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4/26 【知名生化科技研發業 】Quality Assurance (QA) Sr. Specialist / Manager (819)

  • 新北市汐止區
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

Accountabilities 1. Maintain a comprehensive Quality Management System (QMS) to achieve quality objectives. These include but not limited to: -Oversee QMS activities such as customer complaints handling, deviation management, CAPAs, change controls and quality risk management etc. ensuring they are timely and effectively executed. -Maintain supplier quality management program through timely supplier qualification / requalification audits, follow-up of required actions / CAPAs, and so on. Host regular meetings with the suppliers where applicable. -Manage documentation and training. -Monitor quality-related metrics ensuring their compliance with the set targets -Host quality councils -Coordinate self-inspections and support regulatory authorities' inspection / internal audits 2. Establish and coordinate the local medical quality governance activities that include: -Oversee pharmacovigilance activities ensuring its compliance with relevant GxP regulation. -Oversee and support documentation management and training management in medical quality. -Support qualification of the local diagnostic laboratories and other medical affairs / PV relevant suppliers performing GxP activities. 3. Support cross function activities / projects when required ensuring quality regulations and requirements are followed. 4. Act as the local quality lead during the absence of QA Head 5. Communication with the health authorities in timely and effective manner ensuring smooth release of products and efficient resolution of critical quality issues requiring health authorities' approval.

待遇面議 員工100人
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4/26 負責醫師、全職服務醫師、兼職醫師

  • 台北市信義區
  • 5年以上
  • 學歷不拘

院所誠徵「長期發合作 : 家醫、內科、整外、醫美醫硬師」 1.診次 每週一到六各時段可討論,需具備誠懇與患者溝通的能力、並與患者建立友善良好的長期醫患關係。 2.有臨床經驗交流:家庭醫學、壯世代高齡醫學、抗衰老、及各式微整注射、埋線、光療、儀器、手術等。定期舉辦臨床及學術交流。 3.待遇優、面談、有合約保薪資。合作亦可。 歡迎符合要求的人才申請本職位,我們期待您的加入!

待遇面議 員工100人
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4/26 外科部113年度住院醫師 (實際招募容額依衛生福利部核定之113年度訓練容額公告為主)

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

.學歷: 1.國內外大學院校醫學系、學士後醫學系畢業者。 2.外籍醫師及國外醫學院系畢業者需領有中國民國醫師證書始得報考。 3.外國籍醫師報考應檢附外僑長期居留證明及勞委會核發之工作許可函。 4.需於本院規定之到職日前完成「畢業後一般醫學訓練」。 .工作經歷: 具PGY2完訓 .工作內容: 住院醫師 .證書: 醫師證書 .具備文件: 1.本院網站甄選資料表(https://www.tmuh.org.tw/recruit) 2.醫師證書影本 3.PGY訓練證明(未完訓者請提供服務證明) 4.畢業證書影本 5.成績單並附名次 6.履歷自傳一份 7.若為內/外/婦/兒科分組者,請於履歷中註明 8.退伍令或相關免服役證明 9.若有其他特殊學經歷(請一併檢附相關證明文件) .甄選方式: 經單位初審合格者,由科部另行通知面試時間與地點。 .聯絡方式: ■郵寄:台北市信義區吳興街252號 教學部 收(請註明應徵科別)。 ■E-mail:[email protected] ■電話:(02)2737-2181轉3754 吳小姐

待遇面議 員工2400人
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4/26 113學年度家庭醫學科住院醫師(實際招募容額依衛生福利部核定之113年度訓練容額公告為主)

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

.學歷: 大學以上醫學系相關 .工作內容: 住院醫師 .證書: 醫師證書 .具備文件_收件至11/20(一)止: 1.本院網站甄選資料表(https://www.tmuh.org.tw/recruit) 2.醫師證書影本 3.PGY訓練證明(未完訓者請提供服務證明) 4.畢業證書影本 5.成績單並附名次 6.履歷自傳一份 7.若為內/外/婦/兒科分組者,請於履歷中註明 8.退伍令或相關免服役證明 9.若有其他特殊學經歷(請一併檢附相關證明文件) .甄選方式: 經單位初審合格者,由科部另行通知面試時間與地點。 請於截止日前寄電子履歷或紙本履歷。 .聯絡方式: ■郵寄:台北市信義區吳興街252號 教學部 收(請註明應徵科別)。 ■E-mail:[email protected] ■電話:(02)2737-2181轉3754 吳小姐

待遇面議 員工2400人
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4/26 113學年解剖病理科住院醫師(實際招募容額依衛生福利部核定之113年度訓練容額公告為主)

