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Sr. SQA Engineer (Router) 軟體自動化測試資深工程師 (ID: 24003Y)

  • 新北市新莊區
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

【Purpose of this Position】 隨著時代的演變,軟體技術的發展越來越快速,對於產品品質提升的相關技術也一直在快速演進,為了確保產品的品質,除了手動測試,也需要透過開發自動化測試來提升測試效率及品質。 主要的內容是以確保產品品質為主,產品線的範圍主要包含網路通訊產品,例如:路由器、行動網路路由器,以及包含Moxa在雲端提供的服務(SaaS)等等,並應用於軌道交通、海事、儲能、工廠及生產自動化等工業環境。 歡迎有相關測試經驗或者對測試驗證有興趣者,且想多探索更多自動化測試的人,如果你對這樣的工作內容有興趣的話,歡迎跟我們聯絡,讓我們一起共創出你自己也覺得驕傲的產品。 【Major Areas of Responsibility】 1.研讀和熟稔產品相關協定和產品規格 2.參與專案團隊的需求、設計審查、程式開發,提供相關建議,設計良好測試方法及流程等 3.完成測試程式開發及產品的測試計畫撰寫、優化測試案例、執行測試案例及除錯,建置維護測試 環境,發布測試報告予專案團隊 4.負責產品的問題鑑別、分析、及缺陷追蹤,提供前線技術支援,協助團隊快速解決問題 5.設計及維護自動化框架並持續優化及重構自動化框架,以增進測試效率及流程,符合專案團隊需求 6.針對產品進行全面的軟體測試,包括但不限於功能測試、性能測試、壓力測試及回歸測試 7.建立新產品/新技術測試能量,提供技術支持及培訓,推動團隊整體能力的提升 8.使用DevOps工具(如Ansible、GitLab CI/CD等)來實現自動化部署及測試


9/20 【大安敦南店】美容師/美容助理(無經驗可 完整新人培訓 免綁約 挑戰高薪)

  • 台北市大安區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

#挑戰年薪百萬 #免簽約 #有無經驗皆可 #穩定底薪加高額獎金 #升遷制度透明化 #月休8天 #提供完整教育訓練 #可立即上班佳 #只服務女性客戶男性請勿應徵 1.銷售產品與療程、業績達成 2.協助美容美體療程及備品準備 3.提供客戶美容美體按摩及儀器操作療程 4.迎賓接待客戶倒茶水及點心 5.協助預約及確認預約的客戶 6.維護工作場所環境的整潔 7.儀器保養與清潔 8.完成主管交辦事項 薇朵漾門市資訊 『北新店』 02-2911-0198 新北市新店區北新路三段130號1樓 (大坪林捷運站) 『敦南店』 02-2733-6104 台北市大安區敦化南路二段170號3樓 (科技大樓捷運站) 『旗艦店』 02-2781-6299 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段210-1號8樓 (忠孝敦化捷運站) 面試地點:台北市大安區敦化南路二段170號10樓 (總部)

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9/20 $230~$250【敦南店】PT(午)洗菜班

  • 台北市大安區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

【工作內容】 1. 依照程序處理各項食材及蔬菜。 2. 完成開店的前置準備工作。 【待遇介紹】 新進夥伴:$230/小時。 正式夥伴:$240/小時。 優異夥伴(依主管審核表現):$250/小時。 \另設全勤獎金/

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9/20 內外場服務生 一頭班8小時39200-47400(+額外”每日”獎金) 夏天休息4個月還有補助

