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【はま寿司 HAMASUSHI】★時薪最高300元★ 南京復興店

  • 台北市松山區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

⭕【上班時段】 依照提供的排班時間進行排班 ★可配合假日者佳 ⭕【兼職時薪】 起薪為$200元,符合全勤條件者時薪再加$5元,考核調薪最高可加 95元 深夜出勤津貼每小時加$50元 ⭕【福利制度】 ★每季一次考核調薪機會 ★享有特休累積 ★免費員工餐 ★三節禮券、生日禮金、夜班出勤津貼、免費電影票 ★提供員工制服及工作鞋 ★年度健檢 ★勞保、健保,6%勞退提撥 ⭕【工作說明】 《內場》:餐點製作、食材備料、進貨盤點 《外場》:接待服務顧客、收銀結帳、環境整潔 ★開朗活潑有笑容 ★SOP專業流程 ★無經驗可 ★提供完善職前教育訓練 ⭕【經營理念】 我們是日本第一的速食連鎖ZENSHO集團,我們的理念是"消滅世界的飢餓和貧困",目標是成為全球第一的連鎖餐飲集團。 我們堅持使用安全及高品質的食材,當場現點現作提供美味可口的日本國民美食-牛丼/咖哩,並以舒適衛生的用餐環境、熱情用心的服務態度、平實親民的誠懇價格,強調食品安全,顧客安心。不論是單獨一人、與家人一起、朋友一起,皆可享受用餐的樂趣。


5/07 [HQ - Taipei] 組織及人才營運部 - 人事行政專員

  • 台北市松山區
  • 1年以上
  • 大學

關於公司 About the Company 菜蟲農食是一個提供餐廳直接向生產者採購蔬菜食材的平台。 基於數據演算法、革新的商業模式、以及我們的餐廳及生產者網絡,我們正在推動現代的農產運銷。 從台北市出發,菜蟲農食正打造許多餐廳每天依賴透明的平台: 一方面我們確保餐廳夥伴能獲得高品質的食材、服務、以及成本優勢,另一方面我們協助生產夥伴更明確了解市場需求,並更有效的連結至消費市場。 我們致力於打造更好的台灣農業。 期待 Expectations 我們正在尋找一位充滿熱情、細心且具有組織能力的人事行政助理加入我們的組織與人力資源部門。您將扮演團隊與員工之間的橋梁,確保所有行政程序和人事相關活動順暢進行。我們期望您能夠提供出色的行政支援,幫助我們建立和維護一個高效、積極和支持性的工作環境。 你會做什麼? What you will do? 1. 執行人才及組織行政工作,包括到離職、加退保等文件處理、資料處理、流程追蹤。 2. 核算薪資獎金 3. 協調招募流程中之面試相關安排及結果追蹤紀錄 4. 組織和安排部門主管內外的會議和活動。 5. 處理夥伴請假、報銷等行政事務。 6. 支援員工和管理層,解答有關行政流程和政策的查詢。 職缺特定條件 Job Specific Qualifications - 一年以上人資相關經驗,以人事行政或薪酬經驗為佳 - 細心、有耐心、善於溝通、具有團隊合作精神。 - 開放心態並積極學習 - 能自我管理 一般性特質 General Personalities - 具備分析思考能力 - 較深入了解 Google Sheets - 熱愛台灣農業並希望能參與改變 - 有高度工作專業及熱誠 - 具備幽默感 期待但是不必要具備的特質 Desired qualifications: - 遊戲設計經驗 加入菜蟲農食的大家庭。 我們一起來改變台灣農產運銷的定義。

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5/07 行政客服

  • 台北市松山區
  • 3年以上
  • 專科

1.依照各企業的行業性質,從事一般行政工作、主管交辦事項 2.文書管理:資料key-in、列印、整理、維護、更新 3.工作行程及會議之準備、安排、參與、紀錄;行事曆管理、排定 4.公文、郵件收發及寄送 5.接聽客戶來電 6.庶務管理

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5/07 [HQ - Taipei] 消費者業務部 電商行銷助理

