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  • 新北市五股區
  • 2年以上
  • 大學

【基本薪資與額外福利】 *依照過往實際工作經驗進行評估,保障薪資 $36,000-$45,000 (底薪+全勤+午餐費用補助) *滿三個月並通過審核,依照業績達標狀況,另提供團體業績超標獎金,獎金級距為$1,000-$5,000 *若有額外加班日,加班費另計 【上班時間】 週一至週五:08:00-17:00 (12:00-13:00為休息時間) 【工作內容】 1. 撰寫產品文案、官網產品文章 2. 社群經營、議題操作與活動發想 3. 協助 Google、Yahoo、Facebook廣告投放,並進行數據分析及優化,操作成效回報 4. 協同行銷主管與廣告代理商、公關及口碑公司、KOL進行年度行銷規劃,並確認執行狀況 5. 自媒體 Youtube:『聊聊衛浴』影片發想及執行 6. 特殊專案:型錄編排、年度形象照、動態影像 【需要的特質】 1. 團隊合作,積極參與專案。 2. 動作快、機動性高,能在指定時間內完成交付任務。 3. 具成長思維,願意學習衛浴、裝潢相關知識,積極了解產品特性。 4. 具良好文字素養。 【加分條件,不具備可】 1. 基礎 Photoshop / illustrator等相關設計軟體、PPT或 Keynote簡報製作能力 2. 插畫 / 手繪能力 3. 基礎攝影能力 【其他注意事項】 *非室內設計相關科系及無相關經驗者可,有心學習衛浴產品從原料生產到安裝所有相關知識,並對居家生活有興趣者佳 *就職期間禁止大規模 / 明顯紋身,淺色或特殊色染髮 / 於特殊部位穿洞等與品牌形象不符的外型


4/30 Clinical Territory Associate 臨床業務助理 (18-month contractor)

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

Primary Function of Position: Intuitive Surgical is widely considered the most exciting medical device company in the world today. Surgeons worldwide are changing the way surgery is performed by utilizing our robotic surgical device, the da Vinci® Surgical System, to enhance their surgical precision and greatly improve patient benefits. We have attracted some of the best and brightest on our team and now we are seeking entry level sales candidates to join our organization. The Contingent Clinical Territory Associate will work closely with the Clinical Sales Manager to gain knowledge in all aspects of our business to include technical, clinical, and sales. He or She will train to be a da Vinci® Surgery technical and sales expert across all primary surgical specialties to develop surgical robotics programs in the assigned territory. Contingent Clinical Territory Associate will have the opportunity to support a specific region by maximizing the utilization of installed da Vinci® Surgical Systems by leading product demonstrations/in-services and sales activities. This position is a developmental role and the time commitment includes some weekend work to accommodate surgeon schedules. Roles and Responsibilities • Case Support- Be a resource to the surgical team by providing guidance, insight, and training on the use of the da Vinci® Surgical System • Product Demonstrations/In-Services- Lead all technical in-services for customers to include OR staff, surgeons, etc. • Selling Activities- Contribute to Clinical Sales Manager team quarterly sales goals by helping influence behavior change in customers such as product demonstrations/in- services, OR selling activities, and customer support trainings • Customer Support- Support and or coordinate, under the direction of the local sales management team, regional sales and marketing development events that create system awareness and procedure adoption through product demonstrations/in-services and selling activities • Administrative Duties- Responsibly manage administrative tasks: reporting of sales/procedures, outcomes of sales activities, submission of expense reports, and assigned on-line modules using company required software systems

待遇面議 外商公司
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4/30 夜班機動-豪宅禮賓維安人員(台北市)

  • 台北市信義區
  • 1年以上
  • 高中

1.巡邏建築物與周遭環境,留意可疑線索,確保門窗安全。 2.回應警報器並且調查引起警鈴的原因。 3.保護被保全之人或物的安全。 4.由監視器畫面監看出入份子,以確保建築物安全。 5.給予意圖不良人士或入侵者警告,必要時使用武力。

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4/30 iTero Territory Sales Manager (open to all area)

