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  • 新北市樹林區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 高中

如果您想趁年輕為自己存一桶金,歡迎加入Robinmay! 如果您在銷售專業以外,也渴望晉升成為獨當一面的人才,歡迎加入Robinmay! 【保障底薪及水準以上的常態薪資,為生活打好穩定的基礎】 1.到職即享保障底薪40000元,常態性薪資可達40000元~48000元,資深及主管級夥伴薪資可達50000元~74000元! 2.依表現穩定調薪 【各式定期及不定期獎金,為您儲存第一桶金的動力添加柴火】 1.每月:個人績效獎金、團績績效獎金 2.每季:季獎金 3.每年:年終紅包或獎金 4.不定期:端午/中秋紅包或獎金,生日禮金 【健全的福利制度,為您的生活品質加分】 1.除了法令規定的勞健保及退休金,另有貼心的團體保險 2.不定期聚餐及飲料日,是工作日常外的小確幸 3.員工購物優惠,手刀購入愛不釋手的包包 4.好吃、好玩、好好抽獎品(獎金)的春酒,讓你迫不及待期待下一次的春酒! 【工作內容】 1.向消費者介紹商品並建議搭配! 2.協助推動門市業績目標達成,替自己爭取獎金! 3.協助店務管理事項:包括商品陳列、庫存管理、店面形象佈置 【上班時段】 1.月休8天,排班制**每月可挑一週將休假日安排在週六或週日** 2.每日工時9小時,中間皆休息1小時(實際上班時段依門市主管安排為主) 3.享勞健保/飲料日/員工聚餐/享員工購買折扣 **恕不接受短期、寒暑期工讀** 若有更改或不面試,敬請告知。 若無告知也未聯絡,會提報104求職失約唷!



  • 台北市中正區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

1.建立學員學習資料檔案及相關資料紀錄。 2.負責編訂與執行個別化服務計畫。(ISP) 3.計畫安排年度課程、執行與紀錄報告。如社會適應等 4.安排與執行各類訓練作業活動,依能力提供服務使用者作業技能訓練、休閒、社會適應等活動指導 5.準備或製作課程活動之教材,輔具等。 6.環境結構規劃維護服務使用者健康衛生與安全事項 7.輔導服務使用者生活訓練事項,如每日指導刷牙、清潔服務工作並檢核。 8. 參與個案討論會,定期檢討個案與執行決議事項。 9. 執行服務使用者專業行為處遇與紀錄。 10.負責與家長聯繫工作,督導服務使用者工作手札記錄,電訪或家訪等聯絡事項。 11.每月評量服務使用工作狀況與獎勵金核算 12.支援執行交辦之行政相關業務。(通知、收費安排)


9/17 教育訓練講師

  • 新北市中和區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

挑戰你的銷售業績,成為我們的教育訓練講師! 你是一位熱情、有動力且對於電話銷售有著無限熱愛的人嗎? 你擁有著獨特的溝通技巧,善於啟發他人,並且渴望將你的知識與經驗分享給他人嗎? 如果是,我們正在尋找你! 我們正在擴大我們的團隊,尋找一位有能力的教育訓練講師,來與我們一同打造更出色的銷售團隊! 作為我們的教育訓練講師,你將扮演一個關鍵的角色,你的職責將包括: ◎設計和提供高效的銷售培訓課程,以提升銷售團隊的技能和表現。 ◎監督和評估銷售團隊的表現,並提供個性化的指導和反饋。 我們希望你具備以下技能和經驗: ◎具有豐富的電話銷售經驗兩年以上,並對銷售技巧和策略有深入的理解。 ◎出色的溝通和教學技能,能夠啟發和激勵他人。 ◎良好的組織能力和時間管理能力,能夠有效地管理多個任務和項目。 ◎團隊合作精神,能夠與不同背景和能力的人合作,共同實現目標。 ※無信用不良等銀行記錄。 ▲如果你對於這個職位感興趣並且符合我們的要求,請聯絡我們!

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9/17 【科林集團】電商專員

  • 新北市中和區
  • 3年以上
  • 專科

為什麼有這個角色 隨著科林集團的不斷發展,對專業電商人才的需求越來越重要。本職位旨在擴展我們的線上市場,優化電商運營,並推動銷售和客戶參與的顯著增長。 如何獲得成功 在此職位上取得成功需要對主要電子商務平台有深刻理解,具備卓越的行銷策劃和執行能力,並能適應變化的商業模式。達成並超越銷售目標,增強客戶忠誠度,確保線上和線下流程的無縫銜接將是成功的關鍵指標。 成長機會 在此職位上,您將獲得在迅速發展的電子商務領域的寶貴經驗,擴展您的數字行銷策略知識,並提升管理複雜業務運營的技能。您還將有機會與各方合作,為科林集團的整體增長和成功做出貢獻。 您將做的事情  操作虛擬渠道: 利用電子商務、團購、KOL營銷和直播銷售工具達成年度銷售目標。  平台管理: 處理商品上架、活動提報、曝光管理和行銷規劃。  業務模式調整: 協助設計和操作業務模式,確保B2B和B2C運營順利(包括金流、物流、庫存管理以及線上線下流程銜接)。  年度計劃與執行: 制定並執行年度銷售計劃。  顧客參與: 監測顧客需求和市場趨勢,通過各種促銷活動增加品牌忠誠度和產品黏著度。  績效追蹤: 分析和檢視活動成效,確保銷售最大化。 Why We Have This Role As the Clinico Group continues to grow, the demand for a dedicated e-commerce expert has become crucial. This role is created to expand our presence in the online market, optimize our e-commerce operations, and drive significant growth in sales and customer engagement. How You'll Find Success Success in this role requires a deep understanding of major e-commerce platforms, exceptional marketing planning and execution skills, and the ability to adapt to changing business models. Meeting and exceeding sales targets, enhancing customer loyalty, and ensuring seamless integration of online and offline processes will be key indicators of success. How You'll Grow In this role, you will gain valuable experience in the rapidly evolving field of e-commerce, expand your knowledge of digital marketing strategies, and develop your skills in managing complex business operations. You will also have the opportunity to work with various stakeholders and contribute to the overall growth and success of Clinico Group. Things You Will Do  Operate Virtual Channels: Utilize e-commerce, group buying, KOL marketing, and live streaming tools to achieve annual sales goals.  Platform Management: Handle product listings, campaign proposals, exposure management, and marketing planning.  Business Model Adjustment: Assist in designing and operating business models, ensuring smooth B2B and B2C operations (including payment, logistics, inventory management, and integration of online and offline processes).  Annual Planning and Execution: Develop and implement annual sales plans.  Customer Engagement: Monitor customer needs and market trends to increase brand loyalty and product engagement through various promotional activities.  Performance Tracking: Analyze and review campaign results to maximize sales.

