- 台北市北投區
- 1年以上
- 專科
1.回覆與報價/測試請求/所需樣品/報告狀態追蹤與發送/定價相關的詢問/開立發票 2.不定期拜訪供應商,維持良好關係並提供加值服務 3.監控每個供應商每月的業務量並調查供應商是否提出任何潛在問題。 4.擔任客戶和實驗室之間的橋樑。 5.從新的和潛在的供應商資訊中收集業務資訊以促進業務發展。 6.申請內部及外部分包款項 7.支援研討會/培訓活動。 8. 其他主管指派事宜 1.Reply the Inquiries related to Quotation / Test Request Form / Sample Required / Report Status、Distribute / Pricing/issue invoices 2.Visit vendors from time to time in order to maintain good relationship and provide value-added services. 3.Monitor the monthly business volume of each vendor & investigate if any potential issue raised by the vendor. 4.Act as a bridge between the customer and the laboratory. 5.Collect business information from new and potential vendors information for business development. 6.Apply internal and external subcontract payment 7.Support seminar/training events. 8.Other task assign by leader.