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特別助理 Special Assistant

  • 新竹縣竹北市
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

融合文創與科技,共創奇幻活動! 我們是一家文創科技公司,專注於文化的傳承、思想的深度和創意的延續,同時強調如何改變人類的生活、實現未知的可能性。我們將兩者結合,探索在即定思維外的各種可能,利用能讓生活更便捷的科技,去保存和延續文化的傳承,將新創融入傳統,激盪出更絢麗的火花。Morest代表的不僅是更多或是最多,而是在每一項任務中做到更多更好,不設限任何事情的可能性,讓每一位顧客帶著期待而來,抱著驚豔而歸。 現在,我們正在尋找一位特別助理加入我們的團隊。如果您具備文案與企劃撰寫能力,邏輯清晰,對文字有熱情且高度敏感,且對圖文有基本的敏銳度,擁有英文精通的能力,喜歡創意思考、團隊合作,具抗壓性,主動負責且細心靈敏,願意接受工作挑戰,那麼這將是一個絕佳的職位選擇。 工作內容: 1. 執行主管所交代的命令及專案。 2. 處理與主管相關的行政事務,例如:負責公共關係事務、跨公司及部門工作協調、協助專案計劃評估及執行與追蹤、主管會議記錄執行追蹤、董事長及主管交辦事務處理。 3. 擔任部門之間或主管間的橋樑,專案的承接。 4. 行程安排。 必要條件: 1. 需具良好的溝通能力。 2. 敏銳觀察需要,並主動協助解決問題。 3. 成為大小事務的「管理者」。 4. 有效率的分配時間,規劃時程。 5. 掌握時事,為上司提供最新的資訊。 6. 協商談判技巧 7. 報表與文件檔案資料彙整能力 8. 協調與安排各類型會議 9. 專案整合技術與溝通管理 10. 文書處理╱排版能力 11. 行政事務處理能力 12. 電話接聽與人員接待 我們是一群愛幻想、充滿活力的團隊,秉持著彼此互相啟發,不斷蹦出新的火花,並努力實現我們腦海中的想像畫面。我們目前正籌備全新辦公基地,坐落於竹北市,擁有超大腹地以及全新舒適的辦公空間。這個位置離竹北夜市與竹北市區不遠,是一處鬧中取靜的理想地點。 如果您對特別助理的工作有所想像,並且喜歡在創意與實踐的交匯處尋找樂趣,請不要猶豫,立即與我們聯繫,我們非常期待您的加入!


6/03 ⍟信義區【市佔率第一/頂尖電商/零售】高度穩定發展-資深會計專員/會計副理(#258)

  • 台北市信義區
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

★市佔率第一 ★薪資優於市場水平 ★財會部門專業而完整(30-40人) ★主管風格平易近人(Nice) ★不需英文成績 【職務內容】 - 一般會計作業帳務處理、月末結帳 - 資金收付帳務處理 - 財務報表編製 - 稅務處理申報 【要求】 - 3-4年以上財會經驗(必包含事務所年資在內) 歡迎符合以上條件來電 財會中高階獵頭顧問:Renée曲小姐/02-77188821

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6/03 業務代表

  • 新北市新莊區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

1. 達成所負責區域的年度銷售目標 2. 成為公司和負責醫院之間的橋樑 3. 根據目標客戶檔案開發和維護客戶 4. 確認和維護KOLs的關係 5. 提供專業工作上的專業知識 6. 負責醫院清單活動 7. 詳細介紹產品特性和優點,以確保醫生開立處方 8. 提供公司的競爭產品、市場情報以及有關客戶的戰略數據 9. 以充分的產品知識和最佳銷售技巧解決和回應客戶關注 醫療業務代表是醫療產業中不可或缺的重要職位之一,負責與醫院建立良好關係,推廣公司產品,達成銷售目標。此職位有著良好的發展前景,因為醫療產業是一個不斷增長的行業,需要更專業、更有經驗的醫藥業務代表來推動其發展。 歡迎符合資格的人才申請本職位,並表達您對此職位的興趣和熱情。