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

About this opportunity The iTero Territory Sales Manager will be responsible for the market entry and sales of Align’s iTero® Intraoral scanners in Taiwan. The individual will manage the business in order to achieve Operational Plan in line with company and country strategic objectives through detailed account and territory planning that includes but is not limited to; targeting plan, establishing account relationships with customers and potential customers, supporting the educational pathway, forecasting, product demos and all sales related activities. This individual will have a proven track record of consistent on target performance in the medical device/healthcare industry, be passionate about sales and have a high level of business acumen. He/she will build strong ethical business relationships with customers to ensure usage of our products and gain greater market share by focusing on high value activity and selling. Job Responsibilities: Customer Management • Achieve Operational Plan • Manage accounts in the assigned territory via TAPS (Territory Activity Planning for Sales) on a weekly/monthly/quarterly basis, with specific action plans depending on customer type including current Align and non-Align customers • Explore and acquire new non-Align customers through different channels including direct customer visits, partnerships with other parties such as laboratories and or dealers. • Identify and resolve customer issues and concerns • Develop relationship with existing and potential customers Business Development • Definition and implementation of a strong growth orientated business strategy for the assigned territory • Identify core segments with highest profitability opportunity • Market the iTero products as a clear differentiator from the competition • Ongoing analysis of market and competition, and adjust strategies to win market share • Develop an innovative business strategy to position iTero as market- and innovation-leader • Provide creative and innovative solutions to support customers in obtaining iTero Scanners • Taking a wide organizational view of selling and managing accounts, with sufficient knowledge of competitors and their products Support and Training • Maintain a personal level of product knowledge and competence in Dental and/or medical equipment. • Maintain a personal level of wider industry and business knowledge • Participate in Align APAC Sales and Clinical Trainings in necessary • Supporting the implementation of Align’s Customer Education Pathway • Prepare a variety of status reports, including activity, closings, follow-up, and adherence to goals • Set-up training programs Deliverables and Key Performance Indicators • Ensures the effective fulfillment of objectives and deadlines assigned • Adherence to agreed KPIs, including but not limited to Call Rate and Business Planning • Collaborate and participate in proactive team efforts to achieve departmental and company goals. • Interact and communicate on a regular basis with all relevant headquarter functions • Perform other duties as assigned. • Comply with all policies, practices and procedures. Learn more about the role: https://video.digi-me.com/align-technolog/jobs/marketing-sales/global-field-sales/jv_Align-Technolog_3

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4/30 長期(125~180小時/月)資料處理&文書計時人員(工作被認可後,部分工作可遠距)

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

我們星網股份有限公司(https://www.tws.com.tw/)已深耕數位行銷領域24年。 ✹職務內容✹ ➤閱讀、整理給予的資料,或上指定的網站去收集資料,並依照既定的格式製作成相關報告。 ✹適合條件✹ 1.本職缺需要需要認真、細心、良好的中文閱讀理解歸納摘要能力。 2.此工作偏靜態、單純,每月能排班的時數要超過150小時(即每週要能超過35小時),但實際的工作量會依廣告量有所增減。 3.本職缺初期半年一定要"白天"上班時段來公司(台北市信義區),因為工作中很多細節是要等遇到了,主管才能教導,(主管不可能為了教你晚上或假日加班),待工作品質被主管認可後(通常半年後再請示主管),可有部分的工作遠距在家完成,但每月仍需3~5天要到公司與同事開會或協作部分的工作。 4.配合我們廣告量彈性給予每月125~180小時的排班時間,且需能長期(至少9個月以上)穩定工作。短期勿試。 5.依過去經驗,此職缺若白天8小時內可工作,是不需要加班的。我們給您的工作量,您可分散安排於一週5天平均工作,但若您想依您方便集中於少數天用長時間來工作,由於是您自己彈性調整的,所以不能算加班。除非在廣告旺季爆量,我們指定您需要連續排班導致您超時工作,屆時我們就會依勞動部規定計算加班費給您。 6.初期都是以勞動部最低時薪敘薪,但表現優異的人,我們會提升時薪。 ✹工作技能✹ Word、Excel、PowerPoint、報表彙整、資料輸入建檔處理