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9/17 【IT】RD_軟體後端工程師 (Backend Developer)

  • 新北市中和區
  • 2年以上
  • 專科

關於公司 科林創立於1986年,現已發展為集團的規模,涵蓋B2B和B2C的營運模式,我們致力於鑽研與創新,提供跨越眼科、聽力、睡眠及營養保健等多元領域的綜合性醫療解決方案。我們不斷拓展科技知識與技術的邊界,旨在超越當前醫療保健的局限,創造顯著且永續的價值。深入理解病患的真正需求並提供有效的解決方案進而塑造卓越的健康和生活品質。我們的願景為成為亞太地區引領科技研發的醫療照護公司,通過不斷創新、整合和擴展服務範圍,為更多人和地區提供先進且值得信賴的健康照護。 我們的價值觀: • 誠信與尊重 • 創新與持續優化 • 品質承諾與客戶導向 • 合作與人才發展 • 社會責任與永續發展 為何開設此職位 這個角色對於我們提供全面的聽覺和視覺保健服務的使命至關重要。我們致力於幫助人們看得清晰、聽得幸福,從而提高他們的生活質量。作為後端工程師,您將負責開發和維護我們的內部系統,以提升運營效率和客戶服務。 成功的關鍵 在這個角色中,成功的關鍵在於您能與前端團隊合作,開發可靠且可擴展的後端系統,並整合異質系統的數據。您在Node.js、TypeScript 和SQL 方面的技術將至關重要。 成長機會 您將有機會接觸先進技術,參加培訓和發展計劃,並承擔越來越多的責任。您的貢獻將直接影響我們項目的成功和公司整體的成長。 您將做的事 • 開發和維護集團自主研發系統的後端功能,包括但不限於門店管理系統、診所管理系統和BI API。 • 整合異質系統數據。 • 與前端團隊協同開發。 About the Company & the Team Clinico was founded in 1986 and has now developed into a group that encompasses both B2B and B2C operational models. We are dedicated to research and innovation, providing comprehensive medical solutions across various fields, including ophthalmology, otology, polysomnography and nutritional health. We continuously push the boundaries of technological knowledge and expertise, aiming to transcend the limitations of current healthcare and create significant and sustainable value. By deeply understanding the true needs of patients and offering effective solutions, we strive to shape excellent health and quality of life. Our vision is to become a leading healthcare company in the Asia-Pacific region, pioneering technological research and development. Through continuous innovation, integration, and service expansion, we aim to provide advanced and trustworthy healthcare to more people and regions. Our values: • Integrity and Respect • Innovation and Continuous Improvement • Quality Commitment and Customer Orientation • Collaboration and Talent Development • Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development Why We Have This Role This role is essential to our mission of providing comprehensive auditory and visual healthcare services. We aim to support people in seeing clearly and hearing happily, thereby improving their quality of life. As a back end engineer, you will be developing and maintaining our in-house systems to enhance our operational efficiency and customer service. How You'll Find Success Success in this role will come from your ability to collaborate with the frontend team, develop reliable and scalable backend systems, and integrate data from heterogeneous systems. Your technical skills in Node.js, TypeScript, and SQL will be crucial. How You Grow You'll have opportunities to work with advanced technologies, participate in training and development programs, and take on increasing responsibilities. Your contributions will directly impact the success of our projects and the overall growth of the company. Things You Will Do • Develop and maintain back end functions for in-house systems, including but not limited to store management systems, clinic management systems, and BI APIs. • Integrate data from heterogeneous systems. • Collaborate with the front end team for seamless development. [面試流程] 1. 電話聯絡: • 由 HR 專員電話聯絡 • 簡單介紹職缺內容並詢問面試意願 • 與您約定線上或現場面試時間 2. 電話面試: • 由用人主管致電給您 • 詢問您過往的技術以技術應用在哪些方面 • 較為詳細介紹職缺內容 3. 作業測驗 4. 作業完成後,線上或現場面試: • 由部門主管與工程師一同參與 • 介紹公司福利制度與部門團隊及詳細說明職缺內容 • 聊聊您過往的工作經驗 • 針對技術做內容討論

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9/17 5103火鍋內場正職-永安店(月薪43000~45000(薪水+每月績效獎金)

