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4/25 【美商記憶體】品質部門助理工程師-701RT

  • 台中市后里區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

1. 文件簽核系統設定,協助產線文件審核,撰寫sop、操作程序、協助文件簽核 2. WORD 、EXCEL OFFICE需有使用經驗 3.英文要精通,需要檢查文件,工作中需與外國人溝通 工作時間: 0830~1730(週休二日)

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4/25 越南雙語翻譯人員(台中)

  • 台中市北區
  • 1年以上
  • 高中

※能配合公司調派上班者佳 ※需具備汽車駕照(要開車去外派地點工作) 1.月領30000-35000元起。(依工作經驗核薪,全勤獎金+專案獎金...等) 2.精通中文及越南語言。 3.協助雇主/外勞之間的溝通。 4.協助外籍勞工生活管理、心理輔導及雇主的工作協調。 5.協助雇主/外勞辦理相關文件及翻譯。

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4/24 機械繪圖人員【福利佳、待遇優】

  • 台中市西屯區
  • 1年以上
  • 大學

1、產品目錄:將產品照片及介紹編排成冊。 2、說明書:將產品編輯排版 3、電腦機械繪圖 4、其他主管交辦事項,如一般行政文書工作等。 ※ 需有繪圖相關經驗 ※ 需具備美感;誠實積極、負責任肯學習。

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4/24 國內專利-工程師(具備經驗者)

  • 台中市南屯區
  • 1年以上
  • 專科

一、工作內容 智慧財產權相關內容撰寫(專利/商標/著作權) *請具備下列經驗-皆列為工作內容項目 1.專利申請相關內容撰寫及答辯(爭議案) 相關行政救濟程序 2.撰寫專利訴訟支援/侵權分析 3.專利爭議案件處理 4.專利技術分析及檢索 5.具備能力 1.邏輯思考/文筆撰寫 2.組織管理、溝通協調 3.相關產業有二~三年以上工作經驗

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4/24 國內專利-工程師

  • 台中市南屯區
  • 1年以上
  • 專科

一、工作內容 1.智慧財產權相關業務(專利/商標/著作權): A.撰寫申請說明書 B.撰寫專利之申復、舉發、答辯及相關行政救濟程序 C.專利爭議案件處理 D.專利技術分析及檢索 E.對應國外專利律師,支援專利訴訟工作 F.處理主管交辦業務 二、福利與發展 1.公司提供完整專業知識與教育訓練 三、具備能力 1.邏輯思考/文筆撰寫 2.歡迎有經驗想挑戰自我或應屆畢業生

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4/23 技術文件編輯 Technical Writer

  • 台中市南屯區
  • 1年以上
  • 大學

【Position Description】 Hyena Inc. is a company specializing in e-bike technologies. We provide solutions, including e-bike riding assist systems, software, and cloud service for world bicycle brands and manufacturers to build high-performance and intelligent e-bikes. Our customers are mainly in the EU and NA regions. We have a young and enthusiastic developer team. Due to business expansion, we are actively seeking a talented Technical Writer/Documentation Specialist to join our Marketing team. Work with the development teams to design, create, and revise various types of technical, assembly, and service documents of e-bike products (manuals, bulletins, instructions). 【Essential Duties and Responsibilities】 - Work with internal teams to obtain an in-depth understanding of the product documentation requirements. - Design, develop, and publish content that is easy to use, easy to understand, and easy to follow. Content includes, but is not limited to: illustration drawings, product images, and technical graphics to be used in technical documentation. - Write, revise, and create product User Manuals, Quick Guides, Training Guides, Service Hand Books, and other product-related documents as assigned, maintain documentation detailing the revision history of each manual and user guide. - Work with the marketing team on streamlining catalogs, websites, product descriptions, and other copywriting. - Proofreading and customer support on documentation. - Submitting weekly status reports for review. - Work closely with the R&D team, Product Planning Team, and User Experience Designers. Define and implement glossary, guideline, and collaboration processes, consistently improve and optimize. - Define and execute documentation plans, project schedules, and priorities. Manage projects that involve various document functions. 【Qualifications, Skills, And Abilities】 1. Proficiency in desktop publishing packages, including Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, In Design, Word, and Excel required. 2. Minimum of 1 year of experience in writing and editing any content for accuracy, clarity, and usability for a technical audience. 3. Writing Fluency in Chinese/English is required. 4. Ability to define and apply consistent voice and tone throughout the content journey. 5. Ability to work independently and collaboratively, with a strong sense of responsibility and commitment to teamwork. 6. Ability to be agile with dynamic schedules and priorities. Gracious to embrace and solve challenging problems and think of new ways to deliver better content to our clients. 7. Extremely detail-oriented, finding peace in flawless execution. Communication and organization are the key elements of this role. This role requires work in the office, full remote work is unavailable.

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4/23 議題撰稿員-論件計酬

  • 台中市北區
  • 1年以上
  • 專科

1.對文章文字之撰寫有一定程度的認知和了解。 2.對散文議題之書寫有一定程度之認知和了解,優先錄取。 3.有經驗之撰搞人員及助理人員各數名。 只要你有能力? 過案獎金「高過基本薪」不難! 誠徵文筆好,對時事、經濟、政治、兩岸關係有興趣, 且有基本觀念的高手! 擁有「連結 /推理 /邏輯 /判斷」等思維能力 能協助議題撰寫、修改、校對。 中文系 /政治系 /歷史系…人文相關科系 為佳 有書寫【新聞時事議題】經驗者,優先錄取! *無遠端工作,需到公司寫稿件

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4/22 技術文件撰寫專員

  • 台中市大里區
  • 1年以上
  • 大學

1.中英文說明書、4Q與FDS驗證文件與輔助文件、FAT、SAT文件等技術文件撰寫 2.文件標準化、文件整理管制 3.國外分公司聯絡溝通與問題處理 4.機器設備測試與文件驗證執行 面試時須攜帶英語能力檢驗(TOEIC)證明影本

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4/15 汽車使用說明文件撰寫工程師

  • 台中市西屯區
  • 1年以上
  • 專科

1. Work with internal teams to obtain an in-depth understanding of the automobile and documentation requirements. 2. Create illustration drawing, product images, and technical graphics to be used in technical documentation. 3. Write, revise, and create Automobile Owner's Manuals, Quick Guides, and other product-related documents as assigned. 4. Maintain documentation detailing the revision history of each manual. 5. Proof reading on documentations. 6. Supervisor assigns matters.

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