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產品經理(海外遊/留學課程) Program Sales Manager

  • 台北市信義區
  • 7年以上
  • 大學

This position will be based in Taipei office. As a member of the International Language program team, he/she will be in charge of promoting language program to the market(Taiwan). The successful candidates will be responsible for the final results of the program in the market by planning and executing online/offline requests, online/offline marketing activity and offering operational support to the team. You will also be responsible for analyzing the results of all marketing placements and report to the management board. Key Responsibilities: • Ambitious and competitive personality - goals oriented and motivated • Strong entrepreneurial spirit and good business acumen - you seize opportunities as they arise to advance the business • Organizational talent with an efficient and independent way of working - you juggle different tasks effortlessly and always meet strict deadlines • Analytical and solution-oriented thinking - you understand connections immediately, always stay positive and find a solution even for complex problems • Communicative team player with strong leadership skills - you have a good knack for working with people and motivating teammates • Passion for sales and track record of success in sales management and/or experience in marketing/business development • Ability to work in a fast-paced, entrepreneurial and team environment • Study abroad experience (preferably through an exchange program) • Fluent in “local Language” and high proficiency in English (B2+) 職位需求: 1. 學士學位以上,至少5年以上業務工作經驗 2. 具銷售或是顧問主管相關經驗者佳 3. 具備出國遊學留學相關經驗 4. 具備一定英文說寫能力 5. 目標導向、積極進取的人格特質 6. 具備創業精神和良好的商業頭腦 7. 具有高效率、獨立工作方式的組織人才 8. 具備分析和解決問題的思維以及能力 9. 善於溝通,具備強大的領導能力 10. 具備企圖心以及對教育行業的熱情 11. 被錄取後需要提供良民證 Please apply via 104 and our career site here: https://app.jobvite.com/j?cj=oXgn4fwo&s=104 IMPORTANT: Only the candidates who applied through our career site will be count as a valid application. Please kindly understand and follow this.


Client Executive – FINPRO (Financial and Professional Liability)

  • 台北市中山區
  • 5年以上
  • 專科

Marsh is seeking candidates for the following position based in the Taiwan office: Client Executive – Financial Line What can you expect? Marsh FINPRO Team is looking for a Client Executive to join the team. We will count on you to: -Performs tasks related to the quoting, binding and servicing of new and renewal accounts to assist with serving clients. -Helps develop new products by keeping management aware of client's needs. -Assists with responding to client requests for information, coordinating with other departments as necessary, and clearing with Broker. -Updates more senior-level Brokers and Supervisors on issues, progress etc, regularly and upon request to assist the Broker with serving clients. -Assists in the timely production of placement slips, cover notes, and policies and in tracing payment and collecting of premiums to provide quality deliverables to clients. -Maintains business relationships to better serve clients. -May analyze documents and bond forms, as well as banking terms and conditions. -May examine and interpret the terms and conditions of General Agreement of -------Indemnity required to be executed by Clients to support all surety transactions. -May analyze financial statements for all industries with specific knowledge of each industries unique financial metrics. What you need to have: -Bachelor degree or above, majoring in insurance studies is preferred. -5+ years of working experience in general insurance industry -Preferably in a client-facing role working closely with underwriters, preparing presentations, negotiating terms with insurers. -Act as a first point of contact within service team for day-to-day insurance queries and be proactive in servicing and anticipate any issues at an early stage. -Fluency in both Chinese and English both verbal and written What makes you stand out: -Excellent communication and written skills in English and Chinese -Strategic thinker with ability to take ownership, prioritise work, and meet deadlines with can-do attitude. -Highly motivated and a team player with good stakeholder management skills. Marsh is the world’s leading insurance broker and risk adviser. With more than 45,000 colleagues advising clients in over 130 countries, Marsh serves commercial and individual clients with data-driven risk solutions and advisory services. Marsh is a business of Marsh McLennan (NYSE: MMC), the world’s leading professional services firm in the areas of risk, strategy and people. With annual revenue of $23 billion, Marsh McLennan helps clients navigate an increasingly dynamic and complex environment through four market-leading businesses: Marsh, Guy Carpenter, Mercer, and Oliver Wyman. For more information, visit marshmclennan.com, follow us on LinkedIn and X. Marsh McLennan is committed to creating a diverse, inclusive, and flexible work environment. We aim to attract and retain the best people and embrace diversity of age, background, disability, ethnic origin, family duties, gender orientation or expression, marital status, nationality, parental status, personal or social status, political affiliation, race, religion and beliefs, sex/gender, sexual orientation or expression, skin color, or any other characteristic protected by applicable law. Marsh McLennan is committed to hybrid work, which includes the flexibility of working remotely and the collaboration, connections, and professional development benefits of working together in the office. All Marsh McLennan colleagues are expected to be in their local office or working onsite with clients at least three days per week. Office-based teams will identify at least one “anchor day” per week on which their full team will be together in person.