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

薑母鴨界的指標 霸味薑母鴨 如今的霸味已走遍全台,在各地開店做生意,相互幫忙也一起成長。嚴格的標準必不可少,但人情味同樣重要。我們支持與理解創造和諧的工作環境,讓每個人感受到被重視與尊重,而每個為霸味付出的孩子,我們必定努力培養,等待時機的成熟,經營管理一間自己的店,並且將這勤奮與熱忱傳承給每一位即將到來的新同事 工作內容 無經驗可,工做內容簡單,有SOP輕鬆即可上手,無複雜的程序,新鮮的食材比任何的調味都來的重要 內場:食材基本處理,烹飪 維護廚房環境清潔、衛生 外帶打包 外場:基本服務,例:帶位,給碗筷,食材的簡單介紹,環境整潔 桌面清潔打掃環境 洗碗(備有洗碗機,只需將餐具放入即可) 單頭班8小時 超出即加班240元/hr 1.績效獎金(“每日”達標即發放) 2.正職全勤獎金 3.油錢補貼 4.年終獎金 ★休假類 1.除夕~初二春節團圓假 2.正職月休4~10天(排班輪休) 3.夏休補助 福利類 1.美味員工餐or餐費 2.尾牙活動 3.親友用餐招待 健全完善的教育訓練,輕鬆上手無負擔 勞工保險 2.健康保險 3.勞工退休金提撥 (依勞基法規定)

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9/20 【國泰集團】會計專員/助理

  • 台北市大安區
  • 1年以上
  • 專科

#工作與生活平衡 #完整的教育訓練 如果你對會計領域充滿熱情,並追求生活與工作平衡的穩定生活,那我們的團隊將會是你的理想之選。在這裡,你不僅可以參與各種有趣的會計工作,還能享受到工作和生活的完美平衡。我們期待找到具有一年以上會計經驗的人才,不論你是尋求更好工作機會的專業人士,還是已經穩定在會計領域工作的同行,我們都歡迎你加入我們的團隊,一起共同實現個人和團隊的夢想! 【需要做什麼】 1. 負責會計帳務/傳票的編製,確保財務記錄的準確性和完整性。 2. 協助管理報表的編製,支援管理層做出合理的財務決策。 3. 負責營業稅/印花稅及各項稅務申報工作,確保遵守相關法規並及時完成申報。 4. 配合會計師進行查帳作業,以確保公司財務運作符合法規。 5. 處理其他主管交辦的相關事項,積極參與公司各項財務相關工作。 (以上職務說明包含公司及健保診所帳務處理) 【需要具備的經驗或能力】 - 擁有一年以上財務會計工作經驗,能夠迅速融入工作環境。 - 具備良好的溝通協調能力:能夠有效地與團隊成員和其他部門溝通協調,確保順暢的工作流程。 - 注重細節、謹慎處理:對帳務處理需具高度的注意力,確保財務記錄的準確性。 - 擁有責任感的工作態度:對工作認真負責,能夠按時完成任務並承擔責任。 如果你是尋求穩定成長並追求專業發展的會計專才,我們期待與你攜手一起共同成長!

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9/20 櫃檯行政助理(工讀/正職)

  • 台北市大安區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 高中

1.櫃台總機 2.訪客接待 3.辦公環境維護與清潔 4.行政庶務工作(包含員工便當代訂、文書處理、郵件收發、信件包裹郵寄) 5.ISO文件維護、更新、管理及歸檔 6.其他主管交辦事項與部門支援

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9/20 工程部_業務助理(防水專業營造業)

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 高中

1. 負責施工計畫書、送審資料編製、合約製作管理以及文件收發檔案管理。 2. 核對標單與圖面內容,單價分析製作,圖說繪製,報價單填寫。 3. 簡報製作,數量計算等相關業務作業輸入、處理並追蹤。

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9/20 市場開發業務專員

  • 台北市大安區
  • 1年以上
  • 大學

臺虎精釀是ㄧ個對啤酒充滿熱情的精釀啤酒公司,我們深深愛著這片土地,希望台灣能在世界上綻放光芒! 熱愛啤酒的你,有同樣的夢想嗎? 你,有一股熱情正蓄勢待發嗎? 我們希望勇於接受新挑戰的你,加入我們的團隊! 工作內容: 1. 定期拜訪既有客戶,維繫穩定客戶關係。 2. 開發潛在客戶、拓展市場,以達業績目標。 3. 負責產品報價及展示,處理訂單及帳款相關事宜。 4. 協助試飲推廣活動。 5. 品飲會舉辦與協助。 6. 各種好玩的音樂節、啤酒節出攤。 7. 企業客戶開發、訂單處理。 8. 其他主管交辦事項。

