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  • 台北市南港區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 高中

這是一個透過電話服務,提供顧客享受購物樂趣的工作~ 如果你是職場新鮮人,尚未尋找到明確的職涯發展方向,加入美好客服,我們會幫助你學習說話技巧,提升軟實力。 如果你已是職場菁英,正在尋找能讓你發揮所長的團隊,加入美好客服,我們將提供你一個友善的職涯發展環境。 無論你是否有過客戶服務的經驗,只要你充滿服務的熱忱與特質,誠摯歡迎你加入美好客服中心的行列! ☆主要的工作項目: 1. 承接收視顧客來電訂購商品電話,適時推薦商品促銷優惠。 2. 會員關懷維繫、客戶意見傾聽蒐集。 3. 售後服務話務支援。 ☆工作時段與休假方式 1. 17:00~01:30、18:00~02:30,固定晚班,無須早晚班輪值,適合生活作息屬於晚睡晚起的你。 2. 排班制,月休8~11天,讓你更彈性的規劃美好生活。 ☆我們提供 √ 完整教育訓練制度,職前訓練、在職進修,協助你成為最優秀的客服人員。 √ 完善職能職涯發展,一般客服專員>專業客服專員>資深客服專員>客服主管,提供適才適所之管道。 √ 月薪+交通津貼+月考核排名獎金。 √ 相關福利制度請參考公司介紹。



  • 台北市內湖區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

【個人燒肉滿足人生幸福感】 IKIGAI燒肉,幫您從最枝微末節的燒肉小事都注意到,從食材的挑選、烤肉的時間提醒,讓您來到IKIGAI就能完全的自在放鬆,充分的享受燒肉的樂趣。 【工作內容】 1.服務:訂位帶客及客席服務 2.收銀:客人離席結帳 3.酒水:飲料與甜點沙拉製作 4.出餐:確認餐點品質 【休假制度】 ☆依照公家機關行事曆,當月幾天紅字就休幾天!! 工作與生活平衡 【工作時間】 ☆上班8小時+中間休息1-2小時(視現場營運情況調整),加班費另計 【透明升遷發展與調薪】 ☆儲備幹部➜主任➜資深主任➜副店長➜店長 【教育訓練】 ☆完整的教育訓練,讓您不緊張漸進式學習成長 【相關福利】 ☆優渥獎金制度:優於同業的獎金福利,讓您十分有感 ☆平衡生活:定期聚餐吃飽飽、國內外旅遊盡情玩耍、春酒活動抽大獎 【未來發展】 ⊚公司上市上櫃與品牌展店進行中,職涯發展機會眾多 ⊚讓夥伴們可以愉悅的心情在全家國際餐飲的大家庭工作,挑戰無限的可能性,追求自我價值


5/06 禮賓客服中心_禮賓專員

  • 台北市松山區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

1. 接聽電話客服專線。 2. 確保客服功能正常運作並維持服務品質。 3. 處理客訴案件。 4. 幫助客戶解決問題。 5. 提供產品相關資訊及協助。 6. 提供案件後續查詢服務。 7. 記錄客戶來電內容。 8. 反應客戶需求與相關部門溝通。 9. 掌握環境變化與公司發展需求,主動豐富化客服功能的內涵。 台北禮賓中心,負責為我們的貴賓提供高端客戶服務,包含國外訂房,訂餐廳,訂票以及專屬客制行程規劃。 奧思禮以提供世界知名品牌頂級禮賓服務並強化其客戶忠誠度而聞名,具備卓越的獨家高科技服務平台,滿足客戶需求。我們全球共有24個禮賓中心,遍及歐美中日及泛亞洲地區,共計11,000名員工。我們的國際集團是由產業領導者組成的,結合彼此優勢秉持無以倫比的服務品質,為客戶提供真正整合性的全球禮賓服務和客戶忠誠度平台, 專注奉獻、經驗豐富、勇於創新,致力於最高標準的全球運作,全面提升客戶關係整體價值。

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5/06 【個人金融】金融服務人員(新人)

