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6/07 國外業務助理_7476

  • 新北市新店區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

1. 訂單輸入、處理報價並追蹤客戶訂單及安排出貨 2. 應收帳款跟催、折讓、樣品申請寄送安排 3. 維修售後服務及結案 4. 協助與客戶間之聯繫,回覆e-mail 5. 執行業務交付事項 6. 穩定性高、細心負責、主動積極、善溝通

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6/13 EMEA Product Marketing Specialist (Gaming Monitor, Laptop & AI PC)_2916

  • 新北市新店區
  • 2年以上
  • 大學

Boost brand awareness and promote product adoption for our advanced gaming monitor, laptop and AI PC. We're looking for a results-driven Product Marketing Specialist to craft effective strategies, develop engaging content, and mastermind successful product launches. You'll connect technical proficiency with customer comprehension, translating complex features into compelling stories that deeply resonate with customers. Responsibilities: - Develop audience-centric launch strategies for gaming monitor, laptop and AI PC that resonate with diverse audiences across various channels, ensuring pre-launch buzz and post-launch momentum. - Utilise understanding of consumer electronics market trends to conduct detailed market research and analyze customer needs, thereby providing insights to inform and enhance sales and marketing strategies. - Collaborate with sales pm, sales and marketing teams to implement seamless product introductions and achieve market penetration goals. - Produce engaging and convincing sales collateral and marketing materials, specifically tailored to promote the adoption and conversion of customers in the gaming monitor, laptop and AI PC market segments. - Translate technical features into persuasive narratives that not only educate but inspire customers, effectively driving product conversions. - Monitor market sentiment in the gaming monitor, laptop and AI PC sectors, using this data to provide feedback and optimize go-to-market strategies.

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6/10 電聲學工程師_4721

  • 新北市新店區
  • 1年以上
  • 大學

筆電的揚聲器選用,前/後音腔設計與音質調校。 解決筆電揚聲器的共振問題。 麥克風收音品質調校與主動式降噪(ANC)設計。 研究與導入新穎的揚聲器元件。

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6/13 數位平台規劃 PM_6047

  • 新北市新店區
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

1.負責數位轉型規劃, 包含網站前後台機制設計, 整體flow的規劃、執行與維護 2.定期優化網站flow, 功能與內容, 搭配流量數據,評估效益並提出具體改善建議 3.跨部門溝通合作,釐清需求並建立共同目標, 評核指標, 進行網站優化/改版 4.掌握網站開發進度 與時程控管 5.熟悉網路行銷應用平台/工具,創造網站附加價值

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6/11 UIUX互動網頁設計師_8934

  • 新北市新店區
  • 1年以上
  • 大學

【關於你的工作內容】 你將加入HQ網頁團隊,參與大型網站的設計規劃,作品有機會被全球消費者看見。 以下將會是你一展長才的任務: 主要工作內容  ◆ UIUX網站體驗設計(Figma、Adobe XD、Photoshop、 illustrator)  ◆ 深度互動響應式網頁體驗設計 ◆ 產品網頁視覺設計  ◆ 3D渲染及應用(Keyshot、Blender、Substance) 次要工作內容 ◆ 網站GA數據建檔與整理  ◆ 官網訊息更新 及 數據觀測與報告製作  ◆ 協助全球網站UIUX資訊搜集與整理,支援網站維運與開發執行  ◆ 協助使用者調查並進行質與量化數據蒐集與分析  ◆ 其他主管交辦事項 必備技能 - 中等英語能力 - Photoshop、illustrator - HTML、CSS、Javascript 加分項目 - 前端開發技術(HTML、CSS、SASS、Javascript、Three.js、GSAP) - 3D軟體創作經驗(Keyshot、Blender、Substance) - Google Analytics相關經驗 - AI新技術相關經驗 【以下條件將確保你能勝任這項工作】  ◆ 做事細心負責,學習能力強,謹慎且有耐性,有獨立處理問題的能力  ◆ 善於時間管理及注重團隊合作及溝通  ◆ 對網頁設計與開發及UIUX充滿熱情

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6/13 行銷數據分析_4059

  • 新北市新店區
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

1.官網數據追蹤與資料設計:設計並實施數據追蹤系統,確保數據的準確性和完整性 2.分析官網數據與行銷成效:收集、整理、分析官網數據,評估相關行銷活動的效果 3.提供資料視覺化報告,協助公司做出正確的商業決策,並預測市場動態 4.追蹤數據並分析客戶行為、樣貌及決策習慣,挖掘客群潛力 5.Search Engine Marketing (SEM):負責SEO與內容行銷策略的規劃,與GDN / Google Ads廣告的操作與優化

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6/10 筆電面板工程師_9830

  • 新北市新店區
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

1. 深入了解各大面板廠最新產品與未來技術發展。 2. 協助PM規劃筆電下一世代的面板規格。 3. 制定面板的進貨檢驗流程與規範。 4. 協助分析筆電量產後的面板品質問題。 5. 第三方機構的面板認證與Pre-Certification。 6. 協助軟體部門開發筆電的面板相關Apps。

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6/13 資深工業設計師_5962

  • 新北市新店區
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

產品設計專案: 1. 種類有周邊系統桌機、螢幕、滑鼠、鍵盤、耳機、筆電、機殼內部零組件等 2. 從市場族群資訊,使用者經驗、使用情境、競品分析等 3. 2D及3D產品外觀設計呈現, 及量產CMF規劃定義 4. 量產端實務經驗, 專案時程控管 5. 以邏輯清晰對其他單位表達完整提案 產品識別規劃及延續: 1. 觀察流行趨勢及市場族群性質,尋找專屬的品牌識別性 2. 於各產品執行,須具備延續該專案所屬品牌產品識別

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6/13 產品管理師 (主機板)_0018

  • 新北市新店區
  • 5年以上
  • 大學

1. 負責主機板產品功能/效能規畫 2. 產品新功能創意發想 3. 專案追蹤與時程控管 4. 市場趨勢,用戶喜好與競品分析 5. 跨部門產品技術支援與推廣 6. 跨部門溝通協調

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6/13 SERVER產品工程師/助工-P2F1

  • 桃園市平鎮區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

1.新機種導入測試程式流程制定及SOP撰寫. 2.生產專案管理、品質、良率、流程及製程改善. 3.生產流程及製程的review、異常分析處理及品質的改善. 4.產品DOA/RMA/客訴問題的分析及對策的導入. 5.熟悉windows、office、電腦產品、linux尤佳. 6.配合加班、可培訓.

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6/07 Strategic Partnerships Specialist_2690

  • 新北市新店區
  • 2年以上
  • 大學

Join our team as a Strategic Partnerships Specialist, a key role focused on strengthening and expanding our network through strategic alliances and partnerships across various industries. If you excel in identifying partnership opportunities, negotiating agreements, and managing complex relationships with a strategic approach, this position offers a challenging and rewarding career path. In this role, you will drive the development of cross-industry partnerships, from initial outreach and negotiation to ongoing management and optimization. Your efforts will enhance our market presence, diversify our service offerings, and contribute significantly to our strategic