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9/20 資訊工程師

  • 台北市大安區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

~職務願景~ 和之合的資訊工程師將會管理公司軟/硬體資訊設備。過程中,不單單只學習到特定的資訊專業知識,將會與各部門配合,學習到許多不同面向的資訊專業技術與營運管理經驗。 歡迎應屆畢業生,雖無工作經驗,但願意學習與應用新穎科技來提升競爭力,對軟/硬體方面有熱誠、對學習程式語言有興趣者,一起朝科技數位化的時代發展。 ~您負責的工作內容~ -資訊主機設備日常維護與問題解決。 -協助專案企業數位轉型及系統整合分析規劃。 -協助合作開發及維護系統。 ~徵才條件~ -熱愛程式撰寫或對ERP/SAP相關有興趣。 -具電腦相關基本設定,機房與網路主機設備概念。 ~加分條件~ -在學期間有開發或製做過資訊相關專題。 -在實習階段有資訊相關的學習經驗者。

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9/20 【國泰集團】MIS資訊專員 ★福利優/近捷運六張犁站★

  • 台北市大安區
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

我們成立於民國108年6月,為國泰地產集團繼健康管理服務後延伸的另一健康事業體,旨在協助基層診所提供完善的健康照護服務,使民眾能夠輕鬆取得品質可靠的在地化服務。我們的合作診所以慢性病為核心,並根據地區特性提供婦兒、醫美等相關科別,同時經營健保及自費業務。 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 【工作內容】 (1) 熟悉專案開發流程、擬定範疇、規劃時程、協調驗收 (2) 協助現場系統問題排除或問題收集反映 (3) ERP系統維護、系統權限管理 (4) 固定資產採購及管理 (5) 具團隊溝通、規劃及抗壓能力 (6) 具醫療產業經驗佳 (7) 曾有軟體開發經驗佳 月薪面議,依據專業能力、工作屬性、過往學經歷等核定,對於優秀人才本公司也願意用更高的待遇聘僱。 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 【為什麼要加入我們】 1. 團體保險,保費全額由公司負擔,保障您與家人的健康安全。 2. 員工旅遊券/結婚、生育、子女教育津貼,讓您的生活更加美好。 3. 集團服務與產品優惠價,涵蓋醫美、住宿、餐飲、金融等多項品項,讓您的消費更有優惠。

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9/20 【國泰集團】會計專員

  • 台北市大安區
  • 2年以上
  • 專科

工作說明: 1.各項費用支付之發票、單據及帳務處理。 2.廠商貨款及費用等應付帳款帳務處理。 3.發票開立及應收帳款帳務處理。 4.營業稅、印花稅申報等各項稅務作業。 5.一般會計帳務處理。 6.各類所得扣繳申報及稅務調節表編製。 7.其他主管交辦事項。 年薪範圍:560,000-640,000 **依據專業能力、工作屬性、過往學經歷等核定,對於優秀人才本公司也願意用更高的待遇聘僱

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9/20 雲端架構師(資訊策略發展部)_I00018211

  • 台北市大安區
  • 3年以上
  • 學歷不拘

【工作內容】 1.雲端系統架構分析、設計與導入 2.建置雲平台相關維運管理機制 3.確保系統穩定性與高可用性 4.持續研究前延技術,並提供相關技術報告與諮詢 【需求條件】 1.熟悉雲端平台之雲端架構設計(AWS、Microsoft Azure、GCP)。 2.熟悉虛擬化及雲平台技術,具備雲端相關架構規劃及佈署經驗。 3.具地端/雲端、混合基礎架構、架構設計、數據庫遷移和技術管理經驗。 4.有Terrafom、Python開發經驗。