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

.學歷: ◎國內外各大學院校醫學系、學士後醫學系畢業。 ◎外國籍醫師或國外醫學院校畢業者,需領有我國西醫醫師證書。 .工作經歷: 已完成PGY兩年訓練,或檢附訓練中證明。 .工作內容: (1)住院醫師訓練採取值班制度,並與主治醫師協調合作值班,值班處理大件標本及冰凍切片,值班次數訂有上限。 (2)工作時間:依勞動部住院醫師基本工時規範。 (3)學術活動:每週五為科內學術會議時間,安排學術期刊討論報告、邀請國內外病理專家至科內進行閱片教學或演講。定期安排由科內主治醫師輪流切片教學。. (4)次專科教學:血液病理、腎臟病理、皮膚病理、細胞病理與分子病理。除了一般外科病理的工作之外,到R2之後會安排課程與時段專心學習次專科。 (5)附屬醫院共22名專任主治醫師皆是住院醫師的教師。 【教學資源】 (1) 主治醫師各有次專領域專長。 (2) 完整豐富的教學片(含數位切片)、線上核心課程。 (3) 科內藏書豐富,線上免費電子圖書期刊資源豐富。 .具備文件: 1.甄選資料表: (1) 萬芳醫院病理科:萬芳醫院首頁http://www.wanfang.gov.tw→認識萬芳→人員募集→福利制度及應徵方式→履歷表單下載 (2) 臺北醫學大學附設醫院病理科:北醫附醫首頁https://www.tmuh.org.tw→訊息專區→招募新夥伴→附件下載-甄選資料表 (3) 雙和醫院病理科:雙和醫院首頁https://shh.tmu.edu.tw/→人員招募→福利制度與應徵方式→下載甄選資料表 2.履歷自傳(A4 格式一張,約500~1000 字,中英文皆可) 3.醫學系成績單*1 4.身份證影本*1 5.畢業證書影本*1 6.醫師證書影本*1 7.PGY結業證書影本*1 (未完訓者請提供服務證明) 8.男生需附兵役或免役證明影本 .甄選方式: ◎報名日期:即日起至額滿為止 ◎甄選方式:另行通知 ◎甄選時間:另行通知 ◎甄選地點:【臺北醫學大學附設醫院病理科】 台北市吳興街250號醫學綜合大樓後棟8樓病理科會議室 .聯絡方式: ◎臺北醫學大學附設醫院: 莊小姐 [email protected] (02)27361661轉3147 ◎臺北市立萬芳醫院: 朱小姐 [email protected] (02) 29307930 轉1483 ◎衛福部雙和醫院: 張小姐 [email protected] (02) 22490088 轉1484

待遇面議 員工2400人
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4/26 113學年度二年期西醫PGY住院醫師(實際招募容額依衛生福利部核定之113年度訓練容額公告為主)

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

學歷: 醫學系、學士後醫學系或中醫學系選醫學系雙主修畢業生 具備文件: 一、應屆畢業生: 1.本院網站甄選資料表 2.自傳(不限定格式) 3.歷年成績單影本(含全年及總人數及歷年成績總排名) 4.通過第一階段國考成績證明 5.如男性免役或延役者須檢附相關證明 二、非應屆畢業生: 1.本院網站甄選資料表 2.自傳(不限定格式) 3.歷年成績單影本(含全年及總人數及歷年成績總排名) 4.醫師證書正反面影本 5.畢業證書正反面影本 6.兵役相關證明文件,現役者請註明預定退伍日期 資料繳交期限:113年01月26日(星期五) 甄試日期:112年02月24日(星期六) (具備文件請依照一般醫學訓練選配系統載明為主) 甄選方式: 請於「二年期一般醫學訓練選配系統」完成線上報名。 並將甄試資料郵寄至 11031臺北市信義區吳興街252號 臺北醫學大學附設醫院第一醫療大樓七樓教學部 (註:113年度二年期PGY住院醫師 甄試 收) 聯絡方式: (02)2737-2181轉3751 張小姐 E-mail:[email protected]

待遇面議 員工2400人
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4/26 113學年內科部住院醫師(實際招募容額依衛生福利部核定之113年度訓練容額公告為主)

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

.學歷: 1.醫學院醫學系、學士後醫學系,已具本國醫師證書,且已完成畢業後一般醫學訓練。 2.國外醫學院畢業者,須取得中華民國醫師證書始具報考資格。 3.外國籍醫師報考應檢附外僑長期居留證明及勞委會核發之工作許可函。 .工作經歷: 具PGY2完訓。 .證書: 醫師證書、有效期ACLS證書。 .工作內容: 住院醫師。 .具備文件: 1.本院網站甄選資料表 (請至本院網站下載https://www.tmuh.org.tw/recruit) 2.醫師證書影本 3.PGY訓練證明 4.畢業證書影本 5.在校成績單並附名次 6.兵役相關證明 7.履歷自傳一份 8.若有其他特殊學經歷請一併檢附相關證明文件 .甄選方式: 請將履歷於112/11/15(三)前寄至信箱:[email protected],收到履歷後將安排面試,面試時間:112/11/23(四) 16:00 .聯絡方式: (02)2737-2181轉3577 林先生 E-mail:[email protected]