  • 台北市松山區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

Job Description 行政面: 每日訂單製作、匯入系統 外部出貨通知、轉單處理 內部出貨通知、回壓訂單系統 物流單製作、通知司機取件 客情回覆 (官網、FB、LINE) 電商平台管理 (如:上/下架、加/減量、變價..等) 行銷面: 電商平台活動企劃 (團隊會共同動腦) 其他交辦事項 (如:滿額贈品採買、市場調查、KOC聯繫) Requirement 1 個性細心、邏輯清楚、有耐性、數字敏銳、有自制力 2 學習力強,樂於接觸新事物 3 網路重度使用者尤佳 (FB/IG/Line/TikTok/小紅書..等) 4 附個人經營社群(IG/FB..等)加分 5 對農產運銷或電商領域有興趣

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5/07 [HQ - Taipei] User Experience Designer

  • 台北市松山區
  • 5年以上
  • 大學

Expectations User Experience Designer will create extraordinary experiences through deeply understanding Company's operations, business, and different user groups. The scope of work includes assessments for user needs, converting complex requirements into clean concepts and succinct designs, and improving user experiences from time to time. What you will do? 1. Conduct user research, develop user personas, build user experience requirements 2. Create, communicate, and test user journeys, information architecture, wireframes,interaction flows, motion and transitions, and visual design. 3. Own the UX from beginning to end, including working hand-in-hand with instructional designers, developers, and engineers until the product/feature is built to spec, polished, and achieving program goals. 4. Work inventively around constraints and navigate ambiguous situations. 5. Create style guides, design systems, and libraries to be applied across all learning experiences. 6. Own documentation and final production of all designs and assets. 7. Drive the design review cycle and close on design requirements with limited oversight. 8. Contribute to the brand experience and visual communication. 9. Build relationships and communicate effectively with local and remote cross-functional teams. Job Specific Qualifications *Personal aspects: - Analytical thinker, able to solve complex problems by observing real data - Great data gathering and analysis skills - You communicate clearly and effectively with people from diverse backgrounds - You know how to turn data into information and information into insights *Technical aspects: - Lead user-centered design with hands on experience throughout the process, from user research to developing prototypes and collaborating on implementation. - Deliver wireframes, UX flows, mockups, interactive prototypes, design specifications, final assets as well as personas and use case development. - Understand distinct user groups quickly and iterate solutions to their needs. - Partner with cross-functional teams, users, product owners, business analysts and development teams to create values for stakeholders. - Promote and manage appropriate usability testing and user research endeavors. - Is familiar with Design and Prototyping software such as: Sketch, Adobe XD, Omnigraffle or equivalent *General Personalities - You love Taiwan’s agriculture and want to contribute to it. - Passionate with a great work ethic - High Energy; self-starter - Ability to thrive in unstructured and unregulated environment - Get stuff done mentality - Ability and eagerness to learn new things - You have a good sense of humor and like to have fun *Desired, not required - Front-end experience

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5/07 [HQ - Taipei] 客戶關係發展部-關鍵客戶業務維護經理 Key Account Manager

  • 台北市松山區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

Job Description 1.每日確認客戶訂單需求 2.掌握客戶食材品規以及數量需求,並依此做後續各項團隊內外部溝通 3.向客戶爭取談判更多的營收以達成業績目標 4.每次報價週期,與客戶議價 5.協助報價所有細節檢查 6.維護客戶關係,實際到客戶端拜訪或電話維繫 7.與團隊內部溝通所有需要協作的任務 8.所有與客戶相關的任何機動性任務 9.使用google 表單處理各項客戶數據分析 10.客訴處理 Requirement 1.具有高度數字敏感度 2.能夠有使用google表單的技巧 3.具有談判及溝通技巧(對公司內部及外部) 4.一年以上業務經驗 5.餐飲業/食材相關經驗 6.獨立作業以及思考判斷的能力 7.細膩的people skill 8.有面對大客戶的自信與應對能力 9.對於改變農業現況有高度熱情(Optional)

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5/07 [HQ - Taipei] 前端軟體工程師 Frontend Engineer (Junior & Senior)

