- 台中市西屯區
- 經歷不拘
- 學歷不拘
◆歡迎中高齡、外籍學生、新住民、斜槓人才!! ◆無經驗可!透過服務傳遞快樂的工作 ◆有興趣者歡迎投遞履歷~~~ 【工作地點】 台中惠文路店 【工作內容】 ▲外場 顧客接待,說明帶位,設備介紹,桌邊/櫃台結帳,環境維護 (由前輩帶領,有完整教育訓練,初次從事服務業者,也能安心工作) ▲內場 壽司製作,食材準備,餐點製作,環境清潔與整理 【工作時間】 應徵時段:早班.晚班.假日班 彈性排班時段:9:00~23:00(時間可與主管討論) (時間排班依店鋪營運狀況,會有增減調整) 【公司福利】 提供員工餐飲優惠 三節獎金 完整的教育訓練 工讀轉正(職等保留) 【兼職時薪】 190~250元 完善的晉升制度 【未來發展】 ⊚日本知名老牌上市上櫃公司,已於美國上市,目前台灣上櫃登入成績亮眼。 ⊚海外擴點進行中,秉持日本藏壽司品牌精神,致力提供安心美味的日式餐點及樂趣無限的體驗式用餐環境。 ⊚完善的福利、優渥的薪資制度,讓社員可以安心的在這歡樂的大家庭工作,挑戰無限的可能性,追求自我價值。 歡迎優秀、有志的您一起加入, 用實力展現出最強大的自己,成就管理者夢想!
9/19 Taiwan Marketing_Social Media Marketing Planner 社群媒體行銷企劃
- Gogoro Taiwan Limited_睿能創意股份有限公司
- 機車及其零件製造業
- 台北市松山區
- 2年以上
- 大學
Position Impact: We are seeking a dynamic and creative Social Media Marketing Planner to join our Taiwan Marketing team. The ideal candidate will be responsible for planning, executing, and managing our social media, as well as our social-driven campaigns to grow our online presence, engage with our audience, and strengthen our brand image. This role requires a proactive thinker with a can-do attitude, excellent communication skills, and a deep understanding of social media platforms, trends, and best practices. Responsibilities: • Content Planning and Creation: Create, curate, and manage engaging, high-quality content across owned and paid social media platforms. • Campaign Planning and Management: Develop and implement social-driven campaigns aligned with communication objectives and goals. • Audience Engagement: Foster and manage relationships with followers, respond to comments and messages in collaboration with the customer service team, and engage with the online community to drive engagement and brand loyalty. • Analytics and Reporting: Monitor, analyze, and report on social media performance metrics. Use insights to optimize plans and improve engagement and ROI. Requirements: • Bachelor’s degree in Marketing, Communications, Business, or a related field. • Minimum of 2-3 years of experience in social media marketing, digital marketing, or a related role. Agency experience is a plus. • Have a motorcycle driving license and know how to ride a scooter. • Gogoro owner or a GoShare user is a plus. Skills: • Strong understanding of major social media platforms. • Proficiency in social media management and analytics tools. • Creative thinking and ability to generate innovative ideas. • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills. • Strong organizational and multitasking skills. • Ability to work independently and as part of a team in a fast-paced environment. • Photography skills and photo editing skills are a plus.
