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4/08 2024暑期太空學校隊輔 Tour Group Leader

  • 美國德克薩斯州
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

We are a forward thinking, international education company looking for passionate Tour Group Leaders to lead our scheduled two-week expeditions in July 2024. CASE Junior Space School programs involves students in G7-9 (aged 12-15) and CASE Senior Space School programs involves students in G10-12 (aged 15-18). Both run for approximately two weeks at various locations including NASA at Houston TX, Huntsville AL and San Francisco/Silicon Valley in the US. We are currently recruiting for Tour Group Leaders for the following expeditions in 2024: CASE Junior Space School: (July 2024) - Departing July 8, returning July 21, 2024 CASE Senior Space School: (July 2024) - Departing July 6, returning July 19, 2024 Responsibilities The Tour Group Leader will be responsible for: • Attending all required training sessions, either at Actura's Taipei Office or via ZOOM • Online completion of the e-Learning training courses is compulsory (approx. 6-10 hours) • Attending all tour pre-departure meetings and events as required. Dates to be confirmed and advised to Group Leaders as soon as determined • Implementing the planned tour logistics for a group of no more than 25 students for two weeks • Liaising with Operations to deliver the scheduled itinerary • Escorting the group through Immigration and Customs in Taiwan and the US (Space School) ; transfers between airport / accommodation; on privately chartered buses to various venues / activities; during all meals • Delivering the personal development aspect of the program based on the training provided • Managing the teaching staff from the school(s) involved, and engaging them in the program • Supporting the students and carrying out student custody for the duration of the tour • Following SOP procedures as trained • Must be available to travel on either side of the expedition dates, in case of potential delays or unplanned changes to schedule Required attributes, qualifications and experience • Fluent in English and Mandarin • University qualifications, preferred in a STEAM related field • Experience in leading young people • Good health and stamina – the tours are arduous and require physical and mental rigour; the ability to function well under stress • An extraverted personality, with a willingness and capacity to extend themselves and embrace new challenges such as leading group dancing and other physical activities/exercise • A current First Aid certificate including CPR (to be valid during the period of employment) • A clear police check • A valid passport with more than 6 months validity as of the end-date of the attending expedition • U.S. ESTA Visa must be self-obtained upon confirmation of recruitment Additional information A detailed employment contract will be provided for review, but a successful applicant can expect: • Gross Salary of TWD$35,000 to cover pre-tour training and events as well as the tour itself, plus a performance bonus of up to TWD$5,000 gross • Provision of all flights, meals, accommodation, ground transportation, events' admission, a mobile phone for use on expedition, travel insurance • Appropriate training to fulfill the Tour Group Leader role for the allocated specific program Applicants are requested to submit applications via 104 or send your CV to [email protected] email address. Due to the number of applicants responding, we also request that applicants do not call the Actura enquiries phone number to follow up or make further enquiries. Visit www.actura.com.tw to learn more about our company and our life-changing experiential study programs. Employer questions Your application will include both your CV and answers to the following questions: • Which of the following statements best describes your right to work in Taiwan? • How would you rate your English language skills? • How many years of experience do you have as a Youth Mentor?

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4/24 營隊隊輔(熱愛教學與科學)

  • 台北市中正區
  • 1年以上
  • 大學

▎工作內容 1. 接受官方師資培訓與考核 2. STEAM課程講述/授課/協助授課 ▎期望條件 1. 認同建立兒童優質素養理念之夥伴 2. 具備責任感、能主動解決問題及危機處理 3. 具良好的溝通能力、禮貌、細心及耐心 4. 歡迎提供過往活動紀錄,如課程記錄照片、活動影片等。 5. 喜愛與孩子相處,熱愛互動的營隊哥哥姊姊 6. 若您擁有以上特質且是就學中的大學生,我們也願意協助培訓 |上班時間|面議(全職、兼職) |上班地點|台北市中正區館前路 |授課待遇|面議