  • 台北市松山區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

Expectations 前端工程師深入了解公司營運、業務、及客戶的需求,能迅速與團隊設定開發優先順序以支持業務的發展。 其職務範圍包括網頁設計評估、迅速開發原型、與使用者協作產品迭代、管理日常系統維運、並持續優化頁面及提升使用者體驗。 What you will do? 1. 能優化頁面、執行效率,並提升使用者體驗 2. 跨部門進行需求溝通 3. 改進開發流程,包含但不限於測試自動化、CI/CD、Schema 驗證 4. 你可能有機會參與下述開發專案: - 開發與維護企業資源規劃系統 (Web ERP) - 開發與維護 hybrid app (React Native + PWA) - 開發與維護公司使用之 Google Spreadsheet API 及自動化 Job Specific Qualifications 個人特質: - 能觀察實際資料並解決複雜問題 - 具備良好的蒐集資料與分析能力 - 能清楚有效的與不同背景的團隊成員溝通 - 了解如何將資料轉換為資訊、將資訊轉變成洞見 技術需求: - 具一年以上相關工作或開源專案經驗 - 對 HTML, javascript, CSS 有扎實的理解 - 熟悉 React - 能定義與優化功能規格 - 熟悉任意一種有靜態型別系統的語言 (ex: Typescript, Rescript, Rust…) General Personalities - 熱愛台灣農業並希望能參與改變 - 有高度工作專業及熱誠 - 能自我管理 - 具備在無明確規則的環境中仍能持續成長的能力 - 渴望學習 - 具備幽默感 Desired, not required - 有 mobile App (Android / iOS)開發經驗 - 有網頁後端程式開發經驗 - 有撰寫 End to End 測試經驗 - 參與任何開源專案或社團 - 有SA / SD 或產品管理相關經驗 『加入菜蟲團隊,讓我們一起創新台灣農業!』

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5/07 日間獸醫助理

  • 台北市松山區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 高中

**誠徵日間獸醫助理** 1. 門診部 : 測量病患體重及體溫、保定動物、檢驗操作、配藥。 2. 飼主服務:電話預約及現場掛號、病歷追蹤、醫療耗材盤點與整理。 3. 住院部 : 住院犬貓醫囑執行、看護與清潔工作。 4. 手術室 : 擔任手術中跟刀助理、負責術前,術後的相關器械準備與動物照顧。 5. 工作時間 : 採四周彈性工時,每周排班四天+排休三天,排班日09:30~21:30 (中間休息2小時) 6. 薪資30,000~45,000元。另有X光等津貼或獎金。 7. 對於貓狗照護有熱忱, 個性積極、具責任感、主動且願意學習者。 8. 無經驗可。 嘉慶動物醫院成立20年,提供貓貓獨立安心與狗狗舒適寬敞的就診醫療環境。 連續多年獲國際isfm友善貓醫院金級獎。 貓狗分開住院區、精緻專業的醫療處置、專業人員完全照護監控。 本公司制度完整,晉升考核制度完善。 醫療設備齊全,專業醫療團隊。 備有人醫規格Class1000的正壓手術室與各項完整檢驗設備 員工福利佳、環境舒適,學習發展空間大, 誠摯邀請您進入嘉慶動物醫院專業醫療團隊。

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5/07 【達昌家庭藥局:延吉店】藥局健康專員34000-60000[滿4個月含獎金4萬起]

  • 台北市松山區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

1.門市保健營養衛教與教學整理 2.協助門市業務及銷售 3.提供簡單的藥物使用諮詢 4.藥品存貨的盤點 5.協助藥師進行調劑 6.保健及美妝相關諮詢及衛教 7.婦幼用品諮詢 8.環境工作整潔 9.長照補助.醫療器材諮詢

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5/07 [HQ - Taipei] 客戶關係發展部 - 客戶獲取業務經理

  • 台北市松山區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

Expectations 餐飲客戶獲取經理負責確保客戶對菜蟲農食的服務滿意、協助團隊成員了解客戶的需求與期待、並致力於維持長期的夥伴關係。 此職務之目標為協助全體客戶獲取團隊維持現有客戶以及帶進新客戶。 What you will do? 1. 事業規劃 - 建立團隊成長策略 - 建立客戶關係拜訪團隊之行動計畫已達成事業目標 2. 客戶維持 - 管理團隊的客戶服務工作以達到優越的客戶滿意度及客戶留存度 3. 商務發展 - 領導商務發展分析並驅動基於數據之執行 4. 銷售 - 驅動團隊銷售工作之成交 - 確保良好的團隊銷售工作並建立銷售工作的改善精進流程 Job Specific Qualifications - 具備卓越的溝通技巧 - 心態開放且能有效率的建立互信 - 對客戶或是市場的改變具備高度警戒 - 具備高度的問題解決與開創能力 - 較深入了解 Google Sheets - 能在當前的工作流程中找出改善機會並領導變革 General Personalities - 熱愛台灣農業並希望能參與改變 - 有高度工作專業及熱誠 - 能自我管理 - 具備在無明確規則的環境中仍能持續成長的能力 - 渴望學習 - 具備幽默感 Desired, not required - 具備餐廳營運或是農業生產的知識 - 具備保險業銷售經驗 - 曾管理過複雜的生產流程或具備農產品質分級之經驗 - 具備農產採購相關經驗 『加入菜蟲團隊,讓我們一起創新台灣農業!』