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6/03 【台北辦公室】創新事業 資深軟體架構師

  • 台北市松山區
  • 8年以上
  • 大學

我們是一個正在籌組中的創業型團隊,準備研發AI創新產品以開創新事業,拓展新市場。在團隊快速成長的階段,我們希望邀集願意動手、樂於交流、深度思考並勇於接受挑戰的夥伴加入我們,一齊朝著與團隊共同成長茁壯的目標前進。 【主要任務】 1. 控管產品的開發過程,包括初步系統分析、開發分工與雲端資源使用配置。 2. 審閱現有產品並評估整體架構,優化系統性能和可維護性。 3. 根據需求進行技術選型,必要時設計並實施新系統架構,確保系統的可擴展性和安全性。 4. 協助前端和後端開發工程師解決技術難題,提供技術指導與開發品質把關。 5. 實際參與關鍵模組的開發或重構工作,確保技術方案於時限內實現。 6. 負責版本控制、正式環境部署與運作狀況監控,確保系統穩定運行。 7. 定期審視系統安全性並規劃調整,防範與應對常見資安問題。 8. 參與團隊開發與討論,與PM、開發團隊協作確認開發後與設計規劃一致並提供專業建議。 9. 主責產品資訊:www.textcomply.com

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6/03 【Uber▲Sales Manager業務主管】業務人員管理/業務拓展/年薪100萬~150萬_RFS_865

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

【About the role】 You’ll be managing and leading a team of sales to accelerate our taxi driver recruitment efforts. You’ll be responsible for managing the team's performance and formulating strategies to increase our acquisition speed. Occasionally, you’ll also be responsible for developing crucial industry partnerships. We’re looking for a passionate and self-driven leader who can mobilize the team and won’t shy away from uncertainties and challenges. The role is based in Taipei, with the need to travel to other cities (up to 30% of your time). 【工作內容】 1. Sales Management 業務管理 -Managing a team of 10+ sales across cities -Motivate and mobilizing the team to accelerate our acquisition speed -Formulate and initiate projects that will help improve the acquisition efficiency 2. Sales Operations業務營運 -Collaborate with Ops team to ensure smooth operation in sales process -Initiate, plan, and implement projects and processes that would enhance efficiency 3. Partners Development合作夥伴開發 -Source and secure essential fleet / taxi partnerships that are critical to our growth strategy 【除了薪水我們還能提供的】 # 彈性工作時間和混合式工作地點,讓你更好的平衡工作與生活 # 每週5天提供辦公室免費早餐和午餐 # 在有趣的辦公環境中與敬業、積極的同事共事,讓你工作充滿活力和樂趣 # 參與成長迅速的Uber新部門,並了解如何在快節奏的環境中工作,增加國際視野和人際網絡,建立職涯上的聯繫和網絡,有助於在未來的職涯發展中獲得更多的機會! 【薪資待遇】 年薪100萬~150萬

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6/03 1. Finance Mgr - Retail/FMCG 2.財會投資經理-Financing Syn Loan(能源)/經管 3. Audit/compliance/Risk Mgr 4.募資 5. IR Mgr(製造科技)-FP250

  • 台北市松山區
  • 10年以上
  • 大學

1. 督導、審核集團各項財務、會計作業,以及經營管理分析; 2. 集團財務部⾨的⽇常總帳管理、資⾦預算、財務資⾦控管、銀⾏融資接洽等總體內控; 3. 每⽉覆核及檢討各營運單位之營運結果、預算執⾏之績效報告; 4. 提供國內外投資、併購及其他管理決策所需之管理報表資訊分析; 5. 檢討及制訂公司財務管理制度、會計成本核算規程、成本管理、會計監督及其有關的制度的補充和實施,以滿⾜控制風險的要求; 6. 外匯風險管理; 7. 主管交辦事項。 工作條件: * ⼤學以上科系要求會計學相關,財稅⾦融相關 * 具備5-10年以上上市(櫃)財會主管經驗,負責總公司與海外子公司財務、會計及財務團隊管理。 * 英文聽說讀寫中等/流利 * 工作穩定性⾼、謹慎負責,需可出差,⼀年3-4次(會依疫情狀況而定)

