, and industry standards regarding transportation, customs, trade compliance, and parts ordering processes. • Develop and implement initiatives to optimize inventory levels, reduce costs, and improve supply chain efficiency, including parts inventory optimization. • Utilize logistics systems and technology tools to streamline processes, enhance visibility, and improve decision-making, including cost monitoring and control systems. • Conduct regular audits and quality checks to ensure accuracy, integrity, and compliance of logistics data, parts ordering data, and documentation. • Stay up to date with industry trends, best practices, and technological advancements in logistics, parts ordering, and supply chain management. • Identify and lead continuous improvement projects to drive operational excellence, enhance customer satisfaction, and monitor and control costs effectively. • Prepare and present reports, presentations, and performance reviews to senior management, highlighting key logistics metrics, parts ordering performance, and cost monitoring and control achievements. • Manage logistics budgets and expenditures, tracking costs, implementing cost control measures, and collaborating with transportation teams to optimize spending. • Foster a culture of safety, quality, cost consciousness, and continuous learning within the logistics team, promoting best practices and adherence to standard operating procedures. • Participate in strategic planning and contribute to the development of CSO WW Logistics strategies, parts ordering strategies, and initiatives at the organizational level. • Identify and implement cost-saving initiatives and process improvements to optimize logistics and warehouse operations and enhance overall supply chain efficiency. • Mentor and deliver comprehensive training to Logistics Analysts to ensure operational process, trade and legal compliance for all ordering, logistics and warehousing activities fulfilled under his/her area of works.

待遇面議 外商公司
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4/25 現場課長

  • 桃園市觀音區
  • 1年以上
  • 學歷不拘

1.管理與監督物流檔案,並負責倉儲系統各項資訊之即時更新與維護。 2.監控及優化倉管制度、流程制定與規章制度。 3.管理商品調撥、抽盤、定期盤點作業。 4.改善現存倉管問題,以提升營運效益。 5.規劃、管理車隊運輸路線,以提升運輸效能。

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4/25 Operations Manager, External Fulfillment

  • 桃園市大園區
  • 5年以上
  • 大學

Coupang is reimagining the shopping experience with the goal of wowing each customer from the instant they open the Coupang app to the moment an order is delivered to their door. We have recently launched our services in Taiwan including Rocket Delivery which offers next-day delivery for a wide selection of items at affordable prices and Rocket Overseas which offers free international delivery on millions of best-selling products from Korea, the U.S., and beyond. We are looking for talents to help us lead Coupang’s expansion in Taiwan. This is an exceptional opportunity to become a part of Coupang’s growth in Taiwan and create a world where our customers wonder, “How did we ever live without Coupang?" Position: Manager, External Fulfillment Management Responsibilities: 1. Partner Management: - Build and maintain strong relationships with external logistics partners, acting as the primary point of contact for operational matters. - Actively monitor partner performance, identify areas for improvement, and implement corrective actions as necessary. - Collaborate with partners to develop and implement operational strategies that align with Coupang's business objectives. - Conduct regular business reviews with partners to discuss performance metrics, identify opportunities for improvement, and address any concerns. 2.Performance Monitoring and Reporting: - Define and track key performance indicators (KPIs) for external logistics partners, ensuring adherence to service level agreements and performance targets. - Regularly review metrics and develop reports to provide actionable insights and recommendations to internal stakeholders. - Collaborate with partners to address any performance gaps and implement corrective actions to drive improvement. 3.Qualifications: - Bachelor's degree in Operations Management, Supply Chain Management, Logistics, or a related field. - Minimum of 5 years of experience in logistics management, preferably in a fast-paced ecommerce or retail environment. - Strong project management skills, with the ability to prioritize and manage multiple tasks simultaneously. - Excellent analytical and problem-solving abilities, with a data-driven mindset. - Proven track record of driving process improvement and operational excellence. - Exceptional communication and negotiation skills, with the ability to build and maintain strong relationships with external partners. - Familiarity with warehouse management systems (WMS) and transportation management systems (TMS) preferred. - Proficiency in English, both written and verbal. 4.Recruitment Process: - Application Review - Phone Interview - Onsite (or Virtual Onsite) Interview – Offer - The exact nature of the recruitment process may vary according to the specific job and may be changed due to scheduling or other circumstances. - Interview schedules and the results will be informed to the applicant via the e-mail address submitted at the application stage. 5.Things to Consider: - This job posting may be closed prior to the stated end date for application if all openings are filled. - Coupang has the right to rescind an offer of employment if a candidate is found to have submitted false information as part of the application process. - Coupang does not discriminate against disabled applicants or those with veteran status. We are proud to offer equal opportunities for all applicants.

待遇面議 員工700人
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4/25 倉儲副主任(桃園-物流中心)

  • 桃園市蘆竹區
  • 3年以上
  • 高中

1.人員工作安排 2.每日訂單完備及時程管理 3.進/出/退貨相關作業正確執行 4.儲位安排、規劃儲位及存放效率 5.作業進度掌控及效率檢核 6.現場作業異常處理及回報 7.優化現場實務作業,提升營運效益 8.設備、環境維護及管理

待遇面議 員工80人
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