  • 新北市中和區
  • 1年以上
  • 高中

內場正職: 「工作待遇」 薪資:43000~45000(薪水+每月績效獎金) 休假:月休8天,另遇國定假日薪水雙倍或補休 逢年過節、國定假日須配合店舖排班調整 上班時間: A班:10:30-21:30(空班2H) B班:11:30-22:30(空班2H) C班:15:30-01:30 (空班1H) D班:12:00-23:00(空班2H) 「法定項目」 勞保、健保、陪產假、特別休假、育嬰留停、勞退提撥金、產檢假 「其他福利」 獎 金 類: 1-首創雙年終獎金各於春節和中秋發放 2-每月績效獎金2000起 3-輪值晚班每日皆額外享有100元津貼 餐 飲 類:免費供餐 娛 樂 類:員工每兩個月員工聚餐、每年春酒 其 他: 1.員工在職教育訓練 2.良好的升遷制度 「工作內容」 1. 切、洗各式食材 2. 控管食材品質 3. 餐點製作與擺盤 4.餐具、各式設備保養與清潔 5. 維持工作環境整潔 6. 協助各區站的作業

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9/17 人資招募兼職/工讀生

  • 新北市中和區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

1. 主要以電話招募人才 2. 熟電腦文書作業系統,負責一般文書、報表等資料處理工作 3. 處理庶務性行政工作,其他主管交辦事務 4. 電話接聽與訪客接待 5. 具備基本電話禮儀,獨立作業、抗壓性強、責任感、積極主動學習、樂觀的工作態度 ▲ 歡迎在校生

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9/17 網路廣告行銷人員(保底3萬5起/歡迎有資深業務經驗者)

  • 新北市中和區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

我們正在尋找那些擁有銷售天賦的您! 如果您有半年(含)以上的業務銷售經驗,我們想邀請您加入我們這個充滿活力的團隊! 您擁有的業務經驗將是我們團隊的寶貴資產,我們期待與您一起共事,共同攜手打造成功之路。 我們將給予您3萬5的底薪,再加上每季6000至8000元不等的獎金,以表彰您的出色表現,另外每季(每三個月)視工作能力及出缺勤考核調整底薪,創造高額底薪!!! 我們相信您的工作價值和專業能力遠超過底薪和獎金所能體現的。我們期待著與您一同打造一個充滿挑戰和成就感的工作環境,讓您能夠在其中獲得滿足感並持續提升自我。 ▲ 工作內容: - 針對企業、團體或個人,從事國內業務銷售、業務推廣、產品行銷、客戶維繫、客戶開發。 - 提供傳統產業轉型、中小企業、個人工作室整合企劃、網路行銷等服務。 - 主要透過電話及網路社交軟件方式進行業務推廣,達到最大效益。 - 開發網路潛在客戶與客戶建立良好長期配合關係。 ✔️ 保障底薪+高業績獎金+經常性的激勵獎金活動,平均薪資為6-8萬元以上,不同於業界薪獎規劃,達到同業最具競爭力水準。 ✔️ 工作態度及能力佳者,有機會晉升儲備幹部或幕僚管理職(透明的升遷管道)。 ✔️ 時常性下午茶、不定期聚餐、小活動犒賞同仁。 ✔️ 公司有飲料販賣機隨時歡迎使用。 歡迎有興趣的你加入我們!!!! ▲(有業務經驗請投此職缺) ▲求職者請於面談時提供:1、薪資單 2、勞保清單

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9/17 【醫材法規專員】Regulatory Affairs Specialist

  • 新北市中和區
  • 2年以上
  • 大學

Why We Have This Role The Regulatory Affairs Specialist is a crucial role at Clinico, responsible for ensuring that our products and operations comply with all relevant regulations and standards. This position is essential for navigating the complex regulatory landscape, facilitating product approvals, and maintaining ongoing compliance to support Clinico’s commitment to innovation, integrity, quality, collaboration, and sustainability. 醫材法規專員在科林內部擔任關鍵角色,負責確保我們的產品和運營符合所有相關法規和標準。此職位對於在複雜的法規環境中進行有效導航、促進產品批准和維持持續合規至關重要,以支持科林對創新、誠信、品質、合作和可持續性的承諾。 How You'll Find Success Success in this role will be determined by your ability to effectively manage regulatory submissions, maintain up-to-date knowledge of relevant regulations, and ensure timely approvals and compliance. You will need to demonstrate strong attention to detail, exceptional organizational skills, and the ability to communicate effectively with regulatory bodies and internal stakeholders. 在這個職位中成功的關鍵在於你能夠有效管理法規提交,保持對相關法規的最新了解,並確保及時獲得批准和維持合規。你需要展現出對細節的高度關注、卓越的組織能力,以及與法規機構和內部利益相關者有效溝通的能力 How You'll Grow In this position, you will have the opportunity to develop deep expertise in regulatory affairs and enhance your understanding of industry regulations and compliance processes. Working with a dynamic team, you will gain valuable experience in navigating complex regulatory environments and contribute to the successful launch and maintenance of Clinico’s products. 在這個職位上,你將有機會深化在法規事務領域的專業知識,並提升對行業法規和合規流程的理解。與充滿活力的團隊合作,你將獲得在複雜法規環境中導航的寶貴經驗,並為科林產品的成功推出和維護做出貢獻。 Things You Will Do 1.Regulatory Approval and Documentation:Handle the submission, approval, and related modifications (e.g., changes, extensions, updates) for medical devices in Taiwan and Mainland China. 2.Regulatory Compliance Updates:Stay informed about new or updated regulations and provide necessary information to relevant departments. 3.Support for Clinical Trials and Documentation:Assist other departments with clinical trial applications and changes. Regularly update and maintain regulatory documentation and requirements. 4.Monitoring Global Regulatory Information:Continuously track and review medical regulations across different countries, including the establishment, maintenance, and review of technical documents to ensure compliance with government regulations. 5.Additional RA Projects:Manage other annual regulatory affairs projects as assigned. 1. 負責台灣/大陸醫療器材的送審與核准及相關查驗登記之變更、展延、更新...等。 2. 了解新法規或相關法規的變更,提供相關單位所需之資訊。 3. 提供其他部門協助,如:臨床試驗計畫申請與變更,並定期更新與維護查驗登記相關規定。 4. 定期追蹤各國醫療法規資訊,含:技術資料之建立、維護及審查,確保公司遵循政府法令規定。 5. 其他年度RA專案 What You Should Know About This Team Our team is young and energetic, dedicated to ensuring that our products and operations meet the highest regulatory standards. At Clinico, we emphasize our core values of innovation, integrity, quality, collaboration, and sustainability in every aspect of our work. Join us to be part of a forward-thinking team committed to navigating the regulatory landscape with excellence and driving success through compliance. 我們的團隊年輕且充滿活力,致力於確保我們的產品和運營達到最高的法規標準。在科林,我們在所有工作層面上都強調創新、誠信、品質、合作和可持續性等核心價值觀。加入我們,成為一個專注於卓越法規導航並通過合規推動成功的前瞻性團隊的一員。