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4/30 【Adecco藝珂人事顧問公司】誠徵 招募顧問 (內部職缺 / 全球規模最大人資顧問公司 / 歡迎應屆畢業生) AMR_852

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

【公司簡介】 Adecco是全球規模第一的國際性人力資源服務公司,總部設於瑞士,為Fortune排名全球前500大企業,目前已有5,600多家分公司遍佈世界60個主要國家及地區市場,全職員工超過33,000名,在巴黎和蘇黎世均為公開上市公司。 【工作簡介】 1. 依照客戶之招募需求,進行人才招募、履歷篩選、面試安排等工作。 2. 新客戶開發、既有客戶關係維繫。 3. 面試結果後續追蹤。 4. 法令相關專業諮詢。 5. 內部報表作業,及其他主管交辦事項。 6. 此為業務性質工作,歡迎想挑戰的您加入!

待遇面議 遠端工作
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4/30 【日商FMCG】行銷專員 (3年以上線上線下整合相關經驗/ 公司及職位穩定發展/ 日文流利) AMR_852

  • 台北市信義區
  • 3年以上
  • 專科

【工作內容】 _線上、線下包括文字、圖像、影音等不同形勢廣告素材規劃、構成、校閱 _宣傳主題企劃發想及門市輔銷品規劃、製作 _日本總總司素材相關對應窗口 _SNS社群經營 : 貼文切角規劃、社群留言檢視、成效檢視 _數據追蹤、分析社群媒體上流量數據;專案成效,並持續優化 _合作洽談、採購執行。與合作廠商維持良好溝通與應對,共同達成廣告目標 _有效掌控專案時程與品質及製作結案報告 _預算管理,每月帳務的請購、驗收流程 _日籍主管交辦事項及跨部門工作溝通與協調 【需求條件】 _行銷相關實務經驗3年以上 _具文字敏銳度,新聞稿、企劃文案內容撰寫能力;以及美編、排版概念等美感意識 _流利日語能力 _具備GA數據分析及SEO觀念者加分 #線上線下行銷素材規劃與執行 #維護品牌調性與形象

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4/30 Co-Teacher in Montessori Preschool

  • 台北市大安區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

Co-Teacher in Taipei Montessori International School -Responsibilities and Duties Co-teaching in English with Montessori Headteacher Preparing environment and materials for children English immersion teaching in the classroom Work hours from 8:00 a.m. to 17:30 p.m., Monday to Friday Some weekend activities may be involved -Benefits Competitive salary Health care coverage

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4/30 【信義區】知名美商美妝集團 Corporate Sales Executive OCS_335

  • 台北市信義區
  • 2年以上
  • 專科

**歡迎直接將您的履歷郵寄到[email protected]** ※ Principal Objectives The Corporate Sales Executive is responsible for overseeing and managing the corporate online sales and marketing strategies. This includes developing and implementing effective online company store campaigns, analyzing customer behavior and market trends, and optimizing the online shopping experience. ※ Accountabilities Online Corporate Sales ◆­ Own the online company store net sales. ◆­ Developing and implementing the overall OCS business. ◆­ Creating and managing digital marketing campaigns to drive traffic and increase conversion rates. ◆­ Monitoring and analyzing website analytics to identify areas for improvement and optimize user experience. ◆­ Collaborating with cross-functional teams, such as Regional CS team, DPIM, and IT to ensure seamless integration of online company store initiatives. ◆­ Managing inventory and product listings, ensuring accurate and up-to-date information is displayed on all platforms. ◆­ Overseeing customer service and support for online customers, resolving any issues or complaints in a timely manner. ◆­ New product upload and promotion types, promotion tiers setting. ◆­ Online daily sales management. ◆­ Online F&F event planning & operation. Corporate Sales ◆­ Recruit new corporate partners to expand the customer base to support the business development. ◆­ Support periodic inventory cycle count, workforce management and trade communication. ◆­ Company Store membership data management.

