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精品營業專員 [展店增補人力]

  • 台北市信義區
  • 2年以上
  • 專科

2024~2026 持續有台灣及海外展店計畫, 歡迎未有珠寶銷售經驗的你/妳加入RJ團隊。 工作內容: 1. 商品介紹及銷售。 2. 維持店櫃區域之整潔。 3. 協助店主管門市營運。 4. 負責商品包裝、陳列等工作。 5. 負責商品進貨入庫、銷售管理及庫存管理。 6. 顧客接待與服務(如:電話諮詢、調貨、修改、訂製等服務)。 月薪$30,000 – $35,000 + 團體工作獎金 年薪70萬以上 月休9天



  • 台中市潭子區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

工作內容 1. 中文業務: 中文聽說讀寫精通(回覆客戶郵件為主), 2. 積極度佳。 3. 無經驗可。 4. 責任心強。 5. 履歷表須附照片及自傳,只接受郵件預約面試。 6. 前3個月基本薪資,3個月後每季度依績效評比發放獎金,最低12000,後依表現調整職等後增加獎金。 7. 額外計算業績獎金。 8. 有年終獎金,勞健保,員工福委會舉辦各式活動,年終尾牙。 9. 工作滿二年者每年可參加公司海外旅遊費用補助。 辦公環境: 1. 良好舒適辦公環境。 2. 備機車停車場。 3. 學習成長機會多。


7/27 櫃台行政人員

  • 台北市中正區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 高中

{工作內容} 1. 負責診所客戶接待。 2. 接聽、轉接來電,並提供資訊及留言服務。 3. 負責文件表單的歸檔及保存。 4. 處理例行性的工作。 5. 零用金收付。 6. 負責採買診所日常用品。 7. 具溝通協調能力、獨力作業。 8. 維持診所環境。 9. 能自律自動自發且積極向上有團隊精神。 10. 有醫美診所經驗者優先錄取。 11. 對醫美工作服務熱枕且有企圖心、肯刻苦耐勞者,歡迎加入我們 12. 主管交辦事項。 {小千員工福利} 1. 勞健保、勞退提撥。 2. 每月享有免費護膚療程。 3. 業績達成國外/國內員工旅遊。

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7/27 PHP工程師

  • 台北市中正區
  • 1年以上
  • 專科

【工作內容】 1. 維護客戶既有的網站 2. 依客戶需求新增網站功能及系統程式開發 3. 與行銷人員討論專案可行性 4.擁有榮譽感認真負責 5.具備分析問題&獨立解決問題能力&團隊協作能力 6.解決專案相關主管交辦事項之餘,若在執行工作項目時尚有疑慮,應先請示及配合主管指示的作法 7.對程式設計有熱情會積極嘗試新技術與吸收知識 【職務需求】 1. PHP、MySQL、HTML、CSS、JS、jQuery 2. 對程式物件導向與MVC架構有基本概念即可 3.使用過AJAX開發過網頁者佳

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7/27 Regulatory Affairs Contractor (Part-Time)

  • 台北市中正區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

Job Purpose: This role is mainly responsible for supporting regulatory activities for all Alcon products, including regulatory submissions, maintaining the approved product licenses, and coordinating regulatory affairs activities in compliance with the Health Authority’s regulations and inter-company procedures. Also, following the supervisor’s instructions to support the departmental projects and documentation/ data maintenance is one of the responsibilities. Major Responsibilities: • Support product registration projects. • Collect and prepare documents and other registration activities for license maintenance. • Manage product labeling stuff. • Document filing and database management. • Consolidate and track internal product database maintenance and update the global regulatory database. • Support departmental projects assigned by the supervisor. P.s The candidate must be available to work for a minimum of three days per week until the end of 2024.

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7/27 門市人員

  • 台北市大安區
  • 2年以上
  • 高中

1. 負責介紹及銷售門市商品。 2. 提供顧客之接待與需求服務。 3. 負責商品進貨入庫、銷售管理及庫存管理。 4. 負責商品包裝、陳列及門市環境維護整理。 門市店員是公司與顧客溝通的橋樑,其工作內容涵蓋商品銷售、顧客服務、門市管理等多個方面。此職位不僅可以培養顧客服務技能,還能夠接觸到各種商品和產業知識,是一個具有發展性的工作。 歡迎喜歡音樂環境者加入,更歡迎有提琴拉奏經驗者。

