.As a CSM leader to set up performance goals which is to align company long/short term strategies, to conduct CSM monthly meeting, yearly client satisfaction survey and complete CSM performance appraisal. 作為CSM團隊的領導者,制定績效目標,以使其與公司的長期/短期戰略保持一致,進行每月的CSM會議,年度原廠滿意度調查並完成CSM績效評估。
.As a delegated CSM for key clients and conduct QBR/Ops meeting timely. 作為重要原廠的CSM,定期舉行QBR/Ops會議。
.Follow up client’s concerns received from annual satisfaction survey. 追踨從年度滿意度調查中收到的原廠關切的議題。
.Build a good and trustworthy relationship with client. 與原廠建立良好及信賴的關係。
.Be a leader for new project such as business transfer. 主持新原廠移入的專案計劃。
.Introduce new initiatives to client and ensure their onboard smoothly. 向原廠介紹新的服務技術, 工具及流程,並確保其順利導入。
.Communicate with client timely in case there is any urgent or important event that may interrupt our services or impact to their product. 如有任何可能中斷我們的服務或影響其產品的緊急或重要事件,及時與原廠溝通。
.Share best practice and create win-win solution to client. 分享最佳營運範例,並為原廠創造雙贏解決方案。
Join key clients’ QBR (classifies AAA & AA) meeting with delegated CSM and summarize key concerns and feedback to top management team bi-monthly. 與委派的CSM一起參加重要原廠的QBR會議(分類為AAA和AA),並每兩個月總結關鍵關切和反饋,向高層管理團隊報告。
.Collaborate with function head to Introduce new initiatives to key clients quarterly. 與各部門負責人合作,每季度向重要原廠介紹新的服務技術, 工具及流程。
.Collect market information where may directly or potentially impact to our core business such as new initiatives from competitors or new entry party. 收集市場信息,可能會直接或潛在地影響我們核心業務的信息,如競爭對手的新倡議或新進入方。
.The key POC for TCDC will coordinate key projects related to TCDC services and also build long-term and trusted relationships with TCDC. TCDC 的主要聯絡人將協調與 TCDC 服務相關的關鍵項目,並建立與 TCDC 的長期和信任關係。