  • 台北市松山區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

職缺說明: 1.臨櫃顧客金融交易服務與專業諮詢,增加顧客滿意度 2.現金收付、票據收受及國內外匯兌等業務 3.金融產品諮詢、行銷及轉介 培訓內容: 新進人員擁有完整的1個月培訓課程、6個月實務學習訓練及分行學長姐指導,從企業文化到團隊建立、銀行實務、財金知識、資訊系統操作等金融專業培訓,讓你成為專業的金融服務人員 104僅供職缺參考,若您對此職缺有興趣,請至本行「玉山菁英甄選網站」投遞履歷,如書審通過,後續將邀請您參加面談。謝謝! 【網址:https://esnhr.pse.is/394b2n】

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5/06 【寵物科技公司】UI/UX Designer (Contractor)

  • 台北市松山區
  • 1年以上
  • 大學

【Application Channel】 Please apply via: https://grnh.se/fd6236cc3us 【 About the role 】 Imagine giving your pet a belly rub on your lap at work! Tomofun is a passionate startup full of dreamers and builders who truly believe in making a difference in our pets’ lives through innovation. We're looking for a talented【UI/UX Designer】who is customer-centric and passionate in the UX field. You will be responsible for championing UX designs of Tomofun's products to delivering world-class user experiences that delight our customers. You will communicate and co-work with cross functional teams at all levels of the organization to achieve business and company goals! 【 What you'll do 】 - Design and deliver innovative and world class end-to-end user experiences across Tomofun's portfolio of existing and future products to meet business objectives. - Proficient in transforming wireframes into UI designs and creating prototypes. - Showcases full use cases and user journey of design standards and processes. - Work closely with product managers, researchers, and engineering teams to research, test and execute high quality designs. - Optimize Furbo app by taking feedback from usability tests and analysis from app user behaviors. - Be a champion of Design Thinking and inculcate as a tool and mindset for solving problems and designing products and experiences - Creates interactive prototypes and conducts user tests to improve and validate a design. 【 Who you are 】 - Bachelor's degree in Interactive Design, Human Factors, Visual Design, or equivalent, coupled with at least 2 years of relevant work experience. - Proficiency and knowledge using a variety of design tools (Figma, Zeplin, Photoshop, Illustrator) - Excellent presentation, communication, and organizational skills with a keen visual sense, effectively communicating designs through graphics. - Demonstrates a solid understanding and knowledge of effective UI design principles, emphasizing consistency, simplicity, and usability. - Excellent communication, and interpersonal skills in both English and Mandarin - A dog or cat parent is a big plus as you naturally have strong empathy towards our customers! *Please include your resume and portfolio. Applications without the documents will not be considered. 【 Perks 】 - The rare opportunity to work with an international team in Taiwan HQ and make impact on a global scale - Join a group of talents who have passion to change pet parents and pet's lives through technology - The freedom to voice yourself in an open, trusting and transparent working environment - Regular all hands meetings to update entire organization on company goals, strategic directions and the opportunity to openly ask questions/give feedback - Bring your fur babies to work in a pet-friendly office space designed to make your pet feel relaxed and comfortable - Join our volunteer program. We are passionate about giving back to society. - Various club activities to cultivate interests and have fun with Tomofuners after work! - A LOT of free snacks and drinks for humans and furkids! - Comfortable and creative office with kitchen, sofa, and quiet areas. Everyone can find their ideal place to work! - Afternoon tea time twice a month and monthly birthday parties. We celebrate all happy moments together. 【 Benefits 】 - 8 paid annual leaves for the first year starting the day you come onboard! - Flexible working hours and work from home once a week - Monthly onsite health service - Weekly grooming service for your fur babies - Internal training workshop and external training subsidy for you to expand your skill set and continuously learn and grow

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5/06 ☆轉換跑道新選擇☆松山機場-工作人員(早班/學生or兼職可)

