- 高雄市左營區
- 經歷不拘
- 專科
工作內容: 1. 無經驗或2年(含)工地監工工作經驗。 2.指揮並督導現場作業工作人員,以控制工程的執行進度與施工品質。 3.參與現場施作及圖面設計共同商量,討論及解決如工作程序、建築問題等事務。 4.預先檢查分包廠商施工前之準備工作。 5.有責任感肯學習。 6.其他主管交辦事項。 7.具專業證照(勞安.品管)者優先錄取。
工作內容: 1. 無經驗或2年(含)工地監工工作經驗。 2.指揮並督導現場作業工作人員,以控制工程的執行進度與施工品質。 3.參與現場施作及圖面設計共同商量,討論及解決如工作程序、建築問題等事務。 4.預先檢查分包廠商施工前之準備工作。 5.有責任感肯學習。 6.其他主管交辦事項。 7.具專業證照(勞安.品管)者優先錄取。
1.從事個人保險客戶服務。 2.理賠案件處理(損失查勘/協調和解/理算給付等)。 3.其他主管交辦事項。 【如具備特定經驗或條件者,薪資不限刊登範圍】
1.具護理師證照 2.大學以上 3.無經驗可,具不孕症及門診相關經驗優先錄取 工作內容: 1.人工受孕及試管嬰兒相關流程諮詢與說明 2.試管嬰兒療程用藥指導、衛教與諮詢 3.生殖補助申辦相關 4.主管交辦事項 教育訓練及福利制度: 1.提供不孕症課程及完整訓練 2.到職滿2年並通過考核,協助取得不孕症諮詢員證照 3.留任獎金2年50000元,3年80000元 4.護理能力進階認證津貼 5.免上大夜班、週日固定休假(月排休8~10天) 6.其他福利面議:如晚班津貼、旅遊津貼
享鴨新莊店 !預計2025年初開幕 開幕之前會先在板橋享鴨分店帶訓培訓 誠 徵:廚藝計時人員 工作內容:協助各項餐點製作、內場相關事務等 工作時段:(依營運需求彈性排班,工作時間面試詳洽) ◎ 全日班-名 (10:00~14:00 及 16:30~21:30) ◎ 假日班-名 (10:00~14:00 及 16:30~21:30) ◎ 早班-名 (10:00~14:00) ◎ 晚班-名 (16:30~21:30) 學/經歷:高中職以上,對廚藝料理有興趣者。
Minimum qualifications: • Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering, Product Design, or equivalent practical experience. • 12 years of experience with FEA/Thermal. • Experience designing mechanical components such as plastic or metal parts, mechanical assemblies, printed circuit boards, or flexes. • Experience using simulation tools such as Abaqus, Hypermesh, Icepak, or Flotherm. • Experience using computer-aided design tools such as NX, Creo, or Solidworks. • Experience leading multiple engineering teams including FEA/Thermal teams. Preferred qualifications: • Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering, Product Design, or a related field. • 15 years of experience in consumer product design. • Experience shipping multiple consumer products in a lead, senior staff, or principal engineer role. • Experience collaborating with suppliers around the world on part manufacturing and final assembly, including onsite factory support. • System integration experience, including electro-mechanical components (audio, display, camera, antenna, etc.), waterproofing, thermals, grounding, or product architecture. • Proficiency with Abaqus, Hypermesh, Icepak, Flotherm, NX and Teamcenter, including technical knowledge of multiple manufacturing methods used in consumer products. About the job Google's mission is to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful. Our Devices & Services team combines the best of Google AI, Software, and Hardware to create radically helpful experiences for users. We research, design, and develop new technologies and hardware to make our user's interaction with computing faster, seamless, and more powerful. Whether finding new ways to capture and sense the world around us, advancing form factors, or improving interaction methods, the Devices & Services team is making people's lives better through technology.Google welcomes people with disabilities. Responsibilities • Apply design, engineering, and technical expertise designing complex systems from concept to mass production with structural Finite Element Analysis (FEA) and thermal design simulations. • Collaborate with suppliers of subsystems and/or individual parts throughout the design and manufacturing process. • Anticipate and address product design issues or risks, analyze data, and validate product design to suggest or implement design improvements for structural FEA and thermal design. • Manage the product design, provide guidance to team members, communicate progress, and request feedback to prevent/remove roadblocks. • Identify the root cause of design, manufacturing, or reliability issues and develop corrective actions. Balance design considerations such as functionality, sustainability, reliability, human factors, manufacturability, and aesthetics.