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5/07 迷客夏早班工讀人員-全勤時薪$188以上(南京店)

  • 台北市松山區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 高中

本店近南京三民站,步行約3-5分鐘可到! 飲料調製、客戶服務、備料補貨、支援外送、店櫃清潔、傳單遞送 工作時間:8:30-17:00區間 (時間彈性可討論) 基本時薪$183~188 (因個人資歷或績效而異) ,另有額外加給,月全勤時薪+5 員工福利:三節禮金、生日禮金

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5/07 [HQ - Taipei] AI Integration Engineer, Tech & Product

  • 台北市松山區
  • 2年以上
  • 大學

About the Company Tsaitung Agriculture is a platform for restaurants to purchase vegetable ingredients from producers. With our data algorithm, disruptive business model, and network of producers and restaurants, we are revolutionizing toward a modern agricultural supply chain. Starting off downtown of Taipei City, Tsaitung builds a transparent platform that many of our restaurant partners rely on every day. On one hand, we ensure our restaurant partners get qualified ingredients with the highest service level and the most competitive costs. On the other hand, we help our producer partners connect to the marketplace more effectively with greater demand visibility. Tsaitung loves foods – and we are striving to shape better agriculture in Taiwan. Expectations The AI Integration Engineer helps us accelerate the integration of advanced technologies such as ChatGPT into our product offerings. The AI Integration Engineer will also play a critical role in facilitating the adoption of AI-driven solutions by non-technical users, ensuring a smooth and user-friendly experience. Requirements What you will do? 1. Work closely with cross-functional teams, including product managers, developers, data scientists, and domain experts, to design and implement AI-driven solutions for our ERP system and IoT technology. 2. Integrate ChatGPT and other AI/ML models into our existing technology stack to improve user experiences, optimize processes, and generate actionable insights. Develop scalable and robust APIs, interfaces, and data pipelines to enable seamless integration of AI-driven features. 3. Ensure the performance, quality, and responsiveness of AI-powered applications by implementing rigorous testing, validation, and monitoring processes. 4. Collaborate with our business team to optimize and fine-tune AI models for optimal performance and accuracy in the context of our business needs. 5. Design and create user-friendly tools, interfaces, and training materials to enable non-technical users to leverage AI-powered features in their daily work. 6. Provide ongoing support, training, and guidance to non-technical team members and stakeholders, fostering a culture of continuous learning and innovation. 7. Maintain up-to-date knowledge of relevant AI technologies, frameworks, and best practices to inform the development of new features and solutions. Job Specific Qualifications - Has proven experience (2+ years) in software development in enterprise, preferably in the agriculture, supply chain, or ERP domains. - Owns strong problem-solving and creative skills - Holds attention to details - Holds exceptional communication skills - Is open-minded and able to develop trust effectively - Can identify improvement areas in the current work processes and lead change - Experience with RESTful API development, web services, and data pipelines. - Strong knowledge of IoT platforms, devices, and protocols. - Familiarity with cloud computing platforms such as AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud. - Experience in designing and developing user-centric applications or tools for non-technical audiences. General Personalities - You love Taiwan’s agriculture and want to contribute to it. - Passionate with a great work ethic - High Energy; self-starter - Ability to thrive in unstructured and unregulated environment - Get stuff done mentality - Ability and eagerness to learn new things - You have a good sense of humor and like to have fun Desired, not required - Owning knowledge/experience in Agriculture/ERP is a huge plus Join our Tsaitung family. We will be transforming the definition of Taiwan’s agriculture.