10/04 【光隆安親班】安親課輔老師

  • 台中市南屯區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

1.協助孩童完成當天功課,並注意寫字的工整及負責該年級之教學活動規劃與執行。 2.指導國小學生課業,並評估學生學習狀況以調整授課進度,訂定教學目標、課程範圍、授課內容教材。 3.輔導學生行為,校正不良生活習慣、衛生習慣,重視品格教育。如:東西用畢需歸位、有禮貌的溝通、保持座位附近的清潔等。 4.調解孩童間的爭吵,並協助孩童建立良好的人際關係。 5.傾聽孩子的心聲並給予關懷鼓勵。 6.基本行政作業。

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10/04 採發助理

  • 台中市南屯區
  • 2年以上
  • 專科

1. 工程採購發包、詢價及議價作業並追蹤進度。 2. 工程數量計算。 3.廠商資料、建材等相關資料整理與更新作業。 4.廠商請款計價及數量核對。 5. 開發新廠商。 6.協助處理主管交辦事項。 ★ 具備AutoCAD基本識圖能力。 ★ 熟悉Excel、Word。 ★ 上班地點:台中市南屯區及霧峰區。 ★ 具備駕照者佳。

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10/04 中班內場服務人員 (薪36K-42K)

  • 台中市南屯區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

【中班薪資】:月薪36K-42K+每季紅利分紅 ✔具有競爭力的薪酬福利 ✔完整培訓 ✔升遷順暢 酸小七|酸湯魚 海外首場 COMING SOON,大量徵才中! 提供具有競爭力的薪資,招募有活力的你 讓有你的酸小七更加茁壯,期待您成為我們的一份子 歡迎您的加入! ===【工作內容】=== 【內場】 1-餐點備製、調理 2-依SOP標準執行食材備置與處理,出餐品質完整確認 3-食材盤點與訂貨 4-廚房環境、設備、餐具清潔及維護 5-有廚房內場經驗者佳 6-其他主管交辦事項

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10/04 教保員

  • 台中市南屯區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

1.設計及安排說話、唱遊、舞蹈、繪畫及手工等學習活動,以促進幼童身心的成長。 2.教導幼童良好的基本生活習慣,並保護其安全。 3.鼓舞幼童自我表現及參與團體生活,以促進其社會行為之正常發展。 4.安排戶外學習活動,增進幼童對大自然及社會環境的認識,引發其對周遭事物的關注與興趣。 5.舉辦親子教學活動,或作家庭訪問,與父母共同討論幼童的行為表現與學習情形。

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10/04 伴手禮門市銷售人員-台中大墩總店

  • 台中市南屯區
  • 1年以上
  • 大學

工作內容: 1.負責介紹及銷售門市商品。 2.提供顧客之接待與需求服務(如:電話、社群諮詢、調貨、包裝及退換貨處理)。 3.負責商品進貨入庫、銷售管理及庫存管理。 4.負責商品包裝、陳列及促銷品換檔工作。 5.輕食製備、咖啡沖泡等現場工作(支援公益店時需求)。 6.維持店櫃週遭之整潔。 (可獨當一面,基本抗壓性足夠,出勤需正常,避免臨時請假者) 7.會美編/圖文,並與設計師溝通視覺輸出。 8.上架商品、經營商城。