  • 台北市松山區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

喜歡看飛機嗎? 在機場工作是什麼樣的體驗呢? 免學歷、無經驗可,公司全程教育訓練, 可以接觸到多款飛機型號,飛機迷的你不可錯過! ════════════════════════════ 【工作內容】 1.定點滾帶行李搬運分流人員 2.國內、國際行李櫃檯之行李託運作業 3.支援客艙清潔 【工作時間】 早班06:30~14:00 兼職06:30~10:30 【薪資福利】 ♦時薪196元 ♦具勞健保、團保、退休金提撥等 ♦享期滿金最高1500元、健檢補助最高1000元,裝備補助最高500元 ♦任職滿半年享三節禮券及生日禮金 ♦其他補助(結婚、生育、喪葬津貼) 【應徵方式】 1. 線上投遞履歷表,符合人員由專員通知面試 2. 上班時間電洽【06-2552121分機1】許小姐 3. 加入LINE ID【@job55555】 截圖+留言洽詢

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5/06 【寵物科技公司】Product Management Intern (PM intern)

  • 台北市松山區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

Please apply via: https://grnh.se/39a1666f3us 【 About the role 】 We're seeking a dynamic Product Management Intern integral to the success of our innovative product. This role involves hands-on product execution, leveraging analytics for informed decision-making. From deciphering user insights to ensuring quality assurance, strong communication and cross-functional collaboration skills are essential. 【 What you'll do 】 As a Product Management Intern, your responsibilities will include: Assisting product managers with a variety of tasks. ・Conducting research to identify opportunities for product iteration. - Conducting thorough studies of competitor products to identify trends and best practices. - Collaborating with the team to develop questionnaires for tracking product performance. - Analyzing user feedback to extract meaningful insights that inform product development. Additionally, you will be responsible for launching a high-quality product that gains significant awareness among users by: ・Writing user stories and wireframing to ensure scrum team development. ・Performing user-level product testing to identify issues and improvement opportunities. ・Conducting localization testing to ensure the product caters to the needs of diverse user groups. ・Designing and implementing effective product communication strategies that promote the product and its features. Finally, you will help enhance cross-functional team communication by managing product documentation, including recording and updating product specifications. These tasks will provide you with a strong foundation for a successful career in product management. 【 Who you are 】 To excel in this role, you should: ・Office Availability: Be available to work in the office for 3-5 days a week. ・Effective Collaboration: Demonstrate exceptional team-player qualities with strong communication skills. You’ll collaborate across functions, including R&D, Marketing, and Customer Support. ・Initiative and Adaptability: Thrive in a fast-paced environment, where your proactive approach drives successful project outcomes. We value individuals who take the initiative and adapt swiftly. ・Innovation and Creativity: Embrace innovation and diverse perspectives. We value creativity in problem-solving. ・Attention to Detail: Display meticulous attention to detail in tasks and projects. Accuracy and thoroughness are essential. ・Language Proficiency: Be proficient in both English and Mandarin in a business setting. ・Continuous Learning: We highly value interns who actively seek knowledge. If you proactively read and learn about relevant product management practices, that’s a significant plus! ・Pet-Friendly Environment: If you love dogs or cats, you’ll fit right in! Being a pet parent naturally reflects strong empathy, which aligns with our customer-centric approach.

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5/06 【專案業務部】政府計劃專案企劃

  • 台北市松山區
  • 2年以上
  • 大學

天空傳媒旗下有蕃薯藤入口網站、蕃新聞YamNews、輕旅行、DQ地球圖輯隊, 我們的廣告企劃團隊有執行品牌整合行銷案及政府採購案超過 10 年的經驗, 包含整合行銷、網路數位及社群行銷、實體活動…等。 我們正在召募有政府採購案行銷經驗的專案企劃,歡迎您的加入! 工作內容: 1、政府採購案、補助案計畫書撰寫及提案 2、政府採購案專案管理、工作安排、績效進度管理 3、計畫報告書、簡報製作、執行文件彙整撰寫 4、可內外合作溝通,資源整合之協調,促進採購案執行品質 5、具政府採購案計畫 3 年以上工作經驗者佳 6、本職務有提供專案執行獎金 其它加分條件: 1、曾執行過觀光行銷、社群行銷類型的採購案者佳 2、投遞履歷請提供成果作品供參考,形式不限 面試須知: 1、面試採兩階段面談,皆為實體面談 2、面試請自備電腦展示過往執行經驗作品