9/19 Logistics Specialist 售後服務零件中心物流專員
- Gogoro Taiwan Limited_睿能創意股份有限公司
- 機車及其零件製造業
- 台北市松山區
- 2年以上
- 大學
Position Impact: 售後服務零件中心物流人員負責支持供應鏈運作流程中的進貨與進貨異常處理與訂單履行和運輸文件報表管理,確保我們所有的客戶都能正確、準時地收到他們的訂單 Responsibilities: • 確保按SOP在物流數據庫中登記和處理進貨供應品。 • 到貨異常及問題追蹤、修正客戶訂單處理並追蹤。 • 每日處理系統進、出、退貨扣帳事宜。 • 定期提供進出貨狀況報表、更新庫存記錄 • 進銷存相關資訊正確維護在SAP系統。 • 與內部團隊合作,修正或改善客戶訂單 • 適時提出問題,改善工作流程達成任務。 • 到貨異常作業處理及問題追蹤與修正 Requirements: • 熟SAP系統、Excel能力需佳。 • 能掌握物流數據。 • 具抗壓性、在意細節 • 有管理第三方物流服務商的經驗為佳 • 需要有庫存管理經驗。 • 相關工作經驗2年以上。 • 能夠處理多項任務並按時完成任務 • 良好的分析和解決問題的能力
9/19 CAFEIN 加盟展店開發人員
- 台北市中山區
- 3年以上
- 專科
1. 具備至少2年以上街邊店面接洽實務,可獨立執行商圈調查、租賃物件之開發洽談、與地主談判與協調簽約等相關事項。 2. 加盟招商業務推廣,負責國內加盟連鎖業務開發與接洽 3. 展店企劃與開發評估及執行、市場調查、商圈資訊搜尋、物件情報收集建檔能力。(含評估開店效益、編寫成本預算及控制) 4. 具備餐飲市場敏銳度、市場競品分析相關及具備商圈展店策略與消費型態市場分析。 5. 策劃加盟說明會與執行 6. 執行加盟門市續約及相關費用協調。 7. 其他主管交代事項。 8. 具備連鎖餐飲業店舖開發相關工作經驗者佳 9. 具備高度溝通協調能力,加盟關係維護。
9/19 外商部帳務審計高級專員(台北市-南京復興捷運站附近)
- 中山普萊聯合會計師事務所新竹分所
- 會計服務業
- 台北市松山區
- 5年以上
- 專科
在中山外商部帳審高級專員一職中讓你/妳能在具創新挑戰的環境下快速成長發展且升遷機會佳。工作中你/妳將有機會透過接觸多元的行業別國內外客戶,更深入的了解各個不同行業的運作和挑戰。另外,事務所加入國際聯盟所PrimeGlobal,藉由此平台協助客戶至台灣或是世界各地進行投資,我們以台灣為未來世界的中心出發,伴隨著客戶茁壯成長。歡迎對於跨國事業營運及稅務規劃有興趣的你/妳加入我們的團隊。 (一)會計帳務處理 1.平時會計帳務作業, 包括:憑證整理歸檔、各項傳票編製、入帳及沖銷。 2.定期財務報表、科目餘額、管理性報表及成本表編製作業。 (二) 稅務申報處理作業 營業稅、年度中暫繳、各類給付扣繳(股利)憑單開立、營利事業所得稅結算、未分配盈餘申報作業、年底會計之結算作業。 (三) 審計查核程序作業 1.審查財務會計收支文件及憑證。 2.編製財務報表,以及其他財務分析資料等。 3.編製工作底稿 。 4.撰寫稅務及財務簽證報告等工作。 (四) 外僑個人綜合所得稅申報。 (五) 公司財務分析及未來預算規劃。 (六) 會計師專案管理(以美國、澳洲及東南亞為主)。 (七) 主管交辦事項 。
9/19 工務行政助理(台北市區內)
- 祿鼎建設股份有限公司
- 建築工程業
- 台北市中山區
- 1年以上
- 高中
1.協助採購,營建,工務 簽呈登記/追蹤/歸檔。 2.協助工程合約製作/用印/整理後掃描與歸檔。 3.各工地請款金額總表匯整。 4.協助採購,營建,工務部門會議紀錄及後續追蹤及調整。 5.廠商聯絡資料總表與各工地發包廠商資料表建立。 6.協助採購發包暨工地計價管理(高益)系統之– 廠商/工料/合約 資料建檔/修改/新增(熟悉尤佳)。 7.各工地放樣勘驗前之相關文件整理/用印/申報。 8.相關標章申請之文件彙整/追蹤(綠/智/耐震/無障礙)。 9.中文輸入60/分鐘。 10. 3年以上有經驗者月薪38000元 (具有會計經驗者月薪40000元) *無經驗者33000元 11. 早上8時上班,下午5時30分下班 12. 年終1個月
9/19 GoShare_營運服務系統監控專員(日班)
- Gogoro Taiwan Limited_睿能創意股份有限公司
- 機車及其零件製造業
- 台北市松山區
- 經歷不拘
- 高中
Position Impact: GoShare 持續提高我們的服務品質,並提供更好的體驗給我們的用戶。 在這份職位,你要確保營運的順暢,針對各種突發狀況臨危不亂的做出正確判斷並下達明確指令,是這份工作的關鍵之處。若你享受解決問題、快步調的工作環境,能夠快速處理大量的即時資訊,我們非常期待你的加入!GoShare 有完整的培訓流程,歡迎想要加入一同改變世界行列的你! Responsibilities: • 監控營運系統即時營運狀況,確保運轉順暢。 • 負責與各單位進行溝通協調,並記錄通報狀況。 • 負責確認內部作業系統正常運作,如遇按照標準作業流程無法排除之故障,則需透過緊急回報流程進入修復程序,確保能夠被有效的監控。 • 建立問題解決方案,持續優化作業/行政流程。 Requirements: • 能夠獨立作業,解決問題。 • 細心負責,不放過每個可以做得更好的小細節。 • 無經驗可,我們會有完整的培訓流程。 • 熱愛解決問題,反應快,理解力強。 • 基本 Office 系統能力,會使用 Excel。 • 你必須在工作上具備出色的穩定性及責任感,願意與人溝通協調,有條有理,不會出錯。 • 能與顧客溝通並了解對方的訴求。 • 能接受快步調工作節奏。 *另有三節獎金、年終獎金等集團員工福利。