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9/17 【經銷商通路】專案副理

  • 新北市中和區
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

Why We Have This Role The Assistant Distribution Project Manager plays a critical role in supporting the distribution team in the planning, execution, and optimization of distribution projects. This position is essential for ensuring efficient logistics and supply chain operations, helping to streamline processes, and maintaining the high standards required to meet Clinico's core values of innovation, integrity, quality, collaboration, and sustainability. 經銷專案副理在支持配送團隊計劃、執行和優化配送專案中扮演關鍵角色。此職位對於確保高效的物流和供應鏈運作、幫助簡化流程以及維持科林所要求的高標準至關重要,我們的核心價值觀包括創新、誠信、品質、合作和可持續性。 How You'll Find Success Success in this role will be defined by your ability to assist in managing distribution projects effectively, ensuring timely delivery of goods, and optimizing distribution processes. You will need to demonstrate strong organizational skills, attention to detail, and the ability to work collaboratively with various teams. Your success will also be measured by your ability to identify and solve operational challenges, contributing to the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the distribution function. 在這個職位中成功的關鍵在於你能夠有效協助管理配送專案,確保貨物按時交付並優化配送流程。你需要展現出強大的組織能力、對細節的關注以及與各部門合作的能力。你的成功還將取決於你能夠識別和解決操作挑戰,為提升配送功能的整體效率和效果做出貢獻。 How You'll Grow In this position, you'll have the opportunity to develop your skills in project management, logistics, and supply chain management. You will gain hands-on experience in coordinating distribution activities and managing projects from inception to completion. Working with a dynamic team, you'll enhance your problem-solving abilities and gain valuable insights into industry best practices, paving the way for future career advancement in project management and distribution. 在這個職位上,你將有機會發展你的專案管理、物流和供應鏈管理技能。你將獲得協調配送活動和管理專案從開始到完成的實際經驗。與充滿活力的團隊合作,你將提升問題解決能力,並獲得行業最佳實踐的寶貴見解,為未來在專案管理和配送領域的職業發展鋪平道路。 Things You Will Do 1.Distributor Development and System Establishment:Develop and establish a distributor network and system, ensuring a structured and efficient distribution model. 2.Domestic Distributor Relations:Engage with domestic distributor partners, conduct business negotiations, and expand market presence. 3.Product Promotion and Presentation:Promote and introduce products through regular product briefings and demonstrations. 4.Client Relationship Management:Conduct regular visits to distributor clients to maintain and strengthen long-term relationships. 5.Achievement of Business Targets:Meet and exceed the business goals set by the company, ensuring alignment with overall strategic objectives. 6.Market and Marketing Strategy Analysis:Analyze market trends and marketing strategies to create effective business promotion plans. 7.Distributor Management:Manage distributor partnerships effectively, including contract signing, product promotion, and in-store product displays. Target Audience: Hearing aid companies. Coverage Area: Northern, Central, and Southern Taiwan. 1.經銷商開發與經銷體系/制度建立。 2.國內經銷商夥伴聯繫、業務接洽及拓展市場。 3.產品推廣與介紹,定期舉辦產品說明會。 4.定期拜訪經銷客戶,維繫穩定客戶關係。 5.完成公司訂定之業務目標。 6.具備市場分析與行銷策略分析、並制定業務推廣計畫。 7.有效管理經銷商合作,進行合約簽訂管理、產品促銷與陳列等。 *負責區域及對象 : -對象 : 助聽器公司。 -區域 : 台灣北、中、南部。 What You Should Know About This Team Our distribution team is young and energetic, dedicated to ensuring efficient and effective logistics and supply chain operations. At Clinico, we emphasize our core values of innovation, integrity, quality, collaboration, and sustainability in every aspect of our work. Join us to be part of a forward-thinking team focused on driving excellence in distribution and contributing to the success of our organization. 我們的團隊年輕且充滿活力,致力於確保高效且有效的物流和供應鏈運作。在科林,我們在所有工作層面上都強調創新、誠信、品質、合作和可持續性等核心價值觀。加入我們,成為一個專注於推動配送卓越和促進組織成功的前瞻性團隊的一員。

