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  • 新北市中和區
  • 3年以上
  • 學歷不拘

#需有牙科相關經驗# 1.指導患者做好口腔衛生及保健 2.協助牙醫師看診與檢驗治療、整理器械 3.櫃台接待、健保申報 4.病歷資料整理.歸檔及保存 5.工作態度良好,對病人友善 6.完成主管交辦事項 7.了解患者狀況及諮詢病患 △諮詢獎金制度


Officer, Securities & Derivatives Analyst, Taiwan

  • 台北市松山區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

At Citi, we get to connect millions of people across hundreds of cities and countries every day. And we've been doing it for more than 200 years. We do this through our unparalleled global network. We provide a broad range of financial services and products to our clients – whether they be consumers, corporations, governments or institutions – to help them meet their biggest opportunities and face the world's toughest challenges. Shape your Career with Citi Citi’s Markets business provides world-class solutions and an unmatched global presence. We serve corporates, institutional investors and governments from trading floors in almost 80 countries. The strength of our underwriting, sales and trading and distribution capabilities span asset classes and currencies, providing us with an unmatched ability to meet the needs of our clients. We’re currently looking for a high caliber professional to join our team as Officer, Securities & Derivatives Analyst, Taiwan - Resident (Internal Job Title: Securities & Derivatives Analyst 1 - C09) based in Taipei, Taiwan. Being part of our team means that we’ll provide you with the resources to meet your unique needs, empower you to make healthy decision and manage your financial well-being to help plan for your future. For instance: • Citi provides programs and services for your physical and mental well-being including access to telehealth options, health advocates, confidential counseling and more. Coverage varies by country. • We believe all parents deserve time to adjust to parenthood and bond with the newest members of their families. That’s why in early 2020 we began rolling out our expanded Paid Parental Leave Policy to include Citi employees around the world. • We empower our employees to manage their financial well-being and help them plan for the future. • Citi provides access to an array of learning and development resources to help broaden and deepen your skills and knowledge as your career progresses. • We have a variety of programs that help employees balance their work and life, including generous paid time off packages. • We offer our employees resources and tools to volunteer in the communities in which they live and work. In 2019, Citi employee volunteers contributed more than 1 million volunteer hours around the world. In this role, you’re expected to: • Perform trade verifications to ensure accuracy of booking requests • Generate and match trade confirmations according to the International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA) templates • Complete settlement tasks and daily rate revaluations accurately and on time • Coordinate transaction processing issues to the appropriate department and collaborate on a solution • Perform regulatory controls, account reconciliations, and record retention activities in accordance with established policies • Prepare and submit periodic internal and external regulatory reports • Participate in the periodic General Ledger (GL) proofing exercises as directed • Appropriately assess risk when business decisions are made, demonstrating particular consideration for the firm's reputation and safeguarding Citigroup, its clients and assets, by driving compliance with applicable laws, rules and regulations, adhering to Policy, applying sound ethical judgment regarding personal behavior, conduct and business practices, and escalating, managing and reporting control issues with transparency.

待遇面議 外商公司

4/29 助理會計

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

工作內容 • 製作公司年度預算表 • 報表編寫如: 資產負債表、損益表、現金流量表等 • 營業稅、營所稅、公司帳務,稅務處理 • 應收,應付帳款預估 • 存貨,固定資產定期盤點 • 管理零用金異動及撥補作業 • 製作出納科目餘額表、收款日報表、利息收入調節表、 銀行存款 • 會計傳票帳務作業、結算廠商請款付款作業 • 股務董事會作業 • 其他主管交辦事項 認真負責 抗壓性高

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4/29 【岩漿集團】!一頭班!無經驗可-(岩漿火鍋微風信義店)-正職 早/晚 服務人員35000元~45000元