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5/06 【寵物科技公司】Operations Intern 營運實習生

  • 台北市松山區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

【投遞方式】 請至 https://grnh.se/9cc6c0483us 投遞履歷,我們會以這邊收到的履歷為主。 【About the company】 Tomofun是一間國際化的寵物科技新創公司,我們熱愛毛孩和科技,致力於帶給全世界寵物飼主源源不絕的歡樂與創新! 在全球寵物科技業中,Tomofun 是第一家實踐AIoT於產品-Furbo 狗狗攝影機的台灣新創。Furbo結合AI、深度學習及雲端大數據,能辨識並分析狗狗行為,讓狗爸媽即使不在家也能隨時隨地瞭解寵物狀態、與寵物互動。2016年Furbo甫進入市場,至今全球已有數十萬使用者、遍布133國,位居歐美亞15國Amazon寵物類別銷售冠軍。2019年推出「Furbo狗保姆」訂閱制AI服務,是已經成功落地的AI產品,讓主人隨時知道狗狗動態、目前已成功拯救數百隻狗狗於危險之中! 立足台灣的Tomofun,至今每年都有超過200%的驚人成長!延攬多國菁英,組織扁平、資訊透明的環境,讓每位Tomofuner都是產品的重要推手。想加入AIoT智慧時代、不畏挑戰、夢想用能力改變世界的你,Tomofun是屬於你的舞台! 【What you'll do】 ・協助支援 Procurement and Logistic 相關文書事務(系統:ERP) ・內部請付款作業 ・國內外包裹收發寄送 ・處理團隊 Forecast update 【Who you are】 ・積極主動,樂於學習新事物 ・學習能力強,能夠快速適應環境及工作 ・具備國際貿易基本相關知識 ・具基本 Excel 技能尤佳 ・大學/研究所在校學生或社會新鮮人皆可 ・實習時間半年以上,一週3天以上

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5/06 松山機場貴賓室 (日文)接待人員

  • 台北市松山區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

1.接待貴賓室旅客並引領旅客進入貴賓室享用餐飲等服務。 2.協助旅客處理機場服務相關資訊。 3.提供餐點相關服務。 4.熟日文(須具日語檢定證明尤佳)。 5.可接受排班排休制(每日工作時間8H。)

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5/06 軟體工程師

  • 台北市松山區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

職務描述 1.依照需求開發車隊管理相關軟體 2.主動理解、溝通、討論商業需求,⼯作態度主動積極有責任感 職務條件 1年以上的軟體開發經驗 熟悉各項相關實務開發技術,包含但不限於以下⼯具: Java C# .Net Vue.js REST/Web Service Linux MongoDB MySQL 高雄分公司工作地點: 高雄市仁武區八德西路1822號 台北總公司工作地點: 台北市松山區民權東路三段144號16樓1608室