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4/30 正職藥師

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

診所誠徵全職藥師 [特色]:本診所以身心科評估與談話治療為主,調劑量偏低,管理藥品的種類單純,門診極少有延診的情形。工作內容單純,氣氛佳,環境穩定,診所並提供相關身心科的教學。 1.地點:信義區(近國父紀念館) 2.科別:身心科(診內藥局) 3.工作時間:一週十三節診 週一、五早午晚,週二~週四午晚,週六早診 [每診三小時] 4.處方量:ㄧ診約10-15張左右 5.工作內容:調劑發藥、病患衛教、訂藥、管藥管理 6.薪資:八萬五千元 7.公司福利:勞健保、藥師公會年費、三節禮金、年終獎金 8.到職交接的日期:六月中旬 9.其他:面議 10.應徵方式: 請將履歷表寄到[email protected] 電話:02-27200938

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4/30 工務助理(台北)

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

1.協助專案資料呈送與追蹤 2.請款作業及相關文件整理呈送 3.文件收發、資料彙整、檔案維護與管理 4.協助工務部流程/SOP建置與彙整 5.工務各項行政庶務 6.協助主管交辦相關事項

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4/30 [派遣至知名外商手機品牌] Sales Administrator 業務行政 - 105SR

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

Provide detailed administrative support to sales office and corporate teams totaling 56 members. • People support for team members' o International and domestic travel arrangements.. o Purchase order and expense report o Assist new member for on-boarding • Organize and support team activities across the company, both locally and regionally o Sales meeting/event/training o Annual events o Quarterly team building o Guest speaker event • Manage and support routing admin job o External mail sorting and distribute to relevant stakeholders o Company chop administration o Meeting room arrangement o Company properties admin Regarding personality, we are looking for a candidate who are o People person with good communication skill o Resourceful for event planning o Good organizational skill o Initiative and creative 為Sales team(共 56 名成員)提供以下行政支援: o 國內外旅行安排 o 處理採購訂單和費用報告 o 協助員工到職事宜 • 組織和支援整個公司的本地和區域團隊活動 o 銷售會議/活動/培訓 o 年度活動 o 季度團隊建設 o 演講嘉賓活動 • 管理與支援路由管理工作 o 外部郵件分類並分發給相關利害關係人 o 公司印章管理 o 會議室佈置 o 公司財產管理 特質: o 具備良好溝通能力的人 o 善於策劃活動 o 良好的組織能力 o 主動性和創造性

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4/30 Marketing Manager (Professional)

  • 台北市信義區
  • 6年以上
  • 大學

About this opportunity The Marketing Manager will direct and oversee all Taiwan Marketing efforts. The individual will plan and coordinate critical processes related to business planning, strategic marketing plans, portfolio management and development, new product launches, business performance tracking, and multi-channel marketing. The incumbent will meet regularly with commercial team to establish direction and priorities, goals and targeted objectives, participate in the strategic planning process and portfolio planning, and partner with the Regional Marketing team to launch new products in the assigned region and ensure alignment with global launch strategy. The incumbent is responsible for execution of country product launches including sales forecasting, customer targeting, and coordination of regional & national trainings. The successful candidate will enjoy a dynamic, fast paced mid-size international business and will embrace the Align’s culture of: “Entrepreneurship, authentic and hands-on leadership, flawless execution and a strong passion for winning”. In this role, you will… • Develop the Invisalign (CA) business plans, pricing and product positioning and budgets with KPIs tracking • Design sales boosting promotion and work closely with related team incl. legal and finance. • Implement market research/insight gathering, monitor competitive activity and identify customer needs • Direct/Lead analysis of reports tracking the growth of the business (including forecasting of forthcoming business trends); post-sales duties (researching status of customer orders, providing information on possible product problems, forecasting for designated product lines. • Interact with professional customers through company channel marketing programs • Develop and implement all marketing activities, including all professional, practice and creative development, collateral materials, localization, translation and distribution, and adjustments to local markets needs and laws; • Own and manage program performance: implement a consistent framework of how we manage, measure, and execute programs, and engage cross-functional teams to optimise performance of the programs to achieve business goals • Partner with internal stakeholders to develop and execute marketing program to drive business growth • Generating and analysing program performance, identifying challenges, best practices, and opportunities, and sharing with relevant stakeholders • Understand the backend operational structure required to support the running of marketing campaign and programs, working with cross functions and proposing improvements to ensure the programs are smoothly executable in the market • Develop and execute collaterals, including managing the branding and communication journey to promote high level of engagement with doctors and clinical staffs • Liaise, develop and lead marketing efforts in cooperation with the APAC marketing and clinical team Customer Excellence:  Develop strong relationships with key customers and opinion leaders. Develop key relationships with thought-leaders and relevant key opinion leaders in the region.  Keen understanding of the issues including but not limited to clinical issues, competitors, pricing, competitive strategies etc. Represents the company at customer facing events such as educational forums and customer meetings.

