▋ 2025暑期實習計畫介紹
在德州儀器Texas Instruments實習的期間,將有專屬學長姐帶領您,體驗快速變動的跨國際工作環境,獲得充足的專業訓練、貼近實務工作的專案實務經驗,並能享用公司各式線上資源,享受與正職員工同等的優渥的福利待遇,並能優先獲得畢業轉正職的預聘機會,畢業立刻就業!您可以說「在TI,你所做的不只是一份工作,而是在參與改寫人類科技及生活方式的發展史」;加入TI,你有機會與全世界的菁英互動,TI更是你展現獨特智慧與潛能的最佳平台。
▋ 實習期間及實習地點
▋ 廠務工程師實習職務說明
Facilities Engineering interns will receive significant projects related to their Mechanical, Chemical, Electrical, Controls, or Civil studies that are challenging and beneficial to the facilities organization.
Mechanical Engineering interns may work issues related to thermodynamics, heat transfer, gas and fluid mechanics, process control or HVAC and psychometric processes. Most projects will support advanced micro-electronics manufacturing operations.
Chemical Engineering interns will often work with over fifty types of chemicals and gases that are used in the production of semiconductors.
Electrical Engineering interns will often have projects related to power distribution systems that ensure 100% uptime of the manufacturing equipment.
All intern projects often include the following responsibilities:
• Analyzing existing mechanical systems to troubleshoot problems and improve operating efficiencies (i.e., reduce operating and maintenance costs), improve reliability and/or regain capacity, etc.
• Working with programmable logic controllers (PLC’s) to automate the Facilities systems, also known as Controls Engineering
• Using flow and pressure monitoring equipment to generate useful graphical data for communications
• Responsibility for static, dynamic design, and analysis of mechanical systems, equipment and packages
• Conducting feasibility studies and testing on new and modified designs
• Providing design information to drafting for packaging documentation
• Planning plant, office and production equipment layouts for economy of operation and maximum utilization of facilities and equipment
• Reviewing and estimating design costs including equipment, installation, labor, materials, preparation, and other related costs
• Developing criteria and performance specifications for facilities and equipment, required to meet unique operating requirements and building and safety codes
Put your talent to work with us as a Facilities Engineering Intern – change the world, love your job!