我們希望給一位年輕、有進取心的廚師提供擔任 Atipic 廚師職位的機會!這個職位非常適合作為廚師的初次體驗!團隊雖小,氣氛很好!如需了解更多信息,請添加線路 0907667157 或撥打相同的號碼。要求: 會說英語(一點點就夠了)。
This position may be for you!
We would like to give the opportunity to a young motivated chef to take up a chef position at Atipic! This position is perfect for your first experience as a chef! Please notice that we absolutely need someone who already worked in kitchen and know about the restauration life (standing up, work longer hours during the week ends etc) We are a small team, and the atmosphere is really great :)
For more information, add the line 0907667157 or call the same number. Requirements: Speak English (a little is enough).