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9/17 【耳科】音樂耳機製作技師

  • 新北市中和區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

<關於職缺> 科林擁有業界聽覺輔具的領導品牌,秉持著不斷創新與進步的理念,積極拓展市場,並由耳科事業發展出3D列印音樂耳機的Morear品牌。 <職位提供服務> Morear在產品的元件,都在審慎評估下被篩選,從列印材料、單體、耳內線、插針、耳機線…等,皆通過國際標準認可,目的就是希望能夠提供具有良好品質的產品給台灣的發燒友們。希望不論在舒適度或聽感上都能帶給用家極大的享受,並在遵守聽力保護原則下,徜徉於音樂饗宴中。 <獲得成就> Morear的提供每款耳機的音色與調音都不同,呈現不同的音樂個性,希望發燒友不論喜歡甚麼樣的音樂,都可以在Morear找到一款適合自己的客製耳機,提供一套完善的聆聽方案給發燒友。 <成長機會> 提供客戶客製化耳機,雖然雖然售價稍高,但因為是以個人的耳型量身訂做,所以不僅可以達到最佳的抗噪效果,聽到耳機最原本的音質,舒適度也會勝過其他的入耳式耳機。透過完整的培訓與練習,提高專業能力外也能更了解音樂耳機製作程序。 <工作內容> 1. Morear的音樂耳機產品、樣品等相關產品製作與測試。 2. 支援集團通路相關耳模產品製作。 3. 系統的操作與資料的維護。 4. 相關行政事務的處理,製作材料的庫存維護與採購申請等。 5. 公司專案任務的執行,完成主管交派的任務。 <期待特質> 學習意願高,願意學習新技能。 有耐心,可配合長時間專心練習。 <關於團隊> 一個高穩定度的工作團隊,每個成員都擔任明確的角色協作無間。優化工作流程確保工作品質穩定、工作的順利運行,讓團隊整體持續發揮最佳表現。 <About the Job> Clinico is a leading brand in the hearing aid industry, committed to continuous innovation and market expansion. We have developed the Morear brand of 3D-printed music earphones as part of our ENT business. <Why We Have This Role> Morear meticulously evaluates and selects each component of its products, including printing materials, individual parts, in-ear wires, connectors, and earphone cables, all in accordance with international standards. Our goal is to provide high-quality products to audio enthusiasts in Taiwan, delivering exceptional comfort and sound enjoyment while adhering to hearing protection principles. <How You'll Find Success> Each Morear earphone model offers a unique sound profile and tuning, reflecting different musical characteristics. We aim to ensure that regardless of musical preference, audio enthusiasts can find a custom earphone that suits their needs, providing a comprehensive listening solution. <How You Grow> We offer customized earphones, which, while priced higher, are tailored to individual ear shapes. This ensures optimal noise isolation and superior sound quality, with enhanced comfort compared to standard in-ear headphones. Through thorough training and practice, you will enhance your professional skills and gain a deeper understanding of the music earphone manufacturing process. <Things You Will Do> 1.Production and testing of Morear's music earphones and related products. 2.Support in the production of ear molds for group channels. 3.System operation and data maintenance. 4.Handling administrative tasks, including inventory maintenance of materials and procurement requests. 5.Execution of company projects and completion of tasks assigned by supervisors. <What We're Looking for on Your Resume> High willingness to learn and acquire new skills. Patience and the ability to focus for extended periods of practice. <What You Should Know About This Team> We have a stable work team with clearly defined roles and seamless collaboration. We focus on optimizing workflows to ensure consistent work quality and smooth operations, enabling the team to consistently perform at its best.

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9/17 【科立健】美妝產品行銷(資深專員-副理)

  • 新北市中和區
  • 6年以上
  • 大學

關於這個職缺 科林集團在醫療產業已有37年歷史,旗下子公司科立健專注於健康與營養產品的研發與行銷。我們正在尋找一位充滿熱忱且有經驗的行銷專業人才,負責自有品牌產品的行銷規劃與管理,涵蓋保健食品、美容保養品及醫療器材等領域。此職位將與內外部協力單位密切合作,共同推動品牌行銷策略並達成業績目標。 為什麼我們會有這個角色 隨著科立健品牌的快速成長,我們需要一位行銷專家來領導我們的產品推廣工作,並確保我們的產品在市場上保持競爭力和影響力。此職位的設立是為了加強品牌在市場上的定位,並推動業務的持續成長。 如何獲得成功 成功的關鍵在於能夠精確掌握市場趨勢,並與內外部團隊緊密合作,推動創新的行銷策略,並有效管理商品的生命周期。此外,您需要具備敏銳的市場洞察力和強大的溝通協調能力,確保品牌訊息傳遞到位並引起目標客群的共鳴。 成長機會 在這個角色中,您將有機會與行業內的專家合作,並學習最新的行銷與管理技巧。我們鼓勵員工主動學習,並提供豐富的職涯成長機會,以支持您在公司內部和行業中的發展。 您將做的事情 • 負責所屬品類的商品管理與行銷規劃,並與內外協力單位合作各項任務與專案。 • 規劃自有品牌新品上市,涵蓋但不限於保健食品、美容保養品及醫材,並執行ATL&BTL活動。 • 制定年度品牌行銷計畫,並與商品研發團隊合作,推動新品上市及定位策略。 • 與業務團隊溝通銷售策略,制定促銷活動和通路提案,並追蹤活動成效。 • 熟悉自有通路與外部通路的操作,並了解醫療通路生態,進行市場分析和競品趨勢研究。 • 管控P&L,管理商品進銷存,並協助教育訓練與展會活動。 • 負責境內與境外市場的行銷活動與策略執行。 關於這個團隊 我們的團隊致力於創新和卓越,秉持著"關懷"、"誠實"和"謙卑"的核心價值。我們相信團隊合作的重要性,並歡迎每一位新成員的加入,為公司和品牌的成功共同努力。 About the Job With 37 years of experience in the medical industry, Clinico Group’s subsidiary, Coligen, focuses on the development and marketing of health and nutrition products. We are looking for a passionate and experienced marketing professional to manage and plan the marketing strategies for our own brand products, covering health supplements, beauty care products, and medical devices. This role will involve close collaboration with internal and external teams to drive brand marketing strategies and achieve business objectives. Why We Have This Role As the Coligen brand continues to grow rapidly, we need a marketing expert to lead our product promotion efforts and ensure our products remain competitive and impactful in the market. This position is established to strengthen the brand's market position and drive ongoing business growth. How You'll Find Success Success in this role hinges on your ability to accurately grasp market trends and collaborate closely with both internal and external teams to drive innovative marketing strategies and effectively manage the product lifecycle. You will need keen market insight and strong communication and coordination skills to ensure that brand messages resonate with target audiences. How You Grow In this role, you will have the opportunity to work with industry experts and learn the latest marketing and management techniques. We encourage proactive learning and offer abundant career growth opportunities to support your development within the company and the industry. Things You Will Do • Manage and plan marketing strategies for your product category, collaborating with internal and external teams on various tasks and projects. • Plan the launch of own-brand new products, including but not limited to health supplements, beauty care products, and medical devices, and execute ATL & BTL activities. • Develop annual brand marketing plans and collaborate with the product development team to drive new product launches and positioning strategies. • Communicate sales strategies with the sales team, develop promotional activities and channel proposals, and track campaign performance. • Be familiar with the operations of both internal and external channels, understand the medical channel ecosystem, conduct market analysis, and monitor competitive trends. • Manage P&L, oversee inventory management, and assist with training and exhibition activities. • Lead marketing activities and strategy execution for both domestic and international markets.