9/19 Finance_ Billing Specialist 帳務專員
- Gogoro Taiwan Limited_睿能創意股份有限公司
- 機車及其零件製造業
- 台北市松山區
- 3年以上
- 專科
Position Impact: Gogoro 持續提高我們的服務品質,並提供更好的體驗給我們的用戶。在這份職位,你將經手帳務會計端營運。若你/妳享受解決系統問題、快步調的工作環境,能夠快速分析大量的帳務資訊,我們非常期待你的加入! Responsibility: 1. 規劃帳單系統整合性,透過流程檢視及相關控制,建置對帳/清帳的資訊優化,補強勾稽審核管理 2. 處理回覆客服中心及業務單位客訴案件 3. 帳單資訊分析,促動原紙本帳單用戶轉型,負載優化,發揮最大效益 4. 核對帳務:包括對帳差異釐清、發票查詢更正及付款查詢更正 5. 處理緊急問題,追蹤查詢異常的原因,透過改善措施/方法,解決問題與營運團隊合作 6. 處理日常的銀行帳務報表核對,遵循程序按時完成。 Requirement: 1. 兩年以上帳務計費相關經驗,具有帳務系統使用、優化經驗或財務相關工作經驗尤佳。 2. 熟悉 Google sheet 及 MS excel 公式運算及函數操作。 3. 積極主動、分析能力強,財務和運營程序的知識或能力。 4. 跨部門溝通協調,即時解決客戶進線反應的帳務相關問題,具備團隊合作精神。 5. 細節注意力強,準確地處理帳單退款作業,有良好的時間管理能力。
9/19 Finance_Accounts Payable 應付帳款專員
- Gogoro Taiwan Limited_睿能創意股份有限公司
- 機車及其零件製造業
- 台北市松山區
- 5年以上
- 大學
Position Impact 應付帳款負責應付會計交易的記錄與維持,職場氣氛重視原則與紀律,使得公司的帳務能正確並有效率的被完成,期許能扮演好多重角色並提供具影響力的數字,以協助企業進行經營管理。 Responsibilities 1. 審核各項費用、差旅申請及固定資產等相關憑證及帳務 2. 營業稅申報和各類所得申報扣繳 3. IFRS16使用權資產帳務處理 4. 配合SOX流程作業 5. 提供費用分析報表 Qualification 1. 須熟悉Excel操作 2. 若具備SAP經驗者尤佳 3. 細心、抗壓性高、有效率,能獨立作業
9/19 SWRD_Software Product Manager 軟體產品經理
- Gogoro Taiwan Limited_睿能創意股份有限公司
- 機車及其零件製造業
- 台北市松山區
- 5年以上
- 大學
Position Impact: Responsible for designing and optimizing systematic solutions to drive business goals and operational efficiency. Responsibilities: • Offer technical expertise and recommendations for evaluating new business requirements and software implementations. • Identify opportunities to enhance business value and optimize efficiency in business processes. • Analyze corporate database data to pinpoint data integrity issues in current and proposed systems, implementing effective solutions. • Provide support and guidance to business users on utilizing applications and IT effectively. • Create comprehensive technical documentation for new and existing applications, covering operations, user guides, and more. • Collaborate on IT project teams, contributing to the design phase of new software development projects. • Assist in crafting system design and functional specifications for all new development initiatives. • Develop wireframes or prototypes to aid in confirming system design. Soft Skills Requirement: • Strong interpersonal skills to lead and influence cross-functional teams to drive team members towards common goals. • Possess high-quality communication skills, embrace multiple functions, and members corresponding to different functions can also create effective communication.