待遇面議 員工2400人
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4/25 [醫事]感染控制中心/HIV個案管理師

  • 新北市板橋區
  • 2年以上
  • 大學

提供愛滋防治衛教與諮詢、與公衛聯繫掌控個案規則回診治療並追蹤愛滋個案,使其得到良好的照護。另提供非感染者預防愛滋預防性投藥業務。 ※具愛滋個管師證書尤佳。

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4/24 Senior Customer Education Training Manager (Injectable Aesthetics)

  • 台北市大同區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

Core Mission: Customer education and training including medical and business which is followed Brand's mission and equity. Partner with Product Manager to achieve Brand mission and co work with sales team for achieving sales outcome. Responsibilities : (1) Plan & execute annual training curriculums including symposia, workshops, medical associations collaboration and sales team requested training (2) Co-work with product manager or regional or global business unit for oversea conferences, collaboration programs (3) Plan and monitor CET VM monthly under yearly budget and develop evaluation report on training activities (4) Plan & execute sales teams training with product manager for uplevel teams professional including IMPACT selling, Product knowledge, paper reading, scientific review ..etc. (5) Maintain KOL relationship with scientific-based events e.g society cooperation, workshop and provide latest product information/injection techniques (6) Manage and report clinic complaint E.g adverse event to related department (7) Equipped with updated injection technique and beauty concepts related to aesthetics injectables and develop marketing deliverables. Requirement : (1) University Degree (BS or Master) in Nursing or medical related major (2) 3 to 5 years of experience in training or sales in aesthetics / cosmetics / pharmaceutical industry (3) Intermediate to advanced English language capability in reading, writing, listening and speaking (4) Highly self-motivated, a team player

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4/24 Patient Safety Specialist

  • 台北市信義區
  • 4年以上
  • 大學

Manage the receipt and processing of all adverse event reports reported either spontaneously from any source or solicited from a clinical trial including safety database entry, AE review, write patient narratives with coding, follow-up of missing information, listedness assessment against appropriate label (For Marketed products, if applicable) Submission of expedited Serious Adverse Event (SAE) reports to clients, Regulatory Authorities, Ethics Committees, investigators, 3rd party vendors, Partners and Labcorp project personnel, if required & as agreed with client during study set-up, within study specified timelines Ensure all cases that require expediting reporting to worldwide Regulatory Agencies or other recipients are prioritised for processing and submission within the regulatory and/or study specific applicable timelines Prepares timely pharmacovigilance reports for products and safety issues, including Individual Case Summary Reports (ICSRs) of Serious Adverse Events (SAEs), Annual IND reports, European Annual Safety Reports (ASRs), Development Safety Update Report (DSUR), Periodic Reports (PRs) line listings, and aggregate reports Perform peer/independent QC of Safety reports as needed Work with Data Management or client on reconciliation of safety databases, if appropriate. Maintain a strong understanding of Labcorp’s safety database conventions or client-specific database conventions, as appropriate Maintains a comprehensive understanding of Labcorp PSS Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), Work Instructions (WI), guidance documents and directives associated with safety management, reporting and pharmacovigilance. Assist in signal detection, trend and pattern recognition activities, as appropriate Monitor workflow for assigned studies/programs to ensure all the timelines are met. Assist in the development of departmental Work Instructions (WI) and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), as appropriate. Participate in the generation of monthly status and other project-specific reports ensuring the quality and accuracy of metrics/data provided. Support/train less experienced safety staff in all aspects of case-handling, adverse event reporting and other work, as needed. Begin to prepare Safety Management Plans (SMPs), Reconciliation Plans and other safety- specific plans under supervision. Responsible for making decisions regarding adverse event reporting within the guidelines of each specific project. Actively participates in project team and client meetings and liaise with clients, where appropriate; Assist with proactive quality issue resolution and implementation of actions, as needed Support audit or inspection preparations Assist in the review of cumulative safety data for submission to Drug Safety Monitoring Boards (DSMBs), regulatory authorities or clients Assist with the set-up of, and the provision of data to Safety Committees/DSMBs Build and maintain good PSS relationships across functional units. Demonstrate role-specific Competencies and company values on a consistent basis. Assist in the co-ordination of endpoint committees, as required Any other duties as assigned by management