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7/27 總經理特助

  • 台北市中正區
  • 5年以上
  • 大學

1.協助資金調度安排、資金預估及管控。 2.協助銀行關係維護、融資額度規劃及洽談。 3.規劃及檢討財會作業流程,定期核閱財務報表,經營分析。 4.協助董事會 股東會作業。 5.ERP 導入與內部流程善優化等專案。

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7/27 外場服務人員

  • 台北市中正區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

1. 負責跑單、擺盤、送餐及聯繫內外場之工作。 2. 負責客人帶位、點餐等工作。 3. 於客人用餐完畢後,負責收拾碗盤與清理環境。 4. 進行簡易餐飲之備料,調配飲料等。 5. 負責結帳、收銀之工作。 6. 協助清洗碗盤。 這個職位在我們公司非常重要,因為餐飲是我們公司的一個核心業務。此職位可以提供個人發展機會和無限前景,並且可以幫助我們提供更好的客戶體驗。 如果您對這個職位感興趣,請盡快申請並表達您的興趣和熱情!

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7/27 國內/外業務助理

  • 台北市大安區
  • 3年以上
  • 高中

- 協助國內/外店家業務行政工作(接單、跟單、報關文件製作及出貨..等作業) - 協助國內/外店家銷售請款及對帳事宜 - 協助進口數量統計與報表管理 - 協助國內/外業務待辦事項 - 新舊客戶業務接洽 - 新產品開發 - 具提琴拉奏能力者佳 業務助理是公司業務部門中不可或缺的重要角色之一,擔任著協助門市與國內外業務人員處理日常事務、維護客戶關係、報告銷售狀況等重要工作。此職位有良好的發展前景,能夠進一步學習和磨練各種業務技能,為未來晉升到更高級別的業務職位打下良好的基礎。 歡迎對本職缺感興趣的求職者投遞履歷表及相關文件至指定信箱。

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7/27 醫美諮詢師

  • 台北市中正區
  • 3年以上
  • 專科

{工作內容} 1. 醫學美容療程專業諮詢銷售與建議 2. 術後服務與客戶關懷追蹤 3. 每日電話客戶開發 4. 協助店內日常營運工作及跟診 5. 能自律自動自發且積極向上 6. 有醫美診所諮詢師工作經驗者優先錄取 7. 有團隊精神 8. 對醫美工作服務熱枕且有企圖心,歡迎加入我們 {小千員工福利} 1. 勞健保、勞退提撥 2. 每月享有免費護膚療程 3. 業績達成國外/國內員工旅遊

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7/27 業務/副理【週休二日、底薪+獎金、福利佳】

  • 台北市中正區
  • 5年以上
  • 專科

◆照明業務經驗者尤佳,或是經銷商業務/家電等等經驗者優先 1.拜訪及維護客戶關係 2.銷售及推廣公司產品並對經銷商執行相關促銷活動 3.預估產品銷售、分析實際銷售達成情況,提出解決方案 4.執行新產品上市及舊產品退出相關業務活動 5.市場情報蒐集與彙整 6.管理及執行業務專案

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7/27 Legal Counsel

  • 台北市中正區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

At Alcon, we are driven by the meaningful work we do to help people see brilliantly. We innovate boldly, champion progress, and act with speed as the global leader in eye care. Here, you’ll be recognized for your commitment and contributions and see your career like never before. Together, we go above and beyond to make an impact in the lives of our patients and customers. We foster an inclusive culture and are looking for diverse, talented people to join Alcon. As Legal Counsel, you are required to be responsible for providing strategic and legal advice in all matters that are relevant to business, such as contracts, litigation, disputes and employee relations. In addition, he/she is responsible for establishing, promoting, and reinforcing compliance standards, aligned with local laws and regulations in close collaboration with the local Compliance Officer. This role receives support and direction from the Head of Legal (Taiwan and Hong Kong) and also provides legal guidance and training in key legal areas. In this role, a typical day will include: * Provides substantive and strategic legal support to the Surgical and Vision Care Franchise heads and other local leaders and their respective teams, and more specifically advises on the execution of franchise projects at local level (launch of key products, new surgical business models and strategies, equipment financing agreements, pricing and discount policies, etc.…). * Review and advice Franchise and Functions on legal implications of internal policies and procedures. Also guide on any new policies to be prepared in the interest of the organization, as and when required. * Assist in the negotiation of various commercial contracts. * Assist in review in localization of global standard contract templates and translations; as well as implementation of the new global contracting system, Icertis. * Mitigates litigation risk exposure, including risks derived from anti-competition issues and employee relations, to defend and strengthen Alcon’s reputation. * Review tender agreements and advise on public procurement framework. * Manages legal housekeeping and corporate secretarial work (archiving of contracts, contract management, corporate registration etc.). * Support on data privacy work. * Monitors legal developments; ensures that the business considers legal trends and risks in the execution of the business strategy. * Support / lead, internal investigations as needed from time to time. * Support in all government and/or similar audits and investigations, internal Audit, ensuring proper support and guidance to franchises. * Ensures adherence to the Alcon Outside Counsel Policy and liaises with external law firms; * Provide legal advice and trainings. * Works closely with the Country Compliance Officer to foster a culture of ethics and integrity in the organization. * Works to foster a diverse and inclusive environment free from all forms of discrimination and harassment.