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

✯工作內容✯ 【外場同仁職務說明】 顧客服務、環境維護、餐點介紹、餐具清潔、收銀接待 OR 【內場同仁職務說明】 食材處理、餐點製作、餐具清潔、廚房清理、庫存管理 OR 【儲備幹部職務說明】 1.學習門市營運管理 2.負責內外場人力調配及工作安排 3.協助制訂各項標準作業流程等事宜 4.監督食材之採購、入庫、製作流程等事務 5.現場客訴處理及相關顧客管理 ※需具有餐飲主管工作經驗者 ✯薪資福利✯ 正職薪水35000元~45000元 優於勞基法的加班費:每15分鐘為一單位,以1.67倍計算 【豐厚獎金福利】 出勤優良獎金:3000元(除每月全勤獎金外額外申請!) 鼓勵辛勤獎金:3000元 輪班夜班津貼:5000元(依職位按比例調升!) 配合外派津貼:6000~10000元(依職位按比例調升!) 介紹同仁獎金:16000元(每介紹一位符合資格都可申請!) 正職生日禮金:1000元 各部門每月達標獎金、提案獎金、績效獎金、晉升現金禮券 三節獎金:年終獎金、端午獎金、中秋獎金(依集團盈虧計算) ✯升遷制度✯ 透明評核制度、完善升遷計劃 每月與主管面談工作目標及未來發展 肯學肯努力,短期晉升沒問題! 對餐飲業有熱忱的你,不要錯過加入我們的機會! 選擇,比努力更重要!加入岩漿,成就即將!

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4/29 【LG生活健康-SCM Team】供應鏈管理人員 (需具備韓文TOPIK6級者)

  • 台北市信義區
  • 2年以上
  • 大學

1. 商品下單、商品入庫日程追蹤、裝船行程協調、總部窗口業務溝通 (具備採購經驗者) 2. 系統傳票處理輸入 (SAP系統) 3. 負責品牌行銷業務溝通及所需文件統整、翻譯 (如:週、月報、政策會議、商品商說頁、商品外盒等) 4. 負責品牌之總部溝通窗口 (如:行銷所需素材之申請) 5. 負責品牌相關會議口譯 6. 組內其他業務支援

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4/29 【採Teams線上面談】 台北信義區 IT助理工程師/資訊助理工程師

  • 台北市信義區
  • 1年以上
  • 高中

Hi,我們是一個注重團隊合作的公司,我們也不吝於教學,只要你願意開口問、付出行動去學習,相信你在這環境可以成長很多。 如果你有這樣的能力: 1. 具備獨立學習的能力 。 2. 具備簡易英文能力 ( 有一部分同事為外國人,也會與外國人交流及工作 ) 。 3. 基本溝通及協調能力。 將來的工作: 1. 協助派單服務(到客戶端協助資訊處理)。 2. 主管交辦事項。

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4/29 Korean Localization Specialist 韓文遊戲在地化專員 (Game Operation)

  • 台北市信義區
  • 2年以上
  • 大學

▍About this role 如果您對遊戲和宅文化充滿熱情,同時具備卓越的中韓文翻譯與校對能力。 您將與國際化的團隊合作,並積極參與遊戲社群,為玩家打造一個豐富、有趣的遊戲環境。此外,您的參與將直接影響遊戲的在地化品質,使遊戲更貼近目標市場,贏得玩家的喜愛。 ▍Responsibilities • 負責遊戲內文本的在地化翻譯(中→韓文) • 與韓國玩家進行有效溝通,根據玩家反饋提供建議,以提升遊戲品質。 • 參與遊戲相關事務,以提供更完整的在地化支援。 *此為非單純翻譯工作

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4/29 【幸福企業】微風集團-顧客服務人員(起薪3.8萬,含獎金達4萬)

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

為培養良好優質的禮儀形象,塑造成為百貨形象大使。 歡迎具有服務熱忱的您加入我們的行列。 工作內容: 1.服務台顧客諮詢及各項服務。 2.旅客退稅作業。 3.顧客訴願處理。 4.百貨商場營運事項協助。 註*約聘職通過考核轉正職,另有季考核獎6,000元。 註*享不定期時尚彩妝課程講座。 註*具英、日、韓外語會話能力佳者,於試滿考核後再加發語言津貼1,000~3,000元)。

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4/29 (IBM Consulting)Application Consultant: Experience JAVA Fullstack

  • 台北市信義區
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

Application Consultant are required to involve with the process, life cycle and creation of the software solution to our clients in their businesses. You will work closely with critical stakeholders in using languages such as Java, Typescript to design and develop the necessary specifications for software. You may also test, debug, and improve generally faulty applications for clients. Specifically, you will • Define, detail and scope the technical requirements into solution architecture and drive an independent project from an architectural standpoint. • Design, develop and/or re-engineer application components, and integrate software packages, programs, and reusable objects residing on multiple platforms. • Support technical consultants and lead to building solutions and providing technical mentoring and guidance.

