我們誠摯邀請充滿熱情、活力和賦有無私精神的人才加入我們充滿朝氣的 JUNTO 大家庭,在優雅舒適的環境中工作,為每位客人帶來終極中華料理哲學佳餚的用餐體驗。
- 協助總經理處理日常運作,確保任何時候運作順利及高效
- 管理外場運營的各個方面,包括預訂、座位安排、服務和賓客關係
- 透過持續為客人提供並維持卓越的服務來提升顧客的滿意度與忠誠度
- 培養積極、以餐廳顧客體驗為中心的工作文化,促進場外和場內員工的團隊合作
- 控制庫存並監控餐廳衛生
- 尋找出並實施創新想法,以增強餐廳顧客體驗並增加收入
- 作為 VIP 客人和知名食客的主要聯絡點
- 確保餐廳遵守所有相關的健康、安全和許可法規
We are inviting passionate, energetic and devoted talents to join our dynamic JUNTO family and work in stunning surroundings and can bring JUNTO style to each guest ultimate dining experience.
The Job:
- Assist General Manager in daily operations to ensure a smooth-running and efficient operation at all times
- Manage all aspects of front-of-house operations, including reservations, seating, service, and guest relations
- Enhance customers’ satisfactions and loyalty by providing and maintaining good quality of service to our guests constantly
- Foster a positive, guest-centric work culture and promote teamwork among the front-of-house and back-of-house staff
- Control inventory stock and monitor the hygiene of the restaurant
- Identify and implement innovative ideas to enhance the guest experience and drive revenue
- Serve as the primary point of contact for VIP guests and high-profile diners
- Ensure the restaurant's compliance with all relevant health, safety, and licensing regulations