9/19 Taiwan Marketing_Community Planner 用戶社群行銷企劃
- Gogoro Taiwan Limited_睿能創意股份有限公司
- 機車及其零件製造業
- 台北市松山區
- 2年以上
- 大學
Position Impact: We are looking for a passionate and motivated Community Planner to join our Taiwan Marketing team. The ideal candidate will be responsible for developing, implementing, and managing community engagement initiatives aimed at fostering a strong and vibrant community with Gogoro/PBGN riders and GoShare users. This role involves planning and executing engagement programs and events, and acting as a liaison between the company and the rider/user community. Responsibilities: • Community Engagement Planning and Management: Develop and execute comprehensive community engagement programs/events to enhance rider/user satisfaction, loyalty, and advocacy. • Relationship Building: Build and maintain strong relationships with riders/users, community leaders, and key stakeholders to foster a supportive and engaged community. Communicate effectively through various channels, including social media, email,and in-person interactions, etc. • Performance Analysis: Work closely with cross-functional teams to monitor and analyze customer engagement metrics to assess the effectiveness of community initiatives and make data-driven decisions to improve customer loyalty. • Advocacy: Act as an advocate for riders/users within the company, providing insights and feedback to internal teams to enhance the customer experience. Requirements: • Bachelor’s degree in Marketing, Communications, Event Management, or a related field. • Minimum of 2 years of experience in community management, event planning, or a related role. • Must have a motorcycle driving license and know how to ride a scooter. • Gogoro owner or a GoShare user is a plus. Skills: • Strong interpersonal and communication skills. • Proven ability to plan and execute successful events and engagement activities. • Ability to work independently and as part of a team. • Strong organizational and multitasking skills. • Ability to work independently and as part of a team in a fast-changing environment.
9/19 Finance_Budget Controlling Program Manager (台北市松山區)
- Gogoro Taiwan Limited_睿能創意股份有限公司
- 機車及其零件製造業
- 台北市松山區
- 6年以上
- 大學
Position Impact: Budget Controlling Program Manager 主要負責Gogoro 集團預算控管和集團管理報表。而這個職位也會協助各項專案進行,使得控管部門可以有效的幫助事業單位分析和控管營運目標。我們期待這個職位也可以引進業界財務控管的豐富經驗,帶給會計夥伴新的思維及工作方式。 這個職位不僅可以協助集團海外内外擴展,也可以繼續發展公司財務職涯規劃。 Responsibilities: • 預算編製與控管、協助事業單位營運目標設定、績效分析、追踪及預算控管。 • 管理報表編制,確保財務數據之可靠性及允當表達並及時反應預算執行狀況。 • 每月進行經營績效分析、差異分析並提出改善建議。 • 年度預算呈報及其審核與分析。 • 專案成本效益分析。 • 跨部門溝通與協調。 Requirements: • 6年以上經營管理分析相關經驗。 • 良好的分析溝通能力、表達能力及團隊精神。 • 能獨立作業並熟悉SAP、MS Office等操作,財務會計觀念清楚。 • 英文聽說讀寫能力佳。
9/19 Data Office_Business Intelligence Engineer
- Gogoro Taiwan Limited_睿能創意股份有限公司
- 機車及其零件製造業
- 台北市松山區
- 1年以上
- 大學
Position Impact: The Gogoro Data Office serves as the hub for delivering company-wide data-driven decision support. Backed by robust data pipelines and leveraging expertise in geospatial analysis, statistics, and artificial intelligence, the Gogoro Data Office creates solutions for KPI design, performance tracking, troubleshooting, and decision-making. All outcomes are delivered as interactive, highly visualized dashboards on a scalable platform. We are seeking a business-oriented technical enthusiast to collaborate with us in designing and developing this platform. This role presents an exciting opportunity to translate insights from big data into user-friendly graphics, simplifying complexity at its core. If you’re eager to tackle this challenge, seize this opportunity! Role & Responsibility: In close collaboration with the team, this position can cover: • Collaborate with product managers, data scientists, data analysts, data engineers, and graphic designers to construct highly visualized decision support solutions • Contribute to the design and enhancement of portals that integrate business intelligence insights • Create interactive visualizations and data analytics modules Requirements: To fit the positions’s capability, we are expecting you to have: • Strong collaborative and interpersonal communication skills • Knowledge of Python and its web frameworks such as Django, FastAPI, or Flask • Experience in developing and maintaining web applications and component libraries • Understanding of data engineering, including data structures and algorithms for efficient data manipulation • Passion for building products with exceptional UI/UX • Commitment to writing high-quality code and taking ownership of projects • Eagerness to learn and explore the latest technologies
9/19 Taiwan Marketing_Product Marketing Communications Planner 產品行銷企劃
- Gogoro Taiwan Limited_睿能創意股份有限公司
- 機車及其零件製造業
- 台北市松山區
- 5年以上
- 大學
Position Impact: We are seeking a strategic Product Marketing Communications Planner to join our Taiwan Marketing team. The ideal candidate will be responsible for planning comprehensive marcom strategies and driving communication initiatives for our products, ensuring they effectively reach our target audience and support business objectives. This role requires a combination of creativity, analytical skills, and a deep understanding of market trends. Responsibilities: • Product positioning: Identify, analyze, and prioritize products and services to grow business in the desired markets. • Market Research: Manage end-to-end research projects to identify target audiences, understand customer needs, and analyze competitor activities, including initiating briefs, defining business objectives, overseeing fieldwork, auditing reports and presenting final results to cross-functional stakeholders. • Marcom Strategy: Develop product marcom strategies and collaborate with cross-functional teams to build marketing plans & deliverables. • Product Launches: Oversee product launches, including developing go-to-market strategies, coordinating cross-functional teams, developing launch plans, and managing timelines. • Performance Analysis: Monitor and analyze the performance of product marketing campaigns using key metrics and analytics tools, providing insights and recommendations for optimization. • Customer Feedback: Gather and analyze customer feedback to inform product development and improve marketing strategies. • Collaboration: Work closely with product management, sales, business planning, and other teams to ensure alignment and effective execution of marketing plans. Requirements: • Bachelor's degree in Marketing, Business, Communications, or a related field. • Minimum of 5 years of experience in product marketing, brand marketing, brand management, or a related role. • Agency experience or experience in top consumer brands, or in the automotive/motorcycle industry is a plus. • Gogoro owner or a GoShare user is a plus. Skills: • Strong understanding of marketing principles and product lifecycle management. • Proven ability to plan and execute successful product launches and product marketing campaigns. • Strategic thinking, data analysis, and problem-solving abilities. • Strong organizational and project management skills to collaborate with cross-functional teams and agency partners. • Excellent verbal and written communication skills.