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9/17 [新北中永和]永安市場捷運站 小兒科 誠徵負責藥師、兼職負責藥師 見紅休 全白班

  • 新北市中和區
  • 2年以上
  • 學歷不拘

工作職缺:社區藥局負責藥師(需有兩年調劑經驗) 工作待遇:80000-100000(含執照費),加班另計、三節獎金(會以該月表現加入考核)、年終獎金(會以全年表現加入考核) 工作內容: 1.執行藥物管理業務、商品進銷存等業務 2.申報健保、管藥等業務 3.協助賣場營養品、美妝品、婦嬰用品之銷售 4.執行調劑醫師處方

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9/17 【IT】RD_軟體前端工程師 (Frontend Developer)

  • 新北市中和區
  • 2年以上
  • 大學

關於公司 科林創立於1986年,現已發展為集團的規模,涵蓋B2B和B2C的營運模式,我們致力於鑽研與創新,提供跨越眼科、聽力、睡眠及營養保健等多元領域的綜合性醫療解決方案。我們不斷拓展科技知識與技術的邊界,旨在超越當前醫療保健的局限,創造顯著且永續的價值。深入理解病患的真正需求並提供有效的解決方案進而塑造卓越的健康和生活品質。我們的願景為成為亞太地區引領科技研發的醫療照護公司,通過不斷創新、整合和擴展服務範圍,為更多人和地區提供先進且值得信賴的健康照護。 我們的價值觀: • 誠信與尊重 • 創新與持續優化 • 品質承諾與客戶導向 • 合作與人才發展 • 社會責任與永續發展 開設此職位的原因 隨著科林集團的不斷成長和數位化轉型,我們需要有才華的人才來提升我們的自主研發系統。這個角色對於保持我們的系統現代化和用戶友好至關重要,確保各部門的高效運作。 如何在此職位取得成功 在此職位取得成功來自於您交付高質量代碼的能力,與跨功能團隊的有效協作,以及不斷創新以改進我們的系統。您的細心、創造力和解決問題的能力將是成功的關鍵。 成長機會 您將有機會參與各種項目,提升您的技術技能,並保持最新的前端技術。您還將獲得與一個有才華的團隊合作的寶貴經驗,並為公司的數字化演變做出貢獻。 您將做的事情 • 開發和維護集團自主研發系統的前端功能。 • 為門店管理系統、診所管理系統和BI系統等實施Web和Mobile功能。 • 與Backend和UI/UX團隊密切合作,確保協同高效的開發。 • 參與代碼審查、測試和優化,確保高性能和可靠性。 • 通過整合反饋和保持行業趨勢更新,不斷改進用戶體驗。 Why We Have This Role With the continuous growth and digital transformation of Clinico Group, we need talented individuals to enhance our proprietary systems. This role is essential to keep our systems up-to-date and user-friendly, ensuring efficient operations across our various departments. How You'll Find Success Success in this role will come from your ability to deliver high-quality code, collaborate effectively with cross-functional teams, and continually innovate to improve our systems. Your attention to detail, creativity, and problem-solving skills will be key to your success. How You Grow You will have the opportunity to work on diverse projects, develop your technical skills, and stay updated with the latest frontend technologies. You will also gain valuable experience in working with a talented team and contribute to the digital evolution of the company. Things You Will Do • Develop and maintain the frontend functionalities of the group's proprietary systems. • Implement web and mobile functionalities for systems such as store management, clinic management, and BI. • Collaborate closely with Backend and UI/UX teams to ensure cohesive and efficient development. • Participate in code reviews, testing, and optimization to ensure high performance and reliability. • Continuously improve the user experience by integrating feedback and staying updated with industry trends. [面試流程] 1. 電話聯絡: - 由 HR 專員電話聯絡 - 簡單介紹職缺內容並詢問面試意願 - 與您約定線上或現場面試時間 2. 電話面試: - 由用人主管致電給您 - 詢問您過往的技術以技術應用在哪些方面 - 較為詳細介紹職缺內容 3. 作業測驗 4. 作業完成後,線上或現場面試: - 由部門主管與工程師一同參與 - 介紹公司福利制度與部門團隊及詳細說明職缺內容 - 聊聊您過往的工作經驗 - 針對技術做內容討論