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6/03 【管理部】資深人資專員

  • 台北市信義區
  • 6年以上
  • 大學

居家整聊室是全台最大以整理收納為主軸的品牌,從公司創立第一天起,就以「科技、人文、創新」作為發展重點。在公司邁入第七年的日子裡,我們希望找到熱衷於人資領域、熱衷於打造團隊文化、熱衷於幫助同仁在工作中獲得績效的你,加入整聊室共同迎向下個里程碑。 【工作目標】 創造有績效、有效率、有目標的團隊文化,幫助每位同仁在團隊中發光發熱。 【工作內容】 1. 建立團隊職等職級、晉升、培訓系統,確保團隊成員皆能共同成長。 2. 理解公司文化,與創辦人建立組織文化,打造彈性敏捷的績效團隊。 3. 能夠與部門主管對焦人才需求,即時招募團隊需要人才。 【期望能力/背景】 1. 具備 5 年以上人資領域工作經驗 2. 熟悉熟悉人力資源相關法規和執行流程 3. 具有政策制定與落地相關經驗尤佳 4. 熟悉新創或30-50人規模的團隊尤佳 【期望特質】 1. 具備創新思維,認同績效文化。 2. 勇於面對改變,因應企業不同階段調整人資策略。 3. 對居家產業有熱情,隨時掌握居家產業 / 服務業動向。 【內部培訓】 1. 初階整聊課程、中階整聊課程 2. 至服務現場當整聊實習生

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  • 台北市中山區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 碩士

NHOA’s Graduate Program is more than a world-class training in the industry of the future, it’s an opportunity to work on meaningful projects to drive the global transition towards clean energy. NHOA’s Graduate Program is a graduate program aimed at developing future key persons and talents of the company. We offer an accelerated Program where you experience cross-functional rotations within NHOA’s Engineering, Business Development and Project Management teams during development phase of the projects. In each allocation, you can expect to gain unmatched experience, exposure to senior leaders, a personal training and development plan and formal mentoring. DISCOVER MORE on our Corporate Website https://nhoa.energy/graduate-program/ You will take an active role in challenging projects that prepare you to join a System Engineer, Business Development Manager or Project manager position in the function that best fits your background, interests, career expectations, and company needs. Your mission: Depending on your cross-function rotation, you will oversee: • Analyzing key markets drivers to foster NHOA’s development • Coordinating the technical and commercial activities, and supervising the team • Defining, elaborating and drafting technical and commercial deliverables and offers • Sizing, designing, planning (GANTT) and pricing energy storage system to propose the best offer to our clients • Supporting clients and contractors’ relationship management • Supporting contractual negotiation with clients and contractors • Developing tools to improve efficiency of our offer process

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6/03 【其他】知名上市電子產業徵HR招募主管

  • 澳門特別行政區
  • 5年以上
  • 專科

1. 了解電子廠各單位之招募需求 2. 進行廠的人才招募、履歷篩選、面試安排及結果追蹤 3.海外廠區所有HR業務管理,依據公司戰略和人力發展規劃,組織建立並完善公司的人力資源規劃體系,確保人力資源配置 4.落實廠區人力資源政策、制度、流程,靈活、高效的為公司提供專業支持,提升人力資源運作效率; 5統籌管理海外廠區的招聘計劃、薪酬福利、績效管理、培訓計劃、員工關係、客戶管理等職能業務。

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6/03 採購/總務

  • 桃園市蘆竹區
  • 2年以上
  • 高中

工作內容 1. 執行供應商管理相關作業,建立、評鑑、考核及各項採購請款作業。 2. 執行產品管理作業,產品開發、詢價、議價作業。 3. 建立、更新、稽核供應商資料。 4. 負責原物料或費用類採購、掌握交期及追蹤。 5. 商品的庫存量,執行訂購作業。 6. 供應商品質問題和異常狀況追蹤處理。 7. 進行驗收作業,確認貨品的品質和規格。 8. 16949採購/供應商管理文件建立。 9. 採購及維護事務機器及家電用品、庶物用品、文具用品。 10. 執行辦公室之租賃與買賣事務之辦理。 11. 落實公務器材及公務車之使用管理規則。 12. 主管交辦事項。 13. 有相關工作經驗者,薪資另計。