9/19 SWRD_Software Testing Engineer 軟體測試工程師
- Gogoro Taiwan Limited_睿能創意股份有限公司
- 機車及其零件製造業
- 台北市松山區
- 5年以上
- 大學
Position Impact: 軟體測試工程師的職務能在軟體測試的過程中,採取行動以實現公認的高品質與優勢,貢獻公司創建一個穩定及高效能的軟體系統平台。致力於建構測試自動化基礎的運作結構,設計,開發與發佈,洞察複雜的商業服務模式,不斷建構並改善系統自動化的框架,不妥協品質,建立識別和管理可能的風險的機制。 Responsibilities: • 以建構高品質的前瞻理想,執行、更新與維護現有的測試自動化框架,引進對測試自動化有利的新工具和方法,優化現行作業流程和自動化工具,提高團隊測試質量和效率。 • 充份掌握商業運營模式及使用者情境,理解需求和系統開發文件,建立測試策略與測試腳本,執行測試並提供測試報告及風險評估。 • 主動追蹤問題進度,與軟體專案管理人員、跨團隊軟體工程師、產品驗證工程師展開深度的合作關係,以成熟穏重的思維及良好的溝通協作態度,共同創建高品質的軟體系統。 Requirements: • 大學以上資訊工程/資訊管理或相關科系畢業。 • 三年以上 QA 測試經驗,包含 UI 及 API 測試、測試規劃、測試案例開發與執行、跨系統整合測試、自動化測試。 • 熟悉 Python 程式語言應用。 • 熟悉 Jmeter、Postman、Pytest 等測試工具。 • 良好的工作態度與責任感,具有獨立思考和解決問題的能力,能夠快速組織並同時處理多項任務。 Advanced Qualifications: • 具備壓力測試經驗。 • 整合自動化測試進 CI/CD 流程經驗。 • 接觸過大型系統與應用程序架構經驗。 • 熟悉 Jira、TestRail 等測試管理系統。 • 熟悉自動化測試相關工具: Git、Jenkins、Selenium、Robot Framework等。 • 熟悉 Linux 開發系統。
9/19 Software Product Designer 數位產品設計師
- Gogoro Taiwan Limited_睿能創意股份有限公司
- 機車及其零件製造業
- 台北市松山區
- 5年以上
- 專科
Position Impact: We are looking for a passionate and skilled product designer who is familiar with the digital product design process and visual system development. You will be responsible for crafting the revolutionary Gogoro digital products with consistent brand tonality and experience. You possess a blend of interaction design and visual design, and we would love to see your creativity to make the innovation for 360° digital experience. Responsibilities: • Proficient in App design and responsive design • Define and set up design guidelines for multiple products and unify the look and feel. • Ensure visual assets are consistent and on-brand across all channels (i.e., mobile, video, email, etc.). • Collaborate with members, and help them develop a solid direction that is proper in the digital product aspect. Requirements: • Has 5+ years of experience in digital product development • Highly skilled in Adobe AfterEffects, Photoshop, Illustrator, or other visual design tools • Animation producing. • A strong portfolio that showcases your knowledge of design principles and visual design skills • Demonstrated fluency in Sketch, Figma, or other user interface design tools. • Has experience in IOT industry is a plus.
9/19 Software Product_Software Project Manager 軟體專案經理
- Gogoro Taiwan Limited_睿能創意股份有限公司
- 機車及其零件製造業
- 台北市松山區
- 2年以上
- 大學
Position Impact: The Software Project Manager will collaborate with cross-functional teams to oversee product development and improvement, enhancing the customer experience and identifying potential future requirements. You will bring your passion for crafting world-class products to help build new consumer software services within the Gogoro ecosystem, aligning with Gogoro's objectives. Responsibilities: • Planning software projects, defining scope, allocating resources, setting deadlines, establishing communication strategies, and outlining testing and maintenance procedures. • Ensuring adherence to schedules and deadlines for each program. • Directing consistent testing, evaluation, and troubleshooting across all stages of product development. • Collaborating with cross-functional teams to break programs into smaller, interconnected projects effectively. • Conducting regular performance checks on products and supporting the Product Management team. Qualifications: • 2+ years of relevant experience managing software programs, with a focus on app-related products. • Preferred experience in system integration, including software and hardware (experience with automobile-embedded products is a plus). • Excellent communication skills and stakeholder management abilities. • Demonstrated track record of delivering projects for large, cross-functional products. • Ability to adapt and thrive in a fast-paced, innovative technology startup environment. • Working proficiency in both English and Mandarin.
