Linker Vision 是一間創新公司,專注於開發自駕、工安以及公衛醫療領域的AI平台。成立於2021年,由一群對於人工智慧發展充滿熱誠的年輕人組成,我們擁有開放的組織文化以及敏捷的開發團隊,若你也想要一同和我們開創人工智慧的新時代,加入Linker絕對是你的最佳選擇。
▋What's it like to be a Linker?
You will be working with a talented team to build a promising computer vision AI development platform. You will learn from our global clients their pain points and create solutions for them. You'll see how we managed to process tremendous real-world data to build computer vision models and applications for maximal impact. You will have a unique chance here to grow your desired career.
▋What You Will Do:
▸ 會計日常帳務處理(廠商費用、員工代墊、差旅費、維護科餘表等)
▸ 配合會計師查帳
▸ 營業稅申報、年度扣繳申報、相關稅務項目
▸ 零用金管理
▸ 主管交辦工作
▸ 工作輪調機會(含會計、財務、股務等相關工作,如: 成本結轉、總帳管理、目標管理、經營成果分析、董事會、股東會、等
▋You Must Have:
▸ 需有相關會計實務經驗2年以上,會計事務所記帳經驗佳
▋Our Values
We do our best to plan, but we also understand that keeping up with changes is challenging. Therefore, managing chaos is significant, particularly when growing a business.
Hacker spirit is within everyone's blood, not just engineers. We always find ways to unblock obstacles, make things work, and hold ourselves accountable for the result.
One man alone may have blind spots. That's why we need to team up and rely on each other.