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4/29 柯夢波丹 Cosmopolitan 時尚/美妝/娛樂 外稿

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

1. 尋找熱門議題、撰寫文章、搭配圖片、快速上稿 2. 接受指定題目依需撰文上稿 3. 文章類型:時尚流行/ 美妝/娛樂 4. 精通英文、日文、韓文者佳 5. 1年以上媒體或文字工作經驗。

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4/29 太陽能專案人員

  • 台北市信義區
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

1. 開發潛在客戶以協助業務部門達成業績目標,包含拜訪開發商、地主、工程下包商等 2. 地方關係經營及維護:包含村里長、農漁會、地方政府綠能辦公室等 3. 光電案場及儲能案場初步可行性評估 4. 協助業務部門主管擬定專案開發計畫 5. 其他主管交辦事項

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4/29 (Senior) HR & ADMIN Executive

  • 台北市信義區
  • 2年以上
  • 大學

【Human Resources】 • Handle recruitment process efficiently from CV screening, interview, on-boarding processes. • Handle operational affairs such as on-boarding, employee data, HR system maintenance, attendance record, HR monthly/quarterly reports, probation review, transfer, resignation etc. • Process payroll related activities such as monthly payroll/commission calculation, staff inquires, transactions and filing). • Assist in reviewing and developing HR policies, guidelines, and procedures, ensuring compliance to labor ordinance and other local regulations • Plan and implement HQ & local activities and employee events. • Assist HR leader to facilitate all aspects of the performance management and daily job duties. • Assist hoc projects and tasks assigned by HR leader. • Co-work with cross functional team, finance, to execute HR tasks. 【Administration】 • Handle day-to-day administrative activities such as handling parcels and managing courier services…etc • Manage day-to-day company administration to ensure the right level of support is given to the business and its operations. • Maintain and optimize office environment, facilities, and equipment maintenance • Regularly check, and make sure the office is in a good condition. • Maintain and update the relationship with administrative vendors. • Handling the office payment request, make sure the invoices are organized for finance procedure. • Purchase consumables per request from stores or office. • Accommodation and transportation arrangement for visitors and central/southern staffs. • Plan and executive office activities.

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4/29 【ESG輔導顧問】專案助理

  • 台北市信義區
  • 3年以上
  • 專科

- 與外部團隊接洽,管理專案進度 - 與客戶進行溝通協調,確保客戶滿意度 - 協調項目開發的各個階段,保證項目按時完成與品質管控 - 制定相應的計劃和行動方案,掌握市場趨勢和競爭對手情況 - 培訓開課/ESG輔導相關事宜 - 其他主管交辦事項

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4/29 (IBM Consulting)Business Transformation Consultant - Banking

  • 台北市信義區
  • 5年以上
  • 大學

Your Role and Responsibilities : Business Transformation Consultants work at the intersection of technology, people, and process, helping clients transform how they conduct business to cope with shifts in the market, and more closely align them with their business strategy and vision. You will develop an understanding of client processes, goals and objectives to define their future state and the path to get them there. You will help your clients understand digital and cognitive technologies and the impact that those technologies can have on traditional business processes. In this role, you will: -Communicate with client on business requirement analysis and definition, including business process and product. Gather client’s business processes, functional requirements and workflows, and create requirement documents. -Manage and track changes to system requirements throughout the development, testing and maintenance life cycle, maintaining accurate documentation at all times. -Review and edit requirements, specifications, business processes and recommendations related to proposed solution. -Collaborate with developers and subject matter experts to establish the technical vision and analyze trade-offs between usability and performance needs. Develop the business scenarios for various function tests (such as FT, SIT and UAT). -Maintain continuous communication with client and developers throughout project lifecycle to ensure final product meets requirements and expected outcomes of the client. Challenge users, business analysts and others to achieve appropriate and desired solution for the business.