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7/27 Key Account Specialist, North- Surgical

  • 台北市中正區
  • 4年以上
  • 大學

At Alcon, we are driven by the meaningful work we do to help people see brilliantly. We innovate boldly, champion progress, and act with speed as the global leader in eye care. Here, you’ll be recognized for your commitment and contributions and see your career like never before. Together, we go above and beyond to make an impact in the lives of our patients and customers. We foster an inclusive culture and are looking for diverse, talented people to join Alcon. As Key Account Specialist, you are required to strives to achieve assigned sales goals for the teaching hospitals through the effective management of time and routing. The position is expected to call on all surgeons within responsible area, and execute sales and promotional tactics, in accordance with brand and marketing strategies. In this role, a typical day will include: *Achievement of sales objectives, Units and Value within the assigned accounts * Implement daily brand and marketing tactics, incl. RTDs, aligned with personal and district objectives and POA grid * Efficient management and tracking of time and resources (incl. samples) allocated * Improve on selling skills (GPS) and product knowledge, together with DSM and trainer of the company * Establish strong and effective business relationships with all surgeons and key decision makers within the assign accounts , by calling on all surgeons at adequate frequency * Keep up with administration tasks and support (Sales executions/SALSA, OR observation form, PAF, EFA Compliance, sales forecasts, Follow-up with marketing activities, PMP), and provide timely reporting * Report on competitive activities and follow-up commercial strategies, in a timely manner * Ensure compliance of company SOPs, vigilance reporting, code of conduct and local regulations in daily operation. * Complete any other business task assigned by supervisor What you’ll bring to Alcon: * Bachelor degree. Preferred medical related fields * At least 4 years’ sales experience of sales. Preferred sales experience in Healthcare industry * Good command of English and Chinese * PC knowledge (Word, PowerPoint, Excel ) * Negotiating and problem solving skills * Excellent interpersonal and communication skills * Team Player Why join Alcon? * Join a global leader with a rich history of innovation and excellence in eye care. * Be part of a collaborative and supportive team culture that values diversity and inclusion. * Enjoy a competitive compensation package and opportunities for career advancement. * Make a meaningful difference in the lives of patients worldwide by contributing to cutting-edge advancements in eye health. If you're ready to take the next step in your career and lead a dynamic team towards success, we want to hear from you! Apply now and join us in shaping the future of eye care at Alcon. Alcon Careers See your impact at alcon.com/careers

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7/27 門市人員(Wooderful life 華山店)

  • 台北市中正區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

1、商品銷售介紹及收銀作業。 2、顧客接待與需求服務。 3、維持現場櫃位清潔及進補貨作業。 4、音樂鈴及其他DIY教學服務。 5、需配合排班作業。 6、其他店內事務及主管交辦事項。

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7/27 國內業務代表

  • 台北市中正區
  • 1年以上
  • 專科

1. 定期拜訪客戶,維繫公司與客戶關係。 2. 開發潛在客戶,拓展市場。 3. 公司促銷活動執行與相關業務推廣及接洽。 4. 訂單處理與產品售後服務。 5.保障底薪,獎金另計。

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7/27 【月薪32000-38800】櫃檯人員(玩行旅台北館)