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9/20 【國泰集團】個人組業務專員(敦南)

  • 台北市大安區
  • 2年以上
  • 專科

底薪加上優渥業績獎金,年薪高額不是夢!歡迎想挑戰百萬年薪的業務高手加入 【你需要做什麼?】 1. 主動開發潛在客戶、既有客戶關係維繫。 2. 提供全方位(包含健檢商品、產後護理服務等)銷售與諮詢服務,並協助導客以及促單。 3. 維運各通路宣傳以及推廣通路。 4. 其他主管交辦事項。 【你需具備什麼?】 1. 具獨立業務開發能力。 2. 具問題解決與邏輯分析能力。 3. 具備良好溝通能力、積極負責、且能與跨部門及客戶之間溝通順暢,具備團隊意識。 【加分條件】 1. 了解【產後護理、健檢業務或醫療專業】知識尤佳。 2. 具行銷推廣、解決問題、客速處理等能力者尤佳。

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9/20 2025 Hardware Engineer Campus Hire (R247855)

  • 台北市大安區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

**歡迎身心障礙者投遞履歷 The reputation of Dell Technologies for delivering award-winning hardware is legendary and our Hardware Engineering team is at the heart of it. We design and develop analogue as well as digital hardware products – not just computer or network hardware devices but peripherals too. Recognized for our high level of technical expertise in a variety of engineering disciplines, we’re involved across the development lifecycle – from research to the building, testing and delivery of completed products. Innovators in our field, we lead the way in exploring new concepts, approaches, processes, materials and components.  Join us as a Hardware Engineer on our Infrastructure Solutions Group Engineering Development team in Taipei to do the best work of your career and make a profound social impact.  What you'll achieve  As a Hardware Engineer, you will join the product development process with the team and understand the connection and relationship between system and peripheral products. You join have chance to engage with multiple function experts to touch and learn cross function communication and leading threads.   You will: - Learn to design, validate and document in Hardware projects (Electrical or Firmware Engineering)  - Learn about how Peripheral product working stand along or connection with system from design perspective then understand what-how of Dell products - Have chance to implement new features into Dell products  - Gain different experiences of working and change your viewpoints and future career      Take the first step towards your dream career  Every Dell Technologies team member brings something unique to the table. Here's what we are looking for with this role:  Essential Requirements : - Bachelor's or master's degree in engineering related fields and expect to graduate between 2024 February to 2025 December  - Preliminary understanding of Hardware (Electrical) or Firmware knowledge.  - Interest about Dell Peripheral Product development on multiple Engineering area which across HW/FW/SW and cross function communication.  - Interested in joining teams and taking tasks with engineering function leaders.  - Good communication skill with fluent English and Chinese  Desirable Requirements: - Ability to lead, motivate and direct a workgroup    - Capability to influence others to achieve results  ★Discover exciting job opportunities directly from our hiring managers and get all your questions answered in our Q&A sessions. Sign up here: 【戴爾科技集團】解碼未來,戴你前行! 2025 校園招募說明會 https://events.104.com.tw/dell/20240731094928/?utm_source=104AD2&jobsource=AD_510281_ Application closing date: 31 December 2024

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9/20 R0006626: Sr. AI Engineer