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5/06 品牌與線上課程推廣企劃

  • 台北市松山區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

歡迎你在應徵前,可以更了解烘焙找材料的企業文化: (老闆撰寫)老闆寫給未來同事的一封信:http://bit.ly/2Ow1Vjb (同事撰寫)你的北極星是什麼?:https://heybaker.tw/47d58aR (同事撰寫)相同共識,相同方向下,我們一起努力:https://heybaker.tw/3OHKjxd (實習生撰寫)實習心得分享:http://bit.ly/30vyVtz 應徵前可先了解: 1.需自備筆記型電腦 2.有工作經驗者、新鮮人歡迎投遞 3.熱不熱愛烘焙非必要條件,但喜歡烘焙當然有加分,因為你會更理解消費者,但若不非烘焙愛好者也是可以投遞,且不影響錄取與否,只要靠後天方法補足即可,這點我們會協助你達成 工作內容: 1.線上課程製作| 製作出以用戶為中心的線上烘焙課程,並與烘焙老師、內部團隊共同產出線上課程(80%) >市場調研,找尋潛力烘焙課程品項 >訂定課程大綱與獨特課程切入觀點 >洽談合適的烘焙老師 >課程腳本撰寫、課程品質監控、課程專案時間控管 >處理課程上架、數據更新、內外部溝通等事宜 >透過電訪、問券等方式瞭解學員學習狀況,並進行優化 >課程相關客服問題回覆 2行銷推廣| 為線上烘焙課程(宣傳)(20%) >課程貼文撰寫 >找尋線上課程協同推廣的KOL >課程貼文廣告投遞 加入後的半年會發生什麼事: >1-3個月:理解烘焙課程市場,了解公司製作與企劃脈絡,期待三個月時已經可以獨立作業 >6個月:可獨立策劃出符合市場需求與結合社群insight的課程,在規劃時間上也更能有效利用時間 *以上工作為大致工作內容,但會因公司方向不同而有調整* 職務需求 應徵條件(歡迎新鮮人與有工作經驗者投遞): 1.不怕與人溝通(此職務需大量聯繫外部合作) 2.跨部門溝通能力(與團購溝通影片拍攝內容與課程網頁設計方向) 3.站在合作者角度思考,促成合作機會 4.負責專案可讓內部同仁與外部合作夥伴放心 5.具有獨自作業能力 6.邏輯清楚與思緒縝密 此職位加分條件: 1.熱愛烘焙 2.具備影片剪輯能力 3.對行銷有興趣 4.數字分析能力 想親自體驗一間公司0-1的階段,歡迎你跳上火箭,與我們一同飛行 請將履歷與任何能提高我們錄取你機率的作品寄至:[email protected][email protected] (來信主旨『應徵烘焙找材料XX職位_姓名』)

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5/06 Just Kitchen【松山機場】時薪最高220元_早/晚班兼職廚務人員★另有時數津貼每月最高1,500元★

  • 台北市松山區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 高中以下

我們的工作內容有, 1. 依照客人的點單,準備不同餐盒所需要的食材,且協助製作高品質外帶美食 2. 配料前置作業-依食譜規定之比例調配醬料、調理包 。 3. 日常廚房環境清理、設備維護及餐具整潔。 4. 確保製作食品流程均符合食品衛生管理的規定。 5. 負責洗、剝、削、切各種食材,以完成烹飪的前置工作。

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5/06 【業務部】松山機場櫃台兼職人員

  • 台北市松山區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

1. 國、內外分享器取還機及租賃服務。 2. 銷售國、內外上網卡及周邊商品。 3. 櫃台報表管理與事務處理。 4. 櫃台庫存管理與結帳處理。 5. 協助處理現場客人問題與回覆網上訊息。 6. 完成主管交辦事項。 ★該職缺另有額外獎金

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5/06 【翡麗詩莊園】宴會業務/儲備幹部(業績達標獎金另計)~歡迎對婚禮產業有熱情的夥伴加入~~

  • 台北市松山區
  • 2年以上
  • 專科

自Covid-19疫情發生時至2024年的今日, 翡麗詩莊園未曾實施過任何減班減薪之措施, 並於疫情解封後舉辦國內外員工旅遊(苗栗翩翩泰安、日本沖繩), 翡麗詩莊園歡迎對婚禮產業有熱情的夥伴加入++ 將與團隊齊步向前完成一場又一場圓滿的宴席活動!! 【職務內容】 1. 婚宴及商務會議場地介紹 2. 各式宴會活動訂席業務接洽 3. 具業務經驗2年以上(具婚禮,飯店業經驗者尤佳) 4. 各項專案業務推廣與執行 5. 溝通協調各項執行流程 6. 完成主管交辦事項 7. 薪資待遇依個人學經歷敍薪 8. 可彈性排休(月休8~10天)

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5/06 Technical Support Engineer 技術支援工程師