Minimum qualifications: • Bachelor's degree in a technical field, or equivalent practical experience. • 5 years of experience in program management. • 5 years of experience as a Semiconductor Packaging Engineer. • Experience in packaging technologies, assembly processes, Integrated Circuit (IC) packaging materials, reliability standards, Failure Analysis (FA) techniques. • Experience in leading cross-functional teams. • Ability to travel as required. Preferred qualifications: • Master's degree or PhD in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering or Material Engineering or a related field. • Experience with SoC and Power Management Integrated Circuit (PMIC) productization. • Experience in data analysis using semiconductor production data. • Understanding of Wafer Level Packaging, 2.5D packaging and 3D packaging technology. • Ability to work in a fluid environment. • Excellent written and verbal communication skills. About the job A problem isn’t truly solved until it’s solved for all. That’s why Googlers build products that help create opportunities for everyone, whether down the street or across the globe. As a Technical Program Manager at Google, you will use your technical expertise to lead complex, multi-disciplinary projects from start to finish. You will work with stakeholders to plan requirements, identify risks, manage project schedules, and communicate clearly with cross-functional partners across the company. You're equally comfortable explaining your team's analyses and recommendations to executives as you are discussing the technical trade-offs in product development with engineers. Our goal is to build a Google that looks like the world around us - and we want Googlers to stay and grow when they join us. As part of our efforts to build a Google for everyone, we build diversity, equity, and inclusion into our work and we aim to cultivate a sense of belonging throughout the company. Google's mission is to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful. Our Devices and Services team combines the best of Google AI, Software, and Hardware to create radically helpful experiences for users. We research, design, and develop new technologies and hardware to make our user's interaction with computing faster, seamless, and more powerful. Whether finding new ways to capture and sense the world around us, advancing form factors, or improving interaction methods, the Devices and Services team is making people's lives better through technology. Responsibilities • Follow responsibilities in the area of custom silicon package process definition, yield monitoring and yield improvement, excursion management and failure analysis. • Drive and resolve technical and operational issues of material, process, fixtures and equipment to enable delivery of product and manufacturing process from New Product Introduction (NPI) to mass production. • Lead early production site qualifications for NPI, Lead Yield and process improvements. • Lead Excursion root cause analysis. Lead suppliers to establish and validate process capability and performance metrics (using statistical tools and techniques) for consistently delivering quality products and for excursion management.
Minimum qualifications: • Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, a related technical field, or equivalent practical experience. • 5 years of experience with software development in C/C++. • 1.5 years of experience in a leadership role (e.g., technical leadership or people management, supervision, or team leadership). • Experience working with hardware accelerators (e.g., GPU, TPU, DSP). Preferred qualifications: • Experience with power and performance measurement and optimization. • Experience optimizing CPU/DSP SIMD code using intrinsics or assembly language. • Experience developing software for Android or other embedded systems. • Knowledge of mobile SoC Architecture. • Ability to bring ideas to solve or improve issues. • Ability to communicate in English fluently to interact with teams across various regions. About the job Like Google's own ambitions, the work of a Software Engineer goes beyond just Search. Software Engineering Managers have not only the technical expertise to take on and provide technical leadership to major projects, but also manage a team of Engineers. You not only optimize your own code but make sure Engineers are able to optimize theirs. As a Software Engineering Manager you manage your project goals, contribute to product strategy and help develop your team. Teams work all across the company, in areas such as information retrieval, artificial intelligence, natural language processing, distributed computing, large-scale system design, networking, security, data compression, user interface design; the list goes on and is growing every day. Operating with scale and speed, our exceptional software engineers are just getting started -- and as a manager, you guide the way. With technical and leadership expertise, you manage engineers across multiple teams and locations, a large product budget and oversee the deployment of large-scale projects across multiple sites internationally. As a Software Engineering Manager, you will focus on software power and performance optimization for the SoCs, and will work with people from different teams and functions. Google's mission is to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful. Our team combines the best of Google AI, Software, and Hardware to create radically helpful experiences. We research, design, and develop new technologies and hardware to make computing faster, seamless, and more powerful. We aim to make people's lives better through technology. Responsibilities • Optimize the performance of production software running on Google SoCs. • Contribute to the software and hardware architecture designs for Google’s future SoCs and software features. • Collaborate across organizations and teams to move the software and hardware design into production.