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4/29 業務主管

  • 台北市信義區
  • 4年以上
  • 大學

1、負責產品行銷的規劃和執行,制定相應策略以推動產品銷售。 2、維護現有客戶關係,同時積極開發新客戶,需要具備業務推展能力。 3、蒐集市場資訊並進行分析,制定有效的行銷策略以滿足市場需求。 4、具備相關產品行銷和管理經驗,能夠運用自身專業知識和技能進行工作。 5、擁有樂觀進取的態度、高EQ、自律能力,同時具備創意和靈活度,能夠帶領和管理團隊,並激發士氣。 6、能夠扮演第一線業務的角色,並有效地協調團隊合作,提升整體工作效能。

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4/29 家務管家

  • 台北市信義區
  • 2年以上
  • 高中以下

1. 環境打掃清潔整理 2. 膳食烹飪(晚餐) 3. 用品採買及收納整理 4. 修繕聯絡及安排 5. 其他主管交辦事項 上班時間 週一~週五 下午1:00 到 8:00 或 週一~週五上午9:00到晚上8:00 二擇一,敘薪不同

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4/29 【資訊中心】數據助理

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

此職務尋找對『科技行銷-MarTech』具有熱情,想參與B2B/B2C企業實務應用一起成長、想打造客戶體驗與價值發展的夥伴一起加入,歡迎對以下內容有興趣且具有創意想法的您,一起加入我們! 1.協助科技行銷相關平台上的數據收集、資料清洗彙整及分析 2.參與B2B行銷數據應用企劃與視覺化 3.運用程式化/低程式碼進行企業數據分析 4.協助市面數據應用或分析平台的資料搜尋 5.主管交付之事項

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4/29 Sales Operation Assistant (Part-Time) (原住民保障名額)

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

- Support Sales to sell IBM technology services, for IBM services and solutions, from deploy, support, optimize to refresh. - Take the business ownership in the assigned tasks, integrating internal resources, chase deals’ closing and complete processes end-to-end. - Achieve business objectives at monthly and quarterly basis, driving progressions on track at daily and weekly basis, making accurate contract signed back date. - Well utilize digital tools to improve productivity, enlarge coverage and promote IBM solutions.

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4/29 業務助理-台北

  • 台北市信義區
  • 1年以上
  • 高中

1. 輸入、處理並追蹤客戶訂單,並將訂單資料存檔備份。 2. 保持與客戶間之聯繫,回覆e-mail,並確認交貨期。 3. 提供出貨文件,協助業務人員控管出貨,並處理進出貨事宜。 4. 定期提供業務銷售狀況報表,以供業務人員或主管參考。 5. 協助業務人員處理銷售業務相關之公司內部行政作業。 6. 協助業務人員整理客戶資料(如:公司基本資料、交易記錄、問題處理狀況)。 7. 安心及補充食品產品介紹說明

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4/29 臺北市政府社會局專案人員

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 高中

(一)來文公文及會辦公文之處理: 1、電子公文, 應於看到後立即簽收並分派給承辦人。 2、索取紙本公文,於公文系統分案,公文置於卷宗夾內交予承辦人。 3、送交之紙本會辦公文,取得公文後,錄案於登錄簿內或於公文系統內簽收分派交予承辦人。 4、主管已閱畢之公文於公文系統上進行決行、會辦、會畢登錄作業,如非以公文系統管制之案件則需錄案於公文登錄簿內,並送交下一個處理科室。 5、取回機關首長已決行之公文並交予承辦人。 (二)催辦提醒。 (三)公文歸檔。 (四)確認登錄公文傳遞資料無誤。 (五)以工代賑人員差勤與工作管理。

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4/29 OPE-261 Supply Chain, Logistics, Warehouse, Transportation Supervisor/ Manager

  • 台北市信義區
  • 5年以上
  • 大學

 Minimum 5-8 years supply chain related working experience.  Advanced analytical and complex problem-solving skills.  Strong project management and time management skills.  Excellent communication skill with multiple teams, negotiation and organizational skills.  Implement strategy in alignment with other internal operations stakeholders, which, based on business opportunities, customer needs and company strategy.  Drive operation to secure plan feasibility and realization, as well continuous improvements on efficiency.  Cost management, realizing required performance within agreed budgets, and optimize inventory.  Strong team player but also able to work independently.  At ease to operate in a multi-cultural environment.  Fluent in English and Mandarin.  Familiar with ERP; SAP experience is preferred.

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