待遇面議 遠端工作
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4/30 ZARA_ Visual Commercial店舖駐店陳列(台北地區門市)

  • 台北市信義區
  • 1年以上
  • 高中

INDITEX旗下品牌ZARA,歡迎喜愛時尚流行的你,加入我們! 工作內容: -依照賣場銷售情形與倉庫商品數量進行門市視覺陳列工作 -須支援賣場銷售工作,提供客戶服務 -根據陳列指南進行門市新品規劃(每週兩次) -每日商品視覺陳列調整及維持與展示商品更換 -分析銷售數據並依照數據進行進一步調整 -培訓店鋪同事對於日常店務基本技能與商品流行資訊 -每日工作任務分配及規劃 -須能進行即時溝通與具備快速應變能力

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4/30 魔頭帽騎士用品-台北忠孝店-中班門市人員-

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

1.負責介紹及銷售門市商品 2.提供顧客之接待與需求服務(如:電話諮詢ˋ調貨ˋ修改ˋ包裝及退貨處理) 3.負責商品進貨入庫ˋ銷售管理及庫存管理 4.負責商品包裝ˋ陳列及促銷品換檔工作 有銷售經驗求職者佳 ~ *月休八天(排休/假日可休)

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4/30 Practice Development Manager - 客戶經理 (北區)

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

Job Responsibilities: Essential duties include but are not limited to the following: Deliver Results • Achievement of Monthly, Quarterly and Annual Sales Targets, Operational Plan and Profitability Plan for northern Taiwan (Hsinchu). • Responsible for the working with assigned accounts and team within the organisation, including direction, motivation and development of sales plans, targets, and strategies and the removal of obstacles to success. • Provide all appropriate reporting to Manager including feedback from customers on a weekly and monthly report • Responsible for the sales area as ‘their business’ and be willing to take responsibility for its planning and development in what is a high growth business. • Work closely with co-colleagues to develop a high-performance team in Taiwan. Drive the Best Outcomes • Acquire and maintain detailed knowledge of the company's products; • Provide training in product knowledge, selling skills, and territory management, and Align Terms and Conditions of Business • Co-operation with co-colleagues through observation during co-travel, frequent feedback and the analysis of data • Evaluate levels of customer, product and systems knowledge via in-field assessment • Provide appropriate training and field coaching as required. • Build strong ethical business relationships with customers to ensure usage of our products and gain greater market share by focusing high value activity and selling, • Ensure professional dress code and attitude is maintained at all • Participate in proactive team efforts to achieve departmental, company goals and comply with all policies, practices and procedures. • Work with the Manager to set Operational plan for future periods and perform other duties as assigned. • Keep abreast of what competitors are doing; and update Marketing Manager of market intelligence and pulses in the market. • Be responsible for all quality updates records and customer product feedback for Taiwan market. • Perform other duties as assigned Lock in Key Relationships • Engage certified doctors and develop potential for new cases; engage non-certified doctors and establish their potential as an Invisalign provider and current submitters to develop Invisalign business • Balance the short term operational needs with the long term organizational needs of the business • Work closely with Marketing Manager to develop and implement sales and marketing strategies; such as management of Platinum Elite Accounts as well as opening new accounts and assist customers to achieve sales, distribution and display objectives. Learn more about the role: https://video.digi-me.com/align-technolog/jobs/marketing-sales/global-field-sales/jv_Align-Technolog_3

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4/30 ◔.̮◔日商Times【場站管理】儲備幹部 / 平均年薪15個月