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10/04 肉次方台中文心五權西店-大廳見習襄理

  • 台中市南屯區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 高中

肉次方台中文心五權西店 誠 徵:大廳見習襄理 工作內容:現場顧客服務、外場營運協助等 需求人數:10人 工作時段:10:00~凌晨00:00(每日排班8小時、採兩段排班) ※晚上11點後的班別將提供【夜班津貼】 ※依營運需求彈性排班,工作時間面試詳洽 學/經 歷:高中職以上畢業,具服務熱忱

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10/04 (中部)設計師

  • 台中市南屯區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

1、設計協助:根據客戶的指示,參與燈光設計方案的開發,協助準備設計概念、選擇合適的燈具,並規劃光源分佈。 2、文件與資料準備:根據設計需求編製燈光設計相關文件,包括設計說明書、技術參數表、負載表及報價單等。並負責維護及更新設計文件和相關文檔資料。 4、工地現場協助:需與設計師前往工地現場,協助現場尺寸丈量,繪製相關圖面,核對圖面資料,並管理圖檔。 3、接待來訪客戶,展廳介紹 -具備基本的繪圖和尺寸丈量技能,熟練使用 AutoCAD、Photoshop,熟悉 Excel、Word 等文書軟件 -良好的溝通與表達能力、抗壓性強,能應對多樣工作需求 -擁有積極學習態度、需具備彈性,能配合工地出差及現場工作

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10/04 國外採購助理

  • 台中市南屯區
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

1. 供應商資料管理建立及維護。 2. 與國外廠商來往信件,供應商維護及管理,維持良好關係。 3. 產品成本計算及報價分析。 4. 產品採購及進口報關事宜。 5. 需有細心負責、善於跨部門溝通協調。 6. 具穩定性/抗壓性、應有團隊精神。 7. 其他主管交辦事項。 **可接受國內(當日為主) 國外(短期)出差**

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10/04 中區業務人員(高雄受訓→台中上班)

  • 台中市南屯區
  • 2年以上
  • 專科

★金絲猴防水人力招募,百萬年薪等你來拿!★ ★優於同業績效獎金,保障底薪,試用期滿正式月薪+獎金達$35,000元~$120,000元。 ★年薪12個月+年終獎金平均為2個月或以上(當年度任職滿一年(含)以上者,並依公司當年度營運狀況及個人工作績效而定) ★業務專屬公務車,專屬門號電話卡 ★機會給你,願意嚐試嗎? ★如果你是千里馬,金絲猴將會是你的伯樂。 1.銷售金絲猴防水塗料及相關產品。(業界領導品牌,產品競爭力強) 2.推廣產品於油漆行、建材行、防水工程公司、建築師、業主。 3.有業務經驗,銷售通路業務開發及推廣。 4.保障底薪,正式上線月薪+獎金達$35,000元~$120,000元。 5.優於同業的績效獎金,完善透明的發放制度。 6.一對一完整扎實的產品種類、特性與工法及客戶端服務的業務技能培訓。 ***向百萬年薪挑戰,享國內外旅遊、勞退6%外加、具特休、三節獎金及三百萬團保。***

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10/04 業務專員(台中分公司)<擴大徵才>(保障底薪+完整培訓)

  • 台中市南屯區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 高中

【保障底薪35K+業績獎金】 1.開發潛在客戶,拓展市場,以達成業績目標。 2.定期拜訪舊客戶,維繫穩定客戶關係。 3.提供客戶做專業人力引進及流程規劃。 ※無經驗可培訓,公司提供良好教育訓練體制,讓新進人員循序漸進發展專業技能。

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