4/26 QA Manager

  • 台北市南港區
  • 10年以上
  • 大學

This candidate will lead the quality function at Syncell Inc, ensuring compliance to all applicable quality, customer, and regulatory requirements. As a key member of the site leadership team, this individual will provide the strategic direction to top management and perform the necessary oversight to achieve establishment and full implementation of the site Quality Management System (QMS). Responsible for establishing, leading and managing the Quality Team to support site operational performance and meet business needs. QMS site representative, leader for all regulatory and customer audits/inspections and contact person for QMS compliance issues. Responsibility: • Establish and maintain the company’s quality system, provide quality expertise and guide Quality department to effectively meet or exceed goals and target. • Collaborate with the various functions to ensure the quality management system is comprehensive, incorporates standard processes, and is consistent with the strategic plan. • Collaborate with cross-functional teams to formulate product inspection plans and ensure compliance with quality standards. • Product Development responsibilities including design controls, risk management, document control and record management, and supplier management. • Manufacturing responsibilities including process controls, labeling, change control/management, and CAPA. • Responsible for monitoring and measurement including validations, calibrations, customer feedback and complaints, Post Market Surveillance, internal audits. • Hire and retain a diverse, highly qualified staff and provides ongoing performance feedback. Set goals which align to department plans and be responsible for the execution of goals through coaching and mentoring. • Ensure continuous improvement through the Practical Process Improvement (PPI) • Ensure corporate, regulatory, and division quality requirements are met. • Ensure customer expectations are met or exceeded. Qualifications: • Bachelor of Science Degree in – Life Sciences, Engineering or related science/engineering degree preferred. • 10+ years of professional quality experience – Site quality leadership experience preferred. • Understanding of the Life Sciences or IVD/Medical Devices industries and required compliance regulations for products and processes. • Solid understanding and experience with ISO 9001/ISO 13485 standards • Experience in MDSAP, IVD/IVDR, 510K and GxP requirements is a plus. • Deep knowledge and experience implementing the following: Design and Process FMEA’s (Failure Mode Effects Analysis), CAPA (Corrective and Preventive Actions) process, Design Transfer, V&V, Complaints Handling process, Change Control/Management process, Post Market Surveillance Other Skills • Effective as a valued team member and colleague with leaders at all levels • Experience working and providing customer support, investigations, and relationship management. • Confirmed communication and internal/external customer management skills. • Experience supporting change management efforts. • Confirmed people leadership skills to build out the successful team. • Demonstrates personal awareness and desire for continual learning and personal development. • Hands-on and productive - Normally receives little instruction on day-to-day work, general instructions on new assignments. • Must possess the presentation skills and integrity to project a professional image, both internally and externally • Strong interpersonal, verbal and written communications skills are crucial.


4/23 品質管理:供應商稽核與集團品質控管-SQE資深專員/副理 (營運總部)

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 2年以上
  • 大學

1. 制定稽核計畫與內容,並對供應商定期稽核, 2. 供應商生產與交貨品質問題檢討、監控及改善推動 3. 供應商矯正預防措施回復及改善效果確認。 4. 集團SQE人員工作安排及調配,報告內容檢討,人員培訓及考核。 5. 異常趨勢分析與推動供應商改善。 6. 採購品廠驗 7. 與RD單位合作,推動對新料檢驗標準的建構與實施。


4/25 Clinical Research / Regulatory Affairs - 臨床試驗/法規事務

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

- Manage the regulatory activities of medical products - planning, reviewing, and coordinating regulatory submissions. - Cooperate with internal and external partners to manage the timeline and quality of the CTD dossier. - Participate in the pre-IND and IND projects to facilitate new drug development. - Ensure compliance with the EMA/US FDA/TFDA regulations. - The title will be commensurate with experience.

待遇面議 員工80人 遠端工作 距捷運西湖站約220公尺

4/24 【客戶關係管理部】Client Service Representative 原廠服務專員

  • 台北市松山區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

*****歡迎加入裕利的大家庭***** 嚮往全亞洲最大的醫療保健集團嗎? 身處後疫情時代,希望為台灣的醫療保健盡一份心力嗎? 歡迎您可以加入Zuellig Pharma的大家庭! 【加入我們後,您可以...】 *與國際知名藥廠、耗材廠商及全台各大醫療院所合作,深入了解醫藥物流專業知識及流程。 * 擁有完整的新人到職教育訓練,幫助您快速上手工作業務 , 以及融入裕利大家庭。 * 與裕利同仁共同完成與原廠客戶之間的溝通,適合喜歡團隊合作氛圍的您。 * 按勞基法內容享有年假外,公司亦提供優於勞基法的福利制度。 1.擔任所指派的原廠的專職原廠關係管理職務 2.準時召集主持業務季會/月會會議 3.介紹說明新的解決方案給原廠,並確保其被順利使用 4.跟催原廠在年度滿意度調查中所提出的關心議題