1. 擅長網路工具,如google ads、臉書、GA、seo等接觸TA,創造最好綜效 2. LINE@管理執行具有基礎網路小編撰寫圖文能力,並理解受眾所需及適當回覆。 3. 舉辦海外.國內說明會等活動,建立國外病患來台就醫事務、簽證辦理協助規範 4. 意見領袖KOL等洽談及執行合作 5.主動回報、策略建議、主管交辦執行項目 6.願意接受相關醫療知識教育訓練,具有獨立思考建立規範的工作態度 ※具英語、粵語能力佳 *應徵條件: 1.語言能力認證 2.須檢附3年內之語言能力測驗憑證 英文 -- 聽 /精通、說 /精通、讀 /精通、寫 /精通 應徵回覆 合適者將於7-14個工作天內主動聯繫,不合適者將不另行通知
1.勞工體格(健康)檢查結果之分析與評估、健康管理及資料保存。 2.辦理健康檢查結果異常者之追蹤管理及健康指導。 3.辦理未滿十八勞工、有母性健康危害之虞之勞工、職業傷病勞工與職業健康相關高風險勞工之評估及個案管理 4.職業衛生或職業健康之相關研究報告及傷害、疾病紀錄之保存。 5.勞工之健康教育、衛生指導、身心健康保護、健康促進等措施之策劃及實施。 6.工作相關傷病之預防、健康諮詢與急救導、緊急處置 7.定期向雇主報告及勞工健康服務之建議。 8.臨場服務業務協助及規劃。 【事業單位臨場健康服務需求】 (1)需具備勞工健康服務護理人員證照 (2 且取得證書後需職護年資滿3年
1.理專教育訓練、銷售演練。 2.協助分行客戶資產配置管理/陪訪。 3.輔銷資訊/銷售案例分享。 4.分行說明會講座。
1.社區大樓防災中心及中央監控室系統設備監控. 2.大樓空調設備、機電設備、消防設備檢點及其他相關設備點檢維護. 3.大樓公共設施簡易維修及各樓層使用戶辦公室內部維修服務. 4.配合社區大樓主管指示協助執行相關庶務工作. #公司有完整考核制度 #健全升遷機會 #新進人員滿三個月後會依制度調昇薪資 #享有三節獎金/禮品 #年終餐會/獎金 #證照輔助考試 #技能學習教育 「歡迎認真努力的你加入昇晉團隊」
1. 協助內場的餐點製作準備。 2. 協助食物之製作流程、份量及擺盤等事務。 3. 品質管理,確保菜色品質穩定。 4. 協調外場點餐與內場廚師料理的順序與速度。 員工福利: 1.滿試用期後再加薪。調幅薪資以負責的工作內容做調整依據 2.升遷制度:績效考核評估,為調薪及升遷依據。 3.按照行事曆上休假天數排休。月休8天 4.超時有加班費。 5.全勤獎金。 6.年終獎金。 7.按照勞基法規定給予基本福利(勞健保) 8.不定期員工旅遊聚餐
1.接待服務,態度親切有禮。 2.社區住戶事務服務。 3.社區公設使用服務。 4.管委會及主管交辦事項執行。 5.文件表單的歸檔及保存、現場主管交辦事項。 6.一般電腦文書作業系統能力。 7.具有親和力、主動、積極、有責任感。 8.具有物業管理事業相關經驗者佳。 9.板橋+新莊兩個社區代班秘書,月上19天
1.經歷2年以上。(上班地點由公司分配) 2.同時具備冷檯、炸檯、炒檯、烤檯的能力。 3.控管現場人事出勤安排,排班。 4.控管成本、耗損、叫貨、分配人力事務、重點培訓人員工作崗位。 5.設計菜品、編輯成本毛利表格。 6.現場危機處理、客訴處理。 7.節日活動構想。 8.掌握店裡營運方向。 9.掌握各事項進度。 10.經營熟客。 11.協調店內人事溝通。 12.控管廠商進貨品質。 13.控管食材保存品質,控管出餐擺盤口味品質。 休假制度: 月休假 月休8日 4天指休 4天公司安排 員工福利: 1. 滿3個月試用期後,依照個人能力,採取是否調幅薪資以負責的工作內容做調整依據。 2. 升遷制度:績效考核評估,為調薪及升遷依據。 3. 一般正職工作滿一年以上,5天年假,主管 7天年假。 另額外(農曆年假約3天) 4. 超時加班費。 (依照勞基法) 5. 全勤獎金2000元。 6. 年終獎金。 (依照個人能力,給予獎金) 7. 三節禮金。 (正職1000 兼職600) 8. 生日禮金 。(正職1000 兼職500) 9. 門市業績達成獎金 。 10. 按照勞基法給予基本勞健保福利,依據個人地緣關係投保鄰近「餐飲工會」,公司提供全額費用支付。 11. 不定期員工旅遊、聚餐。