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6/03 *稀缺釋出*【知名美商IC設計公司】徵Camera system engineer (camera solutions/AI modeling經驗)

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 2年以上
  • 專科

★ 美商公司優於勞基法福利,高度彈性 ★ 無經驗者但有熱忱學習者,可另外培訓 ★ 全方位、持續的職能培訓與激勵 ★ 公開透明的調薪與轉正管道 ▲公司地點:新竹市東區展業二路16-1號,竹科園區內 ▲福利: 1. 加入即享有7天特休與15天全薪病假 2. 生日禮金NTD1,000 3. 春節禮金NTD2,000 4. 中秋及端午禮金各NTD1,000 5. 員工團體保險,給予你最多的保護 6. 公司實行舊制休假,意即見紅就休假、週六遇補班無須上班也不須扣特休 Job Description: Camera system engineer develops and implements innovative AI algorithms for image and video processing. Being a member of Qualcomm camera system team, you will have the opportunity to develop camera solutions and change millions of end users camera experience. Responsibility: • Develop and implement camera features, especially machine learning related feature • Optimize AI modeling to achieve best quality with less system loading • Support the commercialization of camera solutions, include tuning, quality evaluation and some of lab testing Qualifications: • Familiar with image processing / video processing / computer vision • Expertise in machine learning • Good knowledge and experience in programming: C/C++/Python/Matlab • Excellent verbal communication in English • BSc in electrical engineering, computer science, artificial intelligence • MSc or PhD in the field of image / video processing / computer vision / machine learning - advantage • MS degree or above will be preferred

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6/03 Medical Device Marcom Manager 醫療器材行銷經理 LSMD_662

  • 台北市信義區
  • 5年以上
  • 大學

*Lead and execute marketing initiatives for medical aesthetic equipment, including advertising, PR, promotions, etc., to enhance brand awareness and sales performance. *Collaborate closely with internal sales teams to understand market demands and customer feedback, adjusting and improving marketing strategies accordingly. *Work with external advertising agencies, media, and partners to assist in developing and executing advertising and PR activities to expand brand influence. *Oversee market research and competitive intelligence, analyze industry trends and market demands, and provide effective strategic recommendations. *Responsible for budget management and cost control, ensuring marketing activities are completed within budget constraints.

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6/03 Medical Device Product Manager 醫療器材產品經理 LSMD_662

  • 台北市信義區
  • 5年以上
  • 大學

1、熟悉市場所需能精準確定客戶需求。 2、有效定義產品營銷傳播目標,為產品線傳播提供源數據。 3、領導銷售團隊並合作制定產品銷售策略,搶攻市占率。 4.、通過與現場銷售人員拜訪客戶並評估銷售電話結果來評估產品市場數據。 1. Familiar with the market and can accurately determine customer needs. 2. Effectively define product marketing communication goals and provide source data for product line communication. 3. Lead the sales team and cooperate to formulate product sales strategies to capture market share. 4. Evaluate product market data by visiting customers with field sales staff and evaluating sales call results.

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6/03 *稀缺釋出*【知名美商IC設計公司】徵Hardware System Engineer-II (WiFi/networking經驗)