待遇面議 員工50人
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5/07 [HQ - Taipei] 客戶關係發展部 - 客戶成功經理

  • 台北市松山區
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

公司簡介: 菜蟲農食是一個提供餐廳直接向生產者採購蔬菜食材的平台。 基於數據演算法、革新的商業模式、以及我們的餐廳及生產者網絡,我們正在推動現代的農產運銷。 從台北市出發,菜蟲農食正打造許多餐廳每天依賴透明的平台: 一方面我們確保餐廳夥伴能獲得高品質的食材、服務、以及成本優勢,另一方面我們協助生產夥伴更明確了解市場需求,並更有效的連結至消費市場。 我們致力於打造更好的台灣農業。 職務期待: 客戶成功專員負責確保客戶因菜蟲農食提供的服務與商品而得到確切的價值,並確保客戶對菜蟲農食的服務滿意、了解客戶的需求與期待、致力於維持長期的夥伴關係,進而達成客戶留存與再銷售目標。 工作內容: 1. 客戶服務 - 協助處理客戶訂單以及訂單相關問題,包含但不限於客訴處理。 - 提供客戶諮詢服務,並以良好、真誠且有耐心的溝通方式,給予具體的解決方案,確保良好的客戶關係。 - 能準確理解客戶問題,協調並確保其他團隊成員了解客戶需求並能依照處理。 2. 客戶留存 - 透過面對面拜訪、郵件、電話等方式持續追蹤並經營客戶關係 - 提供客戶諮詢服務、溝通協調,並適時推廣公司服務及產品銷售 - 協助客戶持續使用公司服務及商品的成功循環 - 了解客戶的商業模式與潛在發展機會,適時給予客戶強而有力的協助 3. 團隊管理: - 培訓、指導和評估客服團隊,確保達成公司設定之目標。 - 實施客服培訓計劃,提升團隊專業素養。 - 定期提供客服分析報告,並提出改進建議。 - 與其他部門合作,確保團隊掌握客戶反饋和市場趨勢。 4. 流程優化: - 協助客服流程的優化和改進,提高客戶滿意度。 - 參與公司內部流程優化項目,以期提升團隊績效。 - 與技術團隊密切合作,解決客戶在使用產品或服務過程中遇到的技術問題。 5. 商務發展 - 蒐集客戶資料及客戶需求進行數據分析並將其處理為可供行動參考之資訊 - 與跨部門協作,發展客戶維繫策略,以確保客戶滿意度及留存率 - 確保商務發展計畫符合公司之策略目標 你被期待具備下列能力: - 具備分析思考能力 - 具備卓越的溝通技巧(包含口頭與文字) - 心態開放且能有效率的建立互信 - 對客戶或是市場的改變具備高度警戒 - 具備高度的問題解決與開創能力 - 較深入了解 Google Sheets - 能在當前的工作流程中找出改善機會並領導變革 - 熱愛台灣農業並希望能參與改變 - 有高度工作專業及熱誠 - 能自我管理 - 具備在無明確規則的環境中仍能持續成長的能力 - 渴望學習 - 具備幽默感 Desired qualifications: - 具備客戶關係管理、業務銷售、客戶經理等經驗 - 具備餐廳營運或是農業生產的知識

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5/07 【達昌家庭藥局:延吉店】藥局健康專員38000-60000/需一年藥局經驗[滿4個月含獎金4萬起]

  • 台北市松山區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

1.門市保健營養衛教與教學整理 2.協助門市業務及銷售 3.提供簡單的藥物使用諮詢 4.藥品存貨的盤點 5.協助藥師進行調劑 6.保健及美妝相關諮詢及衛教 7.婦幼用品諮詢 8.環境工作整潔 9.長照補助.醫療器材諮詢

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5/07 [HQ - Taipei] Business Operations Analyst (Sr./ Jr.)