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

我們的【場站管理】是 代表公司於台北市內精華地段的指標性高級商業設施內, 督導並管理物業營運業務。 也會適時督察其他場站,走動式管理現場人員! 【工作內容】 1. 督導現場人員工作並適時調度 2. 現場人員教育訓練執行 3. 製作每日營運報表 4. 現場緊急或臨時狀況對應 5. 設備的簡單問題排除與維護 6. 其他公司及業主交辦事項 ★無大夜班 (但跨年夜當日有特殊班別),班別如下: ①8:00-17:00 ②9:00-18:00 ③11:00-20:00 【我們期待您】 1.主動積極有責任心→ 將每個場站都當成自己的事業在管理! 2.靈活應變佳→ 永遠無法預測現場的狀況,常保靈活不緊張! 3.具備良好觀察力→ 魔鬼藏在細節裡,每個細節都可能是關鍵! 【職缺魅力】 1.主管親切,人性化管理! 2.100%日資,公司各項制度完善! ✔扎實的教育訓練 ✔加班可如實申報 ✔調薪/升遷/獎金/福利制度完善 3.定期職涯意向調查,期許你追求自我成長,也與公司一起成長! ◎更多福利歡迎參閱公司官網及104公司介紹頁面~

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4/30 【信義區】外商龍頭FMCG|業務助理|年薪14個月- OCS_303

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

※此為外包職缺,由ADECCO招募與聘用※ 工作內容: 。依程序獨立核對票據、服務證明及核准證明,必要時協助與配合業務團隊溝通。 。彙整及審核業務、財務及行政部門的報表。 。確認完整付款流程,及相關文件電子歸檔(使用Sharepoint)。 。協助財務及行政部門,跟進交易款項管理進度。 特點: 。年終2個月 。穩定:年度表現評估機制 。知名:全球500大企業 。支援:專職HR提供協助及諮詢

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4/30 【TOK 盡興食光】新展店外場正職人員 (大巨蛋店)

  • 台北市信義區
  • 1年以上
  • 高中

「TOK 盡興食光」是一個快樂、關懷、承先啟後的品牌,我們希望成為客人「新」與「心」的窗戶,不論是對待客人還是夥伴都要盡責、真誠、懷抱同理心,以創造一個快樂、透明的環境為己任。 我們相信每位夥伴都有過人之處,我們鼓勵夥伴成為企業創新的元素,帶來創新思維一起工作發揮最大功效做最佳品牌代言人! 集團其他餐飲品牌: https://www.zhuori.com.tw/ 全天候亞洲風味創意料理,滿足需要早午餐咖啡與到晚上喝一杯兩杯的你,盡興隨興,就是聚會該有的樣子!新門市位於信義區與東區中間的台北大巨蛋,交通便利,工作環境良好,預計於2024年5月中試營運,餐點貼近食材原型與在地食材,並與酉鬼獨家合作提倡特色精釀,打造指標型全日餐廳。 |工作內容| 1.負責咖啡與飲品相關製作 2.負責跑單、送餐及聯繫內外場之工作 3.為顧客帶位及安排座位 4.為顧客介紹餐點、環境與行銷活動 5.負責工作崗位之清潔維護 6.對於餐飲文化與生活哲學有理想與見解 7.有團隊合作精神

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4/30 ʕ ᵔᴥᵔ ʔ【物業管理督導】日商-平均年薪15個月

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

代表公司於台北市內精華地段的指標性高級商業設施內,督導並管理物業營運業務。 ★★職缺魅力★★ 可以直接學到日式的管理方式 與日本おもてなし特有的服務精神! 如果你嚮往了解日本企業文化, 歡迎加入普客二四大家庭~ 公司提供完整教育訓練, 無經驗者也不用擔心! ★你將會負責以下工作: 1. 督導現場人員工作並適時調度 2. 現場人員教育訓練執行 3. 製作每日營運報表 4. 現場緊急或臨時狀況對應 5. 設備的簡單問題排除與維護 6. 其他公司及業主交辦事項 ◎排班制(無大夜班/*跨年當日除外) ✔100%日資,開業近17年,發展穩定 ✔調薪/升遷/獎金/福利制度完善 (請參考公司福利頁面)

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