  • 新竹市
  • 2年以上
  • 專科

全球知名手機晶片IC設計大廠,限時加開炙手可熱且歡迎所有有經驗者的夢幻職缺! ★ 美商公司優於勞基法福利,高度彈性 ★ 全方位、持續的職能培訓與激勵 ★ 公開透明的調薪與轉正管道 ▲公司地點:新竹市東區展業二路,竹科園區內 ▲福利: 1. 加入即享有7天特休與15天全薪病假 2. 生日禮金NTD1,000 3. 春節禮金NTD2,000 4. 中秋及端午禮金各NTD1,000 5. 員工團體保險,給予你最多的保護 6. 公司實行舊制休假,意即見紅就休假、週六遇補班無須上班也不須扣特休 Job Overview (Summary of daily job responsibilities and description) o Wi-Fi hardware system team participate in Wi-Fi system design development and release. o Responsible for system design, validation, integration and performance optimization in hardware/system team. o Cover overall chip lifecycle development, including FPGA emulation, pre-silicon verification, AISC bring-up, AISC system performance tuning and customer support. o Collaborate with software, SOC, analog and algorithm team to develop new Wi-Fi features. Required Skills o 4+ years Systems Engineering or related work experience with extensive lab experience and debugging capabilities. o Solid understanding Wi-Fi networks and IEEE802.11 stds. o Comprehensive knowledge in using bench equipment (e.g. Wi-Fi tool tester, Oscilloscope, Spectrum analyzer, Sniffer, …). o Good communication, documentation and interpersonal skills. o C/C++ programming. Preferred Skills o Experience in at least one or more of following areas: 1. Communication theory, signal processing, RF System, Microwave engineering, signal estimation and detection, automatic gain control, RF impairment estimation and correction, channel estimation, Power control, RF interfaces and digital mitigation of RF distortion, etc. 2. Experience with wireless standards (WiFi/BT/5G/LTE/UMTS) 3. Knowledge and/or experience in MIMO, OFDM, CDMA. 4. PHY/MAC layer systems design, spectrum sharing, and next generation Wi-Fi. 5. Experience in performance analysis and system level simulation. 6. Ability to program effectively in C/C++, Python and MATLAB. o Experience in verification on FPGA, system simulation is a plus. o Hands on lab debugging/measuring skills and characterization using Spectrum Analyzer, VSG, VSA, Network Analyzer & Power Meter. o Strong analytical problem-solving approach, good communication skills, self-motivated, cheerful and optimistic attitude. o Python/Perl/MATLAB/Shell script programming. Required Education o Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering, Communication Engineering, Computer Science or related field. Preferred Background (education/industry/years of experience/English ability) o Fluent in English.

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6/03 約用行政中(五)級專員1名(醫品中心)

  • 新北市三重區
  • 2年以上
  • 大學

約用行政中(五)級專員1名(醫品中心) 學  歷: 1.碩士以上畢業者。 2.或大學畢,具2年相關工作經驗,經本院認定者。 (學歷未達,面試優異者,得以本院進用標準之職學進用) 工作經歷:公共衛生相關、醫務管理相關、護理助產相關尤佳。。 工作內容: 1.病人安全及醫療品質相關業務(業務依主管分配)。 2.評鑑相關業務。 3.標準文件管理相關業務(業務依主管分配)。 4.主管交辦事項。 5.院內行政支援事項。 工作時間:日班 工作地點:本院三重院區(主要工作地)/板橋院區(視業務情況前往處理) 工作待遇:視所具資格條件依本院薪資表敘薪 工作薪資:年薪550,000以上(含年終獎金、每月獎勵金;獎勵金視醫院營運狀況而定) 備  註:1.合者擇優筆試及面談,不合者恕不通知及退件。 2.本院為禁菸檳場所 未吸菸及嚼食檳榔者優先錄用。

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6/03 董事長助理(桃園)

  • 桃園市大園區
  • 10年以上
  • 大學

1.協助董事長進行公司內部管理稽核事項。 2.整理簽核文件及發送,並負責追蹤執行狀況,隨時掌控進度。 3.協助跨廠間/部門的溝通協調事宜與會議召集。 4.追蹤、監督及彙整各部門的工作進度與管制事項。 5.協助經營團隊執行公司之決議事項及各項專案。 6.協助董事長進行市場資訊蒐集、整合、分析及建議事項。 7.其它董事長交辦事項。

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6/03 *稀缺釋出*【知名美商IC設計公司】徵Hardware System Engineer-I (WiFi/networking經驗)