  • 台北市松山區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

【Application Channel】 Please apply via: https://grnh.se/c94e326d3us 【About the role】 We're seeking a passionate and customer-centric [Technical Support Engineer] to serve as the essential link between our solutions and first-line support for users. Your mission will be to provide timely and precise support, ensuring that users' concerns are addressed effectively. You'll be pivotal in handling technical challenges, facilitating seamless team communication, and integrating customer feedback to optimize and enhance our products/services. 【 What you'll do 】 ・Take ownership of escalated tickets from Level 1 support, investigating root causes and resolving issues promptly. ・Gather feedback from customers regarding product quality and feature requests, and work closely with the RD and PM teams to devise effective solutions for complex issues, ensuring customer satisfaction ・Offer guidance and mentorship to Level 1 support agents, sharing insights and best practices for problem-solving and customer interaction ・Develop and conduct training sessions for Level 1 support team members regarding new product or service launches, ensuring they are equipped to assist customers effectively ・Document troubleshooting steps, resolutions, and best practices, contributing to the knowledge base for internal use and assisting in training materials development ・Proactively identify areas for improvement in customer support processes and tools, suggesting enhancements to streamline operations and enhance customer experience 【 Who you are 】 ・You have 1-3 years of technical support experience in the tech industry, with SaaS, IoT or network domain knowledge to address customer needs effectively. ・You possess expertise in support tools, including Zendesk and/or other integrations, with demonstrated experience in streamlining operations. ・You have a passion for problem-solving and a genuine interest in finding innovative solutions to meet customer requirements. ・You are fluent in written and verbal communication in both Chinese and English ・You are a team player and have experience in cross-functional communication with internal teams (PM and RD). If you have experience below, it's a plus: ・Database management including SQL, with experience in building Tableau visualizations and insightful dashboards. ・Familiarity with programming languages such as Java, Python, HTML, CSS…etc ・Proficiency in productivity and project management tools like Jira and Confluence, with a proactive attitude toward exploring and learning new technologies for workflow optimization. 【 Perks 】 ・The rare opportunity to work with an international team from Taiwan HQ and make impact on a global scale ・Join a group of talents who have passion to change pet parents and pet's lives through technology ・The freedom to voice yourself in an open, trusting and transparent working environment ・Quarterly all hands meetings to update entire organization on company goals, strategic directions and the opportunity to openly ask questions/give feedback ・Bring your fur babies to work in a pet-friendly office space designed to make your pet feel relaxed and comfortable ・Various club activities to cultivate interests and have fun with Tomofuners after work! ・A LOT of free snacks and drinks for humans and furkids! ・Afternoon tea time twice a month and monthly birthday parties. We celebrate all the happy moments together. 【 Benefits 】 ・Unlimited vacation policy; work hard and take time off when you need it ・Flexible working hours and work-from-home when needed ・Medical insurance and free yearly health checkup ・Yearly health checkup subsidy for your pets ・Weekly grooming service for your fur babies ・2 free Furbos for each full-time team member ・Company trip and employee outing program. We work hard and play hard! ・Internal training workshop and external training subsidy for you to expand your skill set and continuously learn and grow

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5/06 業務助理

  • 台北市松山區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

1、合約建檔、歸檔。 2、IBM商機系統、資料維護。 3、業務支援工作:如工程師定期維護保養時程安排。 4、相關文書作業處理:如訂單登打。 5、協助業務主管交辦業務。 6、可學習到完整的學習業務知識與技能及專案管理。 7、有機會轉換業務或專案經理。 ▲基本條件: 1. 基本文書處理能力(Microsoft Office使用)。 2. 細心、負責、積極、配合度高、並具備良好溝通能力者。 3. 無經驗可 。

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5/06 資安分析工程師

  • 台北市松山區
  • 2年以上
  • 專科

工作內容: 1. 為客戶提供資安事件分析與報告撰寫 2. 資安系統政策與規則訂定 3. 協助客戶分析資安攻擊事件 4. 情資收集與分析 5. 資安分析報告製作及簡報 6. 需具備二年相關經驗 能在專案中碰到到各種駭客攻擊的情境,並透過工具找出入侵的管道、方法,從而學習到各種資安的知識與技能。 工作技能: 有相關經驗或具CEH 或 CISSP證照者優先錄取