待遇面議 員工4人

4/21 暑期學生實習領隊,實習講師培訓。可配合學校實習時數。

  • 新北市板橋區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

實習領隊~ 安排有旅遊業領隊能力培訓課程,並在暑假期間實際帶領兒童戶外教學,兒童夏令營等領隊工作操作。帶小朋友到旅遊景點參與導覽 體驗 團康遊戲等活動內容。 實習講師~ 到安親班幫小朋友做營隊課程的講課,例如偵探營 童軍營 理財營隊等,非一般學科類的課程,上課前需花心思理解講師教材內容及上課帶領技巧。


4/25 Miopane全台最大蔬食麵包連鎖集團積極擴展海外市場/徵派駐【派駐美國加州】〜徵麵包二手及三手師傅/薪資待遇80,000元/月〜10,0000元/月【固定或變動薪資因個而異/無麵包2手3手實作經驗請勿投遞】/透明升遷管道及優於業界薪資福利

  • 美西地區
  • 2年以上
  • 高中

Miopane海外/駐美國加州麵包 二手及三手師傅 【工作地點:美國 加利福尼亞州】【無麵包實際經驗請勿投遞】 【主要職責】 1.協助師傅製作 2.攪拌、分割及麵包整形。 3.計算各種原料配方之用量及設定適當攪拌溫度。 4.稱量原料以機械混合或攪拌成糰(糊)。 5.執行發酵、壓延、分割、整形、包餡、烤焙等工作。 6.控制發酵箱溫度、濕度,檢查發酵程度。 7.熱愛做麵包者佳。 8.主管交辦事項 【個性/特質】 1.樂觀/企圖心強/嚮往國外發展。 2.對工作態度及配合度佳,主動積極,並樂於與夥伴分享經驗。 【本職缺需先在台灣培訓5〜6個月並經認證考核通過 (台灣受訓期間薪資34,000〜39,000元/月 TWD)再分派至美國〜。】 【無麵包實際經驗請勿投遞】 3.願意謙虛學習,積極正面,親切誠懇,主動勤勞,樂觀向上,有耐力有熱情。 Miopane海外/駐美國加州麵包 二手及三手師傅福利制度/工作環境完善,比同業好很多! 是全台最大的麵包連鎖品牌/野椿(好膳) 連鎖餐飲集團旗下7大連鎖品牌之一 每半年考核一次,明確的考核制度,讓您可以一步一步的晉升: 學徒、三手、二手、二手頭、實習主管、主管 【無麵包實際經驗請勿投遞】 我們用心培養人才,在這裡一定學得到技術 我們需要有『團隊精神』、有『責任心』的人,歡迎加入我們! 提供我們的電商網站給大家參考: https://www.miopane.com 【相關制度和福利】 1. 工作待遇:80,000〜100,000元/TWD 【固定或變動薪資因個而異/ (無)麵包2手3手實作經驗請勿投遞】。 2. 排班制 /周休2天。 3. 就職滿一年享14天帶薪年假與休假往返(經濟艙)機票。 4. 公司提供工作餐/補助用餐費。 5. (公司)提供交通工具。 【其他條件】 1. 對國外發展有興趣且願意接受完整培訓及發展。 2. 工作有條理、細心有責任感及主動、樂於分享溝通及協調能力。 3. 樂於分享工作成就及面對缺失勇於承擔不規避,能與團隊虛心改善及檢討。 4. 派駐海外,需簽3年至5年工作合約。 5. 語文條件:英文-聽/略懂、說/略懂、讀/略懂、寫/略懂。 6. 需有二手/三手經驗。【無麵包實際經驗請勿投遞】


4/18 海外華語教師_(全職 | 日班 | 須配合美國教師學程)

  • 美加地區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

到美國推廣華語文化,進行中文教學。 現在眾多美國學校,包含高中、國中、國小,都必須開設第二語言的課程,其中就含有中文課,這創造了大量職缺。邀請您前來迴音谷了解,這是個到美國發展的機會,提供給您。 要求: GPA 3.0 TOFEL 81 /IELTS 6.0 ACTFL中文考試(OPIc+WPT) 主要安排: 參加美國教師碩士學程,五月入學,預計可在一年內獲得美國教師執照。 工作安排: 一旦取得教師執照,學員可透過就讀學校應徵教職,或透過基金會媒合。 其他相關資訊請看迴音谷 海外華語教師計畫 https://echoabc.com.tw/teacher_abroad