  • 新竹市
  • 2年以上
  • 專科

★ 美商公司優於勞基法福利,高度彈性 ★ 無經驗者但有熱忱學習者,可另外培訓 ★ 全方位、持續的職能培訓與激勵 ★ 公開透明的調薪與轉正管道 ▲公司地點:新竹市東區展業二路16-1號,竹科園區內 ▲福利: 1. 加入即享有7天特休與15天全薪病假 2. 生日禮金NTD1,000 3. 春節禮金NTD2,000 4. 中秋及端午禮金各NTD1,000 5. 員工團體保險,給予你最多的保護 6. 公司實行舊制休假,意即見紅就休假、週六遇補班無須上班也不須扣特休 Job Overview (Summary of daily job responsibilities and description) o Test planning, test case development and execution. This includes hands-on testing with various mobile/laptop/router wifi/BT products in lab and in the field. o Test case automation and maintenance. o Must be capable of prototyping, reworking, and soldering small electronic components such as resistors, capacitors, inductors, jumper-wiring, etc. in a clean method utilizing conventional lab techniques. o During chip development, power consumption and system performance verification analysis. o Collaborate with software, hardware, system team to verification new Wi-Fi features. Required Skills o Experience in a support role with excellent attention to detail; understands lab environment inside and out. Adapts to significant changes and setbacks in order to manage pressure and meet deadlines. o familiar with power converter ( SMPS , LDO , PMIC ) o Ability to understand spreadsheets, schematics, layout, component datasheets, BOM parts list, etc o Familiar with TCP/IP protocol and Wi-Fi network concepts. o Comprehensive knowledge in using bench equipment (e.g. Wi-Fi tool tester, Oscilloscope, Spectrum analyzer, Sniffer, …). o Knowledge of computer programming fundamentals (Python/Perl/Shell). o Experience in Windows and Linux/IOS/Android operating system. o Experience with wireless standards (WiFi/BT) o Analytical problem-solving approach, good communication skills, self-motivated, cheerful and optimistic attitude. Preferred Skills o Knowledge and/or experience in MIMO, OFDM, CDMA. o ands on lab debugging/measuring skills and characterization using Spectrum Analyzer, VSG, VSA, Network Analyzer & Power Meter. o Experience in running automated tests, test plans, test cases, and test procedures and ability to perform first-level debug in test / test-environment related issues is a strong plus. o Excellent data analysis skills and demonstrated ability in solving complex issues involving multiple software or hardware components. o Strong interpersonal and collaborative skills, specifically a proven ability to effectively guide and influence within a dynamic environment. Required Education o Education: Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering or Electronics and communication or Computer Science engineering or Information systems. Preferred Background (education/industry/years of experience/English ability) o Minimum 4+ years of experience o Fluent in English.

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6/03 Senior product management expert (Join Us to Bring Your Product Idea to Life)

  • 台北市中山區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

We are the Kitchen Mama Product Team, the core within the Kitchen Mama brand that brings amazing products to the Kitchen Mama family. At Kitchen Mama, everyone has a direct impact on how the product is received by end customers. You will work with different expertise roles and with overseas partners to build product launch strategies. Are you a passionate individual who takes a product from concept to commercialized reality? Join us now! 1. Define Go-To-Market Strategies for new and existing products. 2. Follow global market trends, compile numerical data and conduct in-depth analysis to identify new products that can be added to our product line. 3. Create and enhance products that fill a niche in the market to remain competitive. 4. Work closely with factories and engineers to produce new and existing product samples that meet target specifications and improved specifications. 5. Investigate and correct issues raised by customer complaints 6. Partner with the design team and marketing team to generate artwork/creative files needed for new products and updates to existing products. 7. Source suppliers and products from around the world to fulfill new product development and strengthen our supplier base. 8. Seek out overseas strategic partners and attend trade shows to learn about opportunities to expand into overseas markets. *實際薪資會依學經歷背景及相關工作經驗核薪

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6/03 HR Business Partner (HRBP)