9/19 Data Office_Data Scientist
- Gogoro Taiwan Limited_睿能創意股份有限公司
- 機車及其零件製造業
- 台北市松山區
- 3年以上
- 大學
Position Impact: As a Data Scientist at Gogoro, you are responsible for network data-driven projects/ analysis in the Data Office. All works to be conducted are related to efficiency enhancement and AI product development, e.g. customer behavior predictions, battery management and charging station deployment. The results will have significantly impact our business strategy, operation optimization and services. You are required to be familiar with statistics, machine-learning / deep-learning development and data interpretation. In addition, since all services involve thousands of data process, you are also expected to have experiences in basic data processing, and models deployment (collaborating with data scientists and engineers). In the long term, we are expecting you’d be able to provide undiscovered insights and lead your own innovated projects. Role & Responsibility: In close collaboration with the team, this position can cover: • Optimize/ develop the prediction models for the AI solution services. • Optimize/ develop the prediction models to enhance efficiency for charging stations and batteries. • Deliver data-driven analysis for business strategy and operation services. • Collaborate with data engineers to deploy model pipeline. • For the long term, any new innovative projects or features are expected to be created. Requirements: To fit the positions’s capability, we are expecting you to have: • Motivation and passion in creating inspirational feature/ model for business from data • At least master degree of analytics/ statistics/ computation related education • At least one year of industrial working experiences • Good in math and statistics • Good in ML model building (DL is plus) • Programing skill : Python, other AI languages • Experience in Linux and Git
9/19 土地開發專員
- 祿鼎建設股份有限公司
- 建築工程業
- 台北市中山區
- 經歷不拘
- 高中
【土地,建地開發】 一、無經驗者 (1)非本科系畢業(無土地開發及業務經驗者),月薪33,000元。 (2)本科系畢業(無土地開發及業務經驗者),月薪35,000元。 二、有經驗者 (1)有2年以上業務經驗者(無土地開發經驗者),月薪35,000元。 (2)2年以上有經驗者(必須有土地開發經驗者),月薪38,000元。 (3)5年以上土地開發經驗者,月薪面議。 三、以上如進公司,試用期三個月後,始為正式職員。 四、工讀生免應徵。 五、另有車馬費及開發獎金,錄取後說明。 六、應徵時須筆試和口試,洽公司戴小姐聯絡。
9/19 Taiwan Office_公共事務(政府合作)專案經理/副理
- Gogoro Taiwan Limited_睿能創意股份有限公司
- 機車及其零件製造業
- 台北市松山區
- 5年以上
- 大學
Position Impact: 推動政策和產業議題的分析、制定和管理。有效傳達政策、管理公共關係,提出/執行相應活動。高效推動產業協會發展業務,保持對最新政策發展的了解。整合專案資源並熟練解決問題。 Responsibilities: - 公共政策與產業議題研判、分析、說帖擬定與對策管理 - 公共政策與產業議題傳播溝通、公關操作、活動提案與執行 - 輿情監測、分析與對策管理 - 開創並維繫行政部門與立法部門的關係 - 產業協會會務推動,掌握最新產業政策發展 - 專案資源整合與問題解決
9/19 Finance_Treasury Specialist 財務專員
- Gogoro Taiwan Limited_睿能創意股份有限公司
- 機車及其零件製造業
- 台北市松山區
- 3年以上
- 大學
Position Impact: We are looking for a quick learner who adapts well to a fast-moving environment and gets things done, combining creativity, problem-solving skills, and a can-do attitude to overcome any obstacle. The work environment here will be challenging, dynamic yet fulfilling. Responsibilities: - Complete routine payment invoices and payment operations. - Handle bank-related operations. - Prepare treasury-related reports. - Assist monthly closing operations (prepare bank statements, reconciliation, etc.). - Assist in financial projects and/or ad-hoc projects. - Other matters assigned by the supervisor. - 完成例行付款開票及電子支付作業。 - 聯繫銀行往來業務,如:交易確認、匯(利)率議價等。 - 製作資金相關報表(如利息估列、資金日/週/月報等)。 - 月底結帳作業(銀行帳確認、銀行對帳單提供等)。 - 如主管交辦事項或其他財務專案。 Requirements: 1. Proactive and self-motivated with a high degree of responsibility and willing to take up challenges. 2. Knowledgeable using MS Office (Word, Excel, and PowerPoint) and Google Sheets. 3. Excellent team player with good communication skills. 4. High attention to detail with the ability to keep the big picture in mind. 5. Finance & Treasury related experience in the listed companies would be a plus.