  • 台北市中正區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

*工作內容: 1.櫃台現場服務人員 2.負責接待外賓旅客 3.CHECK-IN / CHECK-OUT 4.操作前台系統,對各OTA控房,並負責電話及網路接單。 5.協助解決旅客問題。 *發展遠景: 從第一線接觸客戶開始熟練,培養耐心與責任感,進而獨當一面。 *成就樂趣: 與旅客溝通並提供服務,培養自信。 團隊目前大多都是年輕人,我們歡迎無經驗有熱情的人 工作時間固定,幾乎不用加班,會有很多可以進修自己的時間 月休9-10天,不用怕想出國又沒有假可以放

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7/27 行政業務助理

  • 台北市中正區
  • 2年以上
  • 專科

1.採購單、進銷存系統登打與出貨事宜、庫存管理。 2.與客戶聯繫,處理客戶合約報價單,出貨排程、追踨出貨狀況並製作出貨相關資料(INVOICE/PACKING LIST) 3.核對各類單據及對帳單交付請款。 4.保持與客戶間之聯繫,回覆問題。 5.主管交辦事項並為部門業務人員之後勤支援。 6.善於溝通協調,並需具細心,理解力、學習力強特質。

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7/27 Tax Specialist

  • 台北市中正區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

At Alcon, we are driven by the meaningful work we do to help people see brilliantly. We innovate boldly, champion progress, and act with speed as the global leader in eye care. Here, you’ll be recognized for your commitment and contributions and see your career like never before. Together, we go above and beyond to make an impact in the lives of our patients and customers. We foster an inclusive culture and are looking for diverse, talented people to join Alcon. As Senior Accountant, you are required to provide expert advice to superiors for Financial Reporting & Accounting and manage the reporting and accounting requirements for the general ledger and tax; to ensure compliance with external and internal accounting reporting requirements in a timely and accurate manner. In this role, a typical day will include: * Work with direct managers to support financial activities, decision making and general projects. * Provide timely, proactive support on the tax and general ledger. * Support all processes in VAT and related reporting according to corporate and statutory and tax filing requirements. * Prepare analysis or reporting with particular emphasis on accuracy, compliance and timeliness of data provided. * Provide all data needed for internal (Financial Consolidation and Reporting System) and external reporting (including statutory accounts, national statistics and tax information) in a timely and accurate manner. * Contribute to FRA assignment or projects. What you’ll bring to Alcon: * Bachelor degree in Accounting\Finance related. * 3 years of experience in VAT and accounting from MNC * Familiar with SAP ERP * Responsible and careful in work. * Have team spirit and good cross-function coordination and cooperation skills. * Ability to work independently and effectively deliver high quality results. * Fluently read, write, understand and communicate in English Why join Alcon? * Join a global leader with a rich history of innovation and excellence in eye care. * Be part of a collaborative and supportive team culture that values diversity and inclusion. * Enjoy a competitive compensation package and opportunities for career advancement. * Make a meaningful difference in the lives of patients worldwide by contributing to cutting-edge advancements in eye health. If you're ready to take the next step in your career and lead a dynamic team towards success, we want to hear from you! Apply now and join us in shaping the future of eye care at Alcon. Alcon Careers See your impact at alcon.com/careers

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7/27 Tender Specialist (Contractor)

  • 台北市中正區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

Job Purpose: Support Alcon in managing tender activities including compiling, vetting, and submitting tender documents according to tender requirements, Consolidate tender items on file for overall management application. Major Responsibility: • Search the bidding information on the website of the Government e-Procurement System. • Engage in the pre and post contracts administrative matters. • Prepare the bidding document for tender submission. • Develop, review, and manage compliance & specifications of tender and the associated contracts. • Tender upload and management for internal management. • Any other assigned duties. PS. This is a fixed-term position, with employment period from the start working date until December 31, 2024.

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7/27 醫美美容師

  • 台北市中正區
  • 1年以上
  • 專科

{工作內容} 1. 提供客戶基礎潔膚/卸妝技巧、臉部保養清潔等美療服務。 2. 杏仁酸、保濕美白導入保養 、水飛梭、雷射術前術後護理保養。 3. 協助店內日常營運工作及跟診。 4. 醫美療程/美容保養品介紹。 5. 醫學美容療程專業諮詢銷售與建議。 6. 術後服務與客戶關懷追蹤。 7. 能自律自動自發且積極向上 。 8. 有美容經驗者優先錄取。 9. 有美容執照優先錄取。 10.有團隊精神。 11.對醫美工作服務熱枕且有企圖心,歡迎加入我們。 {小千員工福利} 1. 勞健保、勞退提撥。 2. 每月享有免費護膚療程。 3. 業績達成國外/國內員工旅遊。

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