  • 台北市松山區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

Expectations The Business Operations Analyst is responsible for ensuring outstanding performance in Tsaitung Agriculture's End-To-End processes and identifying opportunities for continuous improvements. What you will do? 1. Business Analysis & Planning - Collect and organize necessary data to validate reality and process effectiveness - Analyze team's capacity, capability, plan, and strategy - Identify opportunities in business operations - Collaborate with other functions and divisions to understand their needs and to develop needed solutions 2. Business Operations - Help coordinate HQ and divisions to achieve outstanding results - Develop and implement new processes and systems to improve efficiency - Plan, Track, communicate, and update business progress and follow up on key initiatives - Drive necessary progress with other functions and divisions Job Specific Qualifications - Think analytically - Is result-oriented - Holds exceptional communication skills - Is open-minded and able to develop trust effectively - Owns knowledge of Google Sheets at an expert level - Is open-minded and able to develop trust effectively - Is highly aware of changes in clients and in industry General Personalities - You love Taiwan’s agriculture and want to contribute to it. - Passionate with a great work ethic - High Energy; self-starter - Ability to thrive in unstructured and unregulated environment - Get stuff done mentality - Ability and eagerness to learn new things - You have a good sense of humor and like to have fun Desired, not required - Knowledge of restaurants or producers is a huge plus - Having engaged in agricultural ingredient purchase function Join our Tsaitung family. We will be transforming the definition of Taiwan’s agriculture.

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5/07 [HQ - Taipei] Director, Organization & People Operations

  • 台北市松山區
  • 6年以上
  • 學歷不拘

About the Company Tsaitung is a platform for restaurants to purchase vegetable ingredients from producers. With our data algorithm, disruptive business model, and network of producers and restaurants, we are revolutionizing toward a modern agricultural supply chain. Starting off downtown of Taipei City, Tsaitung builds a transparent platform that many of our restaurant partners rely on every day. On one hand, we ensure our restaurant partners get qualified ingredients with the highest service level and the most competitive costs. On the other hand, we help our producer partners connect to the marketplace more effectively with greater demand visibility. Tsaitung loves foods – and we are striving to shape better agriculture in Taiwan. Expectations Director, Organization & People Operations ensures Tsaitung team's strong purposes, culture, and organizational effectiveness in its journey of fast growth. This role actively engages with hiring managers from all functions to acquire the best talents, and enables people manager to evaluate and to develop team members toward Tsaitung's vision and missions. Ideal candidates demonstrate strong strategic planning in organization development and coaching abilities that turn functional managers into great leaders and people managers. Requirements What you will do? 1. Partner with all functional managers to establish organization development strategy 2. Oversees Tsaitung's talent acquisition and retention processes 3. Improve organizational efficiency for all functions by creating and updating people related procedures and standards 4. Ensure regulatory compliance on all people matters Job Specific Qualifications - Has over 6 years of experience in People related capacities - Has proven leadership/management experience in a growing team - Owns strong problem-solving and creative skills - Holds attention to details - Holds exceptional communication skills - Is open-minded and able to develop trust effectively - Can identify improvement areas in the current work processes and lead change General Personalities - You love Taiwan’s agriculture and want to contribute to it. - Passionate with a great work ethic - High Energy; self-starter - Ability to thrive in unstructured and unregulated environment - Get stuff done mentality - Ability and eagerness to learn new things - You have a good sense of humor and like to have fun Desired, not required - Owning knowledge/experience in gaming/game-design is a huge plus - Having worked on growing an organization. - Headhunting Join our Tsaitung family. We will be transforming the definition of Taiwan’s agriculture.

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5/07 [HQ - Taipei] Manager, Supply Optimization, Producer Relationship Development