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5/06 日文禮賓電話客服專員

  • 台北市松山區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

1. 接聽電話客服專線。 2. 確保客服功能正常運作並維持服務品質。 3. 處理客訴案件。 4. 幫助客戶解決問題。 5. 提供產品相關資訊及協助。 6. 提供案件後續查詢服務。 7. 記錄客戶來電內容。 8. 反應客戶需求與相關部門溝通。 9. 掌握環境變化與公司發展需求,主動豐富化客服功能的內涵。 台北禮賓中心,負責為我們的貴賓提供高端客戶服務,包含國外訂房,訂餐廳,訂票以及專屬客制行程規劃。 奧思禮以提供世界知名品牌頂級禮賓服務並強化其客戶忠誠度而聞名,具備卓越的獨家高科技服務平台,滿足客戶需求。我們全球共有24個禮賓中心,遍及歐美中日及泛亞洲地區,共計11,000名員工。我們的國際集團是由產業領導者組成的,結合彼此優勢秉持無以倫比的服務品質,為客戶提供真正整合性的全球禮賓服務和客戶忠誠度平台, 專注奉獻、經驗豐富、勇於創新,致力於最高標準的全球運作,全面提升客戶關係整體價值。

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5/06 松山機場貴賓室 廚房助手(台北松山廠)

  • 台北市松山區
  • 1年以上
  • 學歷不拘

1.料理前置作業處理。 2.中餐料理製備與調製。 3.基本食品安全衛生維護。 4.廚房環境衛生維護。 ※排班排休制、月休9-10天(含)以上、每日工作8小時。 ※享勞健團保、勞退、三節禮金及不定期獎金。 ※提供午膳/特休假/生日禮金/婚喪補助/員工旅遊津貼。 ※依工作經歷敘薪

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5/06 Backend/DevOps Engineer|後端/DevOps工程師

  • 台北市松山區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

【Application Channel】 Please apply via: https://grnh.se/b60b33d03us 【 About the company 】 At Tomofun, we LOVE pets and technology. Our vision is to bring joy and innovation to every pet lover in the world. We are pioneers in the pet tech industry. Our debut product, Furbo - the world's first AIoT treat-tossing dog camera, is the #1 bestseller on Amazon in 15 countries including the US, UK and JP and have millions of users in 113 countries. In 2019, we launched an AI powered subscription service, the Furbo Dog Nanny which sends smart alerts to our users to notify them to check on the safety of their dogs when they are home alone. Since the launch of Furbo Dog Nanny, we have saved hundreds of dogs' lives and are continuing to innovate and develop new features with our state of the art technology. The learning curve is steep. But the work is exhilarating. Tomofun is on the cusp of a pet-tech boom and we’re looking for smart, innovative thinkers who aspire to incredible things. 【 What you'll do 】 ・Develop backend APIs on AWS. ・Operate and monitor running backend services ・Cooperate with the scrum development team to deliver and deploy new features 【 Who you are 】 ・Familiar with Python or Golang ・Have basic knowledge in Linux, relational databases ・Attach importance to code quality and deliver quality ・(Optional) Experience in using AWS Cloud services 【 Perks 】 ・The rare opportunity to work with an international team from Taiwan HQ and make impact on a global scale ・Join a group of talents who have passion to change pet parents and pet's lives through technology ・The freedom to voice yourself in an open, trusting and transparent working environment ・Quarterly all hands meetings to update entire organization on company goals, strategic directions and the opportunity to openly ask questions/give feedback ・Bring your fur babies to work in a pet-friendly office space designed to make your pet feel relaxed and comfortable ・Join our volunteer program. We are passionate about giving back to society. ・Various club activities to cultivate interests and have fun with Tomofuners after work! ・A LOT of free snacks and drinks for humans and furkids! ・Comfortable and creative office with kitchen, sofa, and quiet areas. Everyone can find their ideal place to work! ・Afternoon tea time twice a month and monthly birthday parties. We celebrate all the happy moments together. 【 Benefits 】 ・Unlimited vacation policy; work hard and take time off when you need it ・Flexible working hours and work-from-home when needed ・Medical insurance and free yearly health checkup ・Yearly health checkup subsidy for your pets ・Weekly grooming service for your fur babies ・2 free Furbos for each full-time team member ・Company trip and employee outing program. We work hard and play hard! ・Internal training workshop and external training subsidy for you to expand your skill set and continuously learn and grow

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