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9/17 按摩師/美容師

  • 新北市中和區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

1.服務項目:全身指壓.油壓、采耳、刮痧、拔罐、滑罐 2.維繫與顧客良好關係,為客人提供健康優質的服務。 3.根據顧客身體痠痛程度做加強 4.藉由按摩、敲擊或揉捏的方式,緩解顧客身體的緊張與疲累 5.提供各部位美容美體、精油芳療技術服務及養身保健等知識傳達。 6.負責規定工作區域的清潔、整理、消毒工作、保持工作環境整潔。 7.完成主管領導交辦的其他任務

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9/17 【眼科儀器】北區業務代表

  • 新北市中和區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

關於職缺 公司致力於大中華眼科事業發展,本著專業化的經營理念,以“設備最全、服務至上”享譽國內眼科界,不斷引進國外先進眼科設備,與全體眼科醫師攜手並進,將全華人眼科推向一流水平的目標而努力。 職位提供服務 這個角色對於公司至關重要,因為它直接關聯到市場的業務拓展和客戶關係管理。我們需要一位專業的業務代表來開發新客戶、維護現有客戶,並確保達成業績目標。通過這個角色,我們希望提升市場佔比,增強品牌影響力,並保持與客戶的長期合作關係。 獲得成就 ■積極尋找和接洽新客戶,提供優質的服務以保持現有客戶的滿意度,並確保訂單和帳務的準確處理。 ■了解市場需求,掌握行業趨勢,並迅速響應客戶需求,解決問題,從而提升銷售業績和客戶忠誠度。 成長機會 公司將為您提供專業的培訓和發展機會,幫助您提升業務技能和行業知識。隨著您在工作中的表現和業績提升,您將有機會參與更高層次的業務策略規劃,甚至晉升到更高級別的管理職位。 工作內容 ■從事眼科儀器設備的銷售並達成銷售目標。 ■開發並維護診所、醫院等客戶,建立並鞏固客戶關係。 ■負責國內業務的接洽、訂單處理、帳務管理以及客情維護,確保業務流程順利。 ■處理責任區域內的異常報告,及時解決問題以維護公司形象。 ■掌握市場變化,提供解決方案,協助客戶解決問題並提供專業建議。 期待條件 ■專科以上畢業,英文聽說讀寫順暢 ■具醫療保健相關工作經驗者佳 ■重視團隊合作 ■歡迎社會新鮮人及無經驗者 關於團隊 我們的團隊專注於提供高品質的眼科設備和服務解決方案,致力於滿足客戶多樣化的需求。我們重視創新和技術進步,並以客戶滿意度為中心,不斷追求卓越和行業領先地位。 About the Job We are dedicated to advancing ophthalmology in Greater China with a focus on professionalism, comprehensive equipment, and top-notch service. We continuously introduce advanced international ophthalmic equipment and collaborate with ophthalmologists to elevate Chinese ophthalmology to top-tier standards. Why We Have This Role This role is vital for expanding market presence and managing client relationships. We need a sales representative to attract new clients, maintain existing ones, and meet performance targets, aiming to increase market share, enhance brand influence, and ensure long-term client partnerships. How You'll Find Success ■Proactively acquire new clients and provide excellent service to retain existing ones, ensuring accurate order and account handling. ■Understand market demands and trends, respond quickly to client needs, and solve problems to boost sales and client loyalty. How You Grow The company offers professional training and development to improve your business skills and industry knowledge. With strong performance, you'll have opportunities for higher-level strategy roles and senior management positions. Things You Will Do ■Sell ophthalmic instruments and achieve sales targets. ■Develop and maintain relationships with clinics, hospitals, and other clients. ■Handle domestic business dealings, order processing, account management, and client relations. ■Address issues in your area and provide timely solutions to maintain the company’s image. ■Stay updated on market changes and offer solutions and professional advice to clients. What We're Looking for on Your Resume ■Diploma or higher, fluent in English. ■Healthcare-related experience is a plus. ■Team-oriented. ■Open to fresh graduates and those without prior experience. What You Should Know About This Team Our team provides high-quality ophthalmic equipment and services, focusing on client satisfaction, innovation, and industry leadership.

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9/17 行銷企劃專員 (Marketing Specialist)

  • 新北市永和區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

一、【行銷策略與規劃】 .協同主管規劃當年度行銷策略、行銷計畫、年度行銷活動、節慶行銷活動 .品牌擴展行銷策略共同規劃與執行 二、【社群媒體經營】 .品牌粉絲規劃完整行銷內容,拉近品牌與顧客的距離,打造粉絲黏著度高的品牌社群 .安排社群行銷內容、活動、直播、刊登內容、刊登排程 .目前主要經營項目為 Email電子報、Instagram、Line@、FB粉絲頁 三、【合作夥伴洽談】 .根據目標洽詢線上線下異業合作 .包含口碑行銷、網紅KOL行銷、異業結盟等 四、【成效追蹤&數據分析】 .熟悉 Facebook / Instagram 廣告後台以及數據觀測 .熟悉 Google Analytics, UTM 設定 .善用 A/B testing 概念優化成效 五、【主管交辦事項&行銷活動支援】 .官網管理:官網優化、內容管理、商品上架、活動上架 ◆ 應徵流程 ◆ 1. 履歷投遞 2. 線上行銷創作 3. 主管視訊面試,約30分鐘 4. 實體面試,約30分鐘 (如視訊面試順利,則不需另外實體面試,可選擇到公司實體見面聊聊)