  • 台北市松山區
  • 5年以上
  • 大學

About the Company Tsaitung is a platform for restaurants to purchase vegetable ingredients from producers. With our data algorithm, disruptive business model, and network of producers and restaurants, we are revolutionizing toward a modern agricultural supply chain. Starting off downtown of Taipei City, Tsaitung builds a transparent platform that many of our restaurant partners rely on every day. On one hand, we ensure our restaurant partners get qualified ingredients with the highest service level and the most competitive costs. On the other hand, we help our producer partners connect to the marketplace more effectively with greater demand visibility. Tsaitung loves foods – and we are striving to shape better agriculture in Taiwan. Expectations The Manager, Supply Optimization will play a crucial role in Tsaitung Agriculture's Department of Producer Relationship Development, focusing on streamlining and optimizing the supplier management processes. This role requires a strategic mindset, strong analytical skills, and the ability to build and maintain effective relationships with our network of producers. The successful candidate will be responsible for identifying opportunities for process improvement, implementing best practices of ensuring product advantages, and enabling efficient supply chain operations. This position offers an exciting opportunity to contribute to Asia's food sustainability, the growth of modern agriculture, and success of Tsaitung Agriculture by enhancing supplier relationships and driving supply chain efficiency. What you will do? 1. Develop and implement strategies to optimize supplier management processes and streamline the overall supply chain operations so that we could achieve win-win with our partners; 2. Identify and evaluate areas of improvement within the supplier management system, such as vendor onboarding, performance evaluation, and contract management; 3. Collaborate with cross-functional teams, including the purchasing, logistics, and quality assurance departments, to enhance supplier performance and ensure timely delivery of high-quality products; 4. Conduct regular supplier audits and performance reviews to maintain a strong network of reliable and high-quality producers; 5. Establish and maintain strong relationships with suppliers, negotiating contracts, and managing ongoing supplier relationships; 6. Monitor market trends, industry developments, and regulatory changes that may impact supplier management processes; 7. Provide leadership and guidance to the Producer Relations team, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and accountability; Job Specific Qualifications: - Proven experience in supplier management, procurement, or related roles, with a focus on process optimization and efficiency; - Strong analytical and problem-solving skills, with the ability to analyze data, identify trends, and develop actionable recommendations; - Excellent negotiation and communication skills, with the ability to build and maintain effective relationships with suppliers and internal stakeholders; - Solid understanding of supply chain management principles, including procurement, logistics, and inventory management; - Strong leadership skills, with the ability to motivate and inspire teams to achieve performance goals; General Personalities: - You love Taiwan’s agriculture and want to contribute to it. - Passionate with a great work ethic - High Energy; self-starter - Ability to thrive in unstructured and unregulated environment - Get stuff done mentality - Ability and eagerness to learn new things - You have a good sense of humor and like to have fun Desired, not required: - Experience in the agricultural or food industry is a plus. - Having engaged in agricultural ingredient purchase function Join our Tsaitung family. We will be transforming the definition of Taiwan’s agriculture.

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5/07 [HQ - Taipei] 消費者業務部 商品開發助理(生鮮食品類)

  • 台北市松山區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

Job Description 商品開發 1.協助商開人員管理成本、庫存 2.協助商開人員接洽供應商 3.協助商品上架管理 行政庶務 1.商品相關數據統計 2.生鮮市場資料蒐集 3.表單維護、款項計算 4.專案日曆更新 Requirement 1 對食品或農產運銷行業有興趣 2 有食品業電商/助理經驗尤佳 3 能自我管理,細心、有責任感,能準時完成任務

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5/07 #台北商辦 松山區 商業大樓日班駐衛保全

  • 台北市松山區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

1. 巡邏建築物與周遭環境,留意可疑線索,確保門窗安全。 2. 回應警報器並且調查引起警鈴的原因。 3. 保護被保全之人或物的安全。 4. 由監視器畫面監看出入份子,以確保建築物安全。 5. 給予意圖不良人士或入侵者警告,必要時使用武力。 6. 提供客戶全方位的大樓綜合管理服務,如:收發信件。 7. 保護所運送之貴重物品或金錢安全抵達目的地。

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5/07 [HQ - Taipei] 生產者關係發展部 - 採購專員

  • 台北市松山區
  • 1年以上
  • 專科

工作時間:10:00-19:00 (含一小時休息時間),需排休 What you will do? - 維護供應商關係 - 供應商與產品相關資料建檔與更新維護 - 管理供應端包含蔬果及食材貨期、貨量、品規、品質及安全管理 - 依據歷史銷售數字作採購需求分析 - 供應鏈成本結構管理 - 建立、管理及跨團隊傳遞產品與供應端資訊 - 分析並解決供應商、產品異常狀態 - 協助商品開發提供相關資料整理與分析 Job Specific Qualifications - 能明確知悉公司發展關鍵目標及團隊績效指標 - 以結果為導向並能積極、獨立完成工作任務 - 對貨期、貨量、價格與成本結構敏感 - 能確保供應品質為團隊工作效率與效益奠定基礎 - 能有效地與廠商和團隊內溝通協調 General Personalities - 對食品或農產運銷行業有興趣 - 具備進銷存貨概念 - 對數字敏銳,熟悉Google Sheets - 能清楚有效的與不同背景的團隊成員溝通與合作 - 能獨立作業、良好的執行能力 - 具備在無明確規則的環境中仍能持續成長的能力 - 具備幽默感 - 基本要求:能自我管理,細心、有責任感,能準時完成任務 Desired, not required - 具備農業知識背景,或農產相關採購經驗 - 了解農產運銷業運作結構,並願為革新農產業貢獻心力

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