我們是一家牙醫診所,想尋找一位有1-2年以上社群行銷經驗或是有自媒體經驗的夥伴,若您對社群行銷充滿興趣及熱愛這份工作,歡迎您加入我們! 【職務說明】 主要協助診所經營社群帳號(FB、IG),文案製作、整合素材、資料整理作業等,可藉由社群,提高網路流量。 【工作內容】 協助規劃行銷影音圖文、負責製作文案。 追蹤與分析數據檢視成效。 【必備條件】 具備 1~2 年社群行銷或行銷相關工作經驗 有 FB、IG或是 YouTube經營經驗
工作內容: 1.櫃台掛號接待、協助約診 2.臨床跟診及協助醫師看診 3.認識及學習操作牙科設備 3.牙科器械清潔消毒及環境整潔維護
MisterDonut為全台最大的連鎖甜甜圈專賣店 ֍統一集團最優質品牌、合法企業 ֍喜歡餐飲、烘焙甜點的你 ֍想學一技之長的你 ֍想在一個歡樂環境工作的你 歡迎一起成為我們的【圈內人】 【工作說明】 ◎基礎作業:開閉店作業、收銀、甜甜圈裝飾加工包裝、商品介紹、飲品製作、門市清潔。 【打工超方便 】 ★選擇地點多: 交轉運據點、商場/百貨/量販店。 ★選擇班次多: 早中晚三班次,可依課表與店長面議。 ★每週排休2天,另有特休假。 【福利制度】 ★調薪機會:每半年會考核一次,工讀生也會有調薪機會喔! ★最真實的關心:每年免費健康檢查、免費員工團體保險 ★就是比別人多一:春節、五一、端午、中秋 四好禮。 ֍生日我最大:生日禮物。 ֍其他沒講的:婚喪喜慶。 【上班地點、工作時段】 ★板站門市★ 新北市板橋區縣民大道二段7號B1(環球購物中心/MRT板橋站/板橋火車站),營業時間: 10:00~22:00 ★板橋大遠百門市★ 新北市板橋區新站路28號(MRT板橋站/板橋火車站),營業時間:11:00~22:00 ★亞東門市★ 新北市板橋區南雅南路2段17號B1(MRT亞東醫院站),營業時間:07:30~22:00 ★新埔1號門市★ 新北市板橋區文化路一段435巷7號(MRT新埔站一號出口外),營業時間:08:00~22:00
工作內容: 1.櫃台掛號批價作業 2.維護診所硬體設備 3.協助安排看診順序及維持診間秩序 4.盤點衛材耗材等相關用品 5.環境整理及維護,接聽電話 6.協助行政事宜 上班時間: 一週11~13診 上班時間: (一診3小時;早診9:00~12:00,午診14:00~17:00,晚診18:00~21:00)
理想具備/加分條件: - 過去餐飲服務/吧台經驗 (1-2年以上為佳) - 調酒技術 (能立刻獨立站吧為佳/特色調酒研發) - 基礎酒水知識 (擁有豐富日本酒/葡萄酒知識加分喔!) - 真誠、積極與樂觀的敬業態度 - 你的熱情與微笑 工作內容: 1. 參予員工酒水訓練 2. 維護工作環境之衛生與整潔。 3. 負責客人帶位、倒水、介紹菜色飲料、點餐等工作。 4. 負責送餐及聯繫內外場之工作。 5. 負責製作飲料、侍酒等工作。 6. 協助收拾碗盤與清潔。 面試需現場實際操作。 員工福利: 1. 滿試用期後,調幅薪資以負責的工作內容做調整依據 2. 升遷制度:績效考核評估,為調薪及升遷依據。 3. 工作滿一年以上,5天年假。 4. 超時加班費。 5. 全勤獎金。 6. 年終獎金。 7. 三節禮金 8. 生日禮金 9. 門市業績達成獎金 10. 按照勞基法規定給予基本福利(勞健保) 11. 不定期員工旅遊聚餐
1. 負責門禁管制、車輛管制、防竊作業及竊盜處理工作等安全維護工作 2. 收發包裏郵件 3. 針對特定處所進行監視,維持公共安全,減少火災、竊盜或其他危險 4. 控制照明、取暖、空氣調節及通風等設備 5. 保護重要物品 6. 社區安全維護管理、保障客戶生命和財產安全