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9/17 【MKT】整合行銷主管

  • 新北市中和區
  • 10年以上
  • 大學

Why We Have This Role The Integrated Marketing Manager role is crucial for orchestrating cohesive marketing strategies across multiple channels to drive brand growth and engagement. This position is designed to unify our marketing efforts, ensuring a seamless and effective approach that aligns with Clinico's core values of innovation, integrity, quality, collaboration, and sustainability. 整合行銷主管的角色對於協調多渠道的行銷策略,以推動品牌增長和參與度至關重要。這個職位旨在統一我們的行銷工作,確保以無縫且有效的方法推進,並與科林的核心價值觀——創新、誠信、品質、合作和可持續性——保持一致。 How You'll Find Success Success in this role will be defined by your ability to develop and execute integrated marketing campaigns that deliver measurable results. You’ll need to leverage a deep understanding of market trends, consumer behavior, and various marketing channels to create impactful strategies. Effective collaboration with internal teams and external partners will also be key to achieving success. 在這個職位中成功的關鍵在於你能夠開發並執行整合行銷活動,達到可衡量的結果。你需要利用對市場趨勢、消費者行為和各種行銷渠道的深入了解來創造有影響力的策略。與內部團隊和外部合作夥伴的有效合作也是成功的關鍵。 How You'll Grow In this role, you will have the opportunity to advance your career by gaining extensive experience in integrated marketing strategy and execution. You’ll enhance your skills in cross-channel marketing, data analysis, and project management. Working with a dynamic team, you'll also gain insights into industry best practices and contribute to innovative marketing solutions. 在這個職位上,你將有機會通過獲得豐富的整合行銷策略和執行經驗來提升你的職業生涯。你將增強在跨渠道行銷、數據分析和項目管理方面的技能。與充滿活力的團隊合作,你還將獲得行業最佳實踐的見解,並為創新的行銷解決方案做出貢獻。 Things You Will Do 1.Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) Strategy Development:Develop and implement IMC strategies to align all brand messaging and marketing activities. 2.Brand Awareness Optimization:Enhance brand recognition and visibility across various channels. 3.Brand Media Strategy Development:Create and execute strategies for brand-owned media, public relations, and reputation management. 4.Social Media Management:Manage and grow brand presence on platforms such as Line@, Facebook, Instagram, blogs, and video platforms. 5.Advertising Management:Oversee advertising campaigns, optimize performance, and ensure effective ad placement. 6.Event Planning and Management:Plan and execute brand promotion events, assess post-event effectiveness, and ensure successful outcomes. 7.Marketing Automation and New Media Development:Implement marketing automation tools, explore new media technologies, and leverage innovations such as live streaming and AI. 8.Team Management:Lead and manage the integrated marketing team to achieve strategic goals. 9.Budget Control:Monitor and manage marketing budgets to ensure cost-effective execution of strategies. 1. 集團品牌整合行銷IMC策略發展 2. 優化全品牌知名度 3. 品牌自媒體策略、公關策略、口碑策略發展 4. 品牌社群經營 (Line@生活圈、Facebook粉絲團、IG、部落格、影音平台...)管理 5. 廣告投放管理,投放優化 6. 品牌宣傳活動規劃與執行管理,活動後效益評估 7. 行銷自動化、新媒體運用與新科技行銷發展 (例: 直播、AI) 8. 整合行銷團隊管理 9. 預算管控 Skills Required: 1.Team Leadership:Strong ability to manage and lead a marketing team effectively. 2.Social Media Expertise:Proficiency with platforms such as Line, Facebook, Instagram, blogs, and YouTube, with experience in content creation and ad management. 3Website Management and SEO:Experience in website management, web design, SEO optimization, and familiarity with tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console. 4.Basic Design and Editing Skills:Competence in graphic design, image creation, and video editing. 5.Documentation and Presentation:Ability to create and edit professional documents and presentation 1. 團隊管理 2. 熟悉Line/FB/IG/Blog/Youtube等社群平台與討論區,具備社群新聞主題等文案撰寫與下標能力,具廣告投放經驗更佳 3. 曾有網站管理經驗,具備網頁製作能力、熟悉網站架構,具SEO網站優化概念,熟悉GA、Google console…等管理工具 4. 基本美工、製圖、影片剪輯技能 5. 基本文書簡報編輯能力

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9/17 PM網頁規劃師/平面設計師

  • 新北市中和區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

▲網頁製作撰寫文案及排版整體設計規劃 ▲廣告Banner製作、DM平面文宣製作、品牌視覺、圖片修圖去背排版 ▲文字編排美編字體設計、設計風格多元化 ▲具備HTML、CSS、RWD響應式設計能力 ▲熟悉Illustrator、Photoshop、Wordpress ▲熟悉word、excel、ppt、雲端試算表 -中打速度1分鐘約40字以上 ▲主動積極學習、善於溝通、抗壓性高、適應團隊工作、完成主管交代事項 ▲履歷投遞請附上作品集 舒適的工作環境,對設計有熱情喜歡無限的創意發想,具有強烈視覺美感及創意思維的人才,歡迎加入渼笛科大家庭~

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