  • 台北市大安區
  • 3年以上
  • 專科

[Our Team] We are a forward-thinking team focused on generative AI applications, hyper automation, digital employee and customer experiences, and consumer support technology. Our mission is to leverage the power of AI and automation to transform digital interactions, optimize business processes, and enhance overall user satisfaction. By integrating innovative AI solutions with existing systems, we aim to drive business growth, empower employees, and deliver exceptional customer experiences. We are looking for passionate AI engineers to join us in creating intelligent, data-driven solutions that make a tangible impact. [Key for Success] 1.Understanding business objectives and utilizing AI models to make business decisions and develop strategies. 2.Implement AI solutions that integrate with existing business systems to enhance functionality and user interaction. Bring new ideas into the team. 3.Propose and develop POCs based on your or the team's ideas. Stay current with AI trends and suggest improvements to existing systems and workflows [Responsibilities] 1. Build and maintain Generative AI applications and infrastructure. 2. Manage the data flow and infrastructure for effective AI deployment. 3. Collaborate across teams to align AI initiatives with organizational goals. 4. Develop machine learning models and AI solutions. 5. Test, deploy, and maintain AI systems. 6. Collaborate with data scientists and other engineers to integrate AI into broader system architectures. [Qualifications / Requirements] Essential: 1. Excellent team player with good verbal and written English 2. Fast learner and self-starter who can take on individual tasks 3. Programming languages: Strong proficiency in Python programming; Understanding of PHP, Javascript 4. AI Tools: a. Azure AI Studio (Azure OpenAI, Prompt Flow, Azure ML) b. Advanced experience with LangChain c. Agentic workflows d. Good knowledge of most common language models, features, speed, capabilities, limits, cost e. Vector DBs (Elastic, Solr, Chroma) f. Graph databases with vector support g. Building vector indexes from large amount of documents(Chunking strategies, enhancing metadata and document perspectives) h. Prompt engineering, higher level LLM P.E. 5. Design, maintain and secure development of APIs, authentication (f.e. FastApi) 6. Versioning, output standardization 7. Cloud services: Azure, AWS, GCP (Good working experience with at least one of them) 8. Experience in securing and deploying GenAI Applications 9. Ability to design and execute tests for generative AI applications 10. Experience with docker and containerization of applications Nice to have: 1. Frameworks like VueJS, React, LiveWire, Laravel 2. LangGraph, LangSmith, LangFuse 3. Experience in Infrastructure as Code (Terraform, Ansible) 4. Linux OS basic server troubleshooting 5. SSH tunneling 6. Good Networking foundational knowledge 7. Experience in scaling and optimizing backend solutions for high performance

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9/20 R0006625: Sr. Microsoft Dynamic Engineer

  • 台北市大安區
  • 3年以上
  • 專科

The mission of the team is to fuel business growth by digital business through cutting-edge technologies. [Our Role - Microsoft Dynamic Engineer] As a Sr. Engineer specializing in Microsoft Dynamics 365, you will be responsible for designing, implementing, and supporting solutions across Dynamics 365’s CRM and Finance & Operations platforms. This role demands a deep understanding of the platform, strong technical expertise, and the ability to lead and work with development teams through complex implementations. Key Responsibilities: 1.Implement Dynamics 365 Projects: Architect, design, and develop solutions leveraging Microsoft Dynamics 365 (CRM and Finance & Operations) to address business needs with collaborations with project manager and business stakeholders. 2.Customization & Configuration: Customize and configure Dynamics 365 modules, including workflows, business rules, forms, and dashboards. 3.Integration: Develop and maintain integrations between Dynamics 365 and other enterprise applications using Power Platform, Azure Services, or custom API solutions. 4.Solution Design & Architecture: Design scalable and secure solutions following Microsoft’s best practices and guidelines. Technical Leadership: Provide leadership and mentoring to development teams, manage technical project deliverables, and ensure high-quality outcomes. 5.Troubleshooting & Support: Identify and resolve issues related to system configurations, integrations, and performance. 6.Stakeholder Engagement: Collaborate with business stakeholders to gather requirements, provide technical recommendations, and ensure successful project delivery. 7.Documentation: Develop and maintain comprehensive documentation, including technical designs, user manuals, and deployment plans. 8.Continuous Improvement: Stay updated with the latest Dynamics 365 and Microsoft technologies, and recommend improvements to existing systems and processes. [Qualifications / Requirements] 1.Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, Business Administration, or a related field. 2.Speak English Fluently (This is a must). 3.Minimum 3-5 years of hands-on experience in Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM and/or Finance & Operations. 5.Proficiency in .NET, C#, Python, JavaScript, SQL Server, and Web APIs. 6.Experience leading end-to-end implementations, upgrades, and customizations in Dynamics 365. 7.Proven ability to architect and design enterprise-level solutions. Knowledge and experience in domains such as CRM, Finance Operations, and Order Management.