  • 台北市中山區
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

[Job Summary] We are seeking a skilled and dedicated HR Specialist to join our team. The HR Specialist will play a critical role in supporting various HR functions, including recruitment, employee relations, training and development, and HR compliance. The ideal candidate will have strong interpersonal skills, attention to detail, and a passion for fostering a positive work environment. [Responsibilities] ・Recruitment and Selection: (50%) - Collaborate with hiring managers to identify staffing needs and develop job descriptions. - Source candidates through various channels, including job boards, social media, and networking events. - Screen resumes, conduct interviews, and facilitate the selection process. - Manage candidate pipeline and provide the talent insight to the stakeholders. - Coordinate onboarding activities for new hires, including paperwork and orientation sessions. ・Training and Development: (25%) - Identify training needs and coordinate training programs to enhance employee skills and knowledge. - Assist in the design and delivery of training sessions and workshops. - Evaluate the effectiveness of training initiatives and recommend improvements. - Plan and execute the related team buildings and company culture development ・HR Compliance: (25%) - Ensure compliance with employment laws and regulations. - Maintain accurate employee records and HR databases. - Assist in the preparation of reports and documentation for audits and regulatory compliance. [Minimum Qualifications] - Proven experience as an HR Specialist or similar role with over 3 years experience. - Knowledge of HR functions, including recruitment, employee relations, and HR compliance. - Familiarity with HRIS and ATS software. - Excellent communication and interpersonal skills. - Strong attention to detail and organizational abilities. - Ability to maintain confidentiality and handle sensitive information. *實際核薪依據專業能力做調整。

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6/03 *️⃣【獵才|全球前十大外商銀行】IT Business & Project Management Analyst (PMO) / 年薪依經驗可議 / 歡迎具 IT Project & PMO 經驗者|BIS_233

  • 台北市中山區
  • 7年以上
  • 大學

【Job Responsibilities】 We are looking for a skilled and experienced specialist with expertise in (1) IT Project management and project management office (2) IT Finance Controlling, procurement and invoice processing (3) contract and vendor management. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in IT Project management, IT finance & Controlling with a proven track record of effectively managing IT projects, IT budget, contracts, and vendors. • Responsible for produce the regular project portfolio management documentation, IT System Steering Committee (IT SSC) material, moderate the IT SSC meeting. Support IT head for branch/regional management meeting material matters • Lead the team members to crat annual IT investment and expense plan, track the respective budget usage, implementing the strategic counter measures to be within the target. • Drive the IT project portfolio management to be excellent and regional aligned, Quality assurance for project portfolio and respective project documentations, including status report, Project Lifecycle Management, project management tool and policies maintenance. • To propose the processes & procedures, controls and deliverables and work with branch IT head, regional colleagues to reach the agreements then deliver to the receivers. • Lead project initiation activities, including project charter development, stakeholder identification, and project planning to obtain the approval for project initiation. • Define project scope, objectives, deliverables, and success criteria in collaboration with stakeholders. • Manage project implementation activities, including task assignments, progress tracking, and issue resolution. • Coordinate with IT cross-functional teams, vendors, and external partners to ensure alignment and collaboration throughout the project lifecycle. • Monitor project performance against key milestones, budget, and quality standards, and take corrective action as needed. • Communicate project status, risks, and issues to stakeholders and leadership/sponsors on a regular basis. • Facilitate project closure activities, including final acceptance, documentation, knowledge transfer, and post-implementation review. Identify lessons learned and best practices from completed projects to improve project management processes and methodologies. • Manage IT financial activities, including budget planning, forecasting, tracking, and reporting. • Perform contract management processes, including contract negotiation, renewal, and compliance monitoring. • Coordinate vendor management activities (Align with branch, regional IT procurement and global processes), including vendor selection, performance evaluation, and Contract management. • Collaborate with internal stakeholders, including IT teams, finance departments, legal counsel, and regulatory compliance officers for above mentioned tasks. 【Requirements】 • Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, Finance, Information Technology, or related field. Master’s degree preferred. • Minimum of 7 years of experience in IT Project management (PMO), IT finance & controlling, contract, and vendor management or related roles within the banking or financial services industry. • Good communication, negotiation, and stakeholder management skills. • Wealth experience in leading business application related project and good understanding of project lifecycle and SDLC. Financial industry (especially corporate banking) is preferred. • Experience in international company or regional / global working model regarding project and project portfolio management and coordination, procurement policy & procedure and IT finance & controlling processing. • Strong understanding of Project management & Project portfolio management, financial principles, budget management, and financial analysis techniques. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ▲【歡迎寄送履歷至信箱】: [email protected] ▲【歡迎私訊|Linkedin】: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tim-chen-682854144/

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