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9/20 R0006614:(Sr.) Identity and Messaging Engineer

  • 台北市大安區
  • 3年以上
  • 專科

[Our Role - Identity and Messaging Engineer] We are seeking candidates who have strong, proven experience as messaging and identity subject matter expert in global matrix style organization, capable of identify issues within the infrastructure, come up with best practices/plan and implement changes to streamline operations and ensure optimization and efficiency across all systems managed by the team and capable of leading other team members for planning and implementation. The ideal candidate will be proactive, and customer focused, highly focus on automation preferably with previous experience as Architect or Subject Matter Expert for messaging and identify management on premise and cloud. [Key Responsibilities] 1. Provide senior technical expertise for Messaging and Identity Management Services in a global team. 2. Designing, implementing and running new infrastructure architecture when required and ensuring that is flexible and support business needs by maintaining an understanding of business strategies and infrastructure capabilities. 3. Strong team player able to lead small team of senior and junior engineers, drive projects and prioritise based on business value, risk management, optimization and efficiency. 4. Research innovative platforms that will improve availability, performance and efficiency for current services. 5. Hands-On for Identity Infrastructure, including technologies like Active Directory, Active Directory Federation Service, Domain Name Services (DNS), LDAP, Kerberos. 6. Hands-On for Messaging and Identity Infrastructure, including technologies like Messaging Internet Gateway, Exchange 2016, Postfix, MS Office 365, Federation Service, Active Directory, Multifactor Authentication technologies. 7. Hands-On for Identity Infrastructure, including technologies like Azure Active Directory, SAML, cloud and Multifactor Authentication technologies. 8. Create and implement risk mitigation processes and conduct security audits to determine weaknesses in all applications managed by the team. [Qualifications / Requirements] 1. You have a higher education in Computer Science, Engineering or similar 2. 4+ years’ experience as Architect for Messaging, Identity Management Services. 3. 2 years’ experience leading technical projects in a global environment. 4. You have deep knowledge around Active Directory, Group Policy, Powershell, DNS, AD Federation Services, Office 365 and Hybrid Configurations, Azure AD 5. You have deep knowledge around Intune Policies, Powershell, Office 365 and Hybrid Configurations, Azure AD and SAML configurations. 6. High focus on automation and DevOps. 7. You have deep knowledge around Active Directory, Group Policy, Powershell, DNS, AD Federation Services, Exchange 2016, Office 365 and Hybrid Configurations, Azure AD, Postfix and Messaging Internet Gateway. 8. Deep knowledge about DKIM, SPF, DMARC. 9. Good understanding of Windows and Linux Systems, Virtualization Infrastructure, Storage and Network as well as SaaS Services. 10. High focus on automation and DevOps. 11. You know how to work in an Enterprise IT environment and within a structured project delivery framework. 12. You are an excellent communicator with the ability to correspond effectively with all levels of Business and IT. 13. You have fun thinking globally, acting locally and work in multi-cultural teams around the globe. 14. You are a problem solver with the ability to effectively prioritize work.

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9/20 加入電商_ 客服專員【大安區】固定日班_擇優轉正 _ 時薪250$

  • 台北市大安區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 高中

✔擇優轉正/不需體檢,前進大集團 ✔專人教學,完整教育訓練 ✔無需客服經驗,文書作業ok來挑戰 【工作內容】 1.​客服專線電話接聽 ​2.客戶留言信件回覆處理 3.​客訴案件關懷及協助 ​4.協調客戶及相關單位共同解決客訴 【工作地點】台北市大安區敦化南路二段(近信義安和站) 【工作待遇】時薪250元(不含加班費)+每月激勵獎金2000元 【工作時間】09:00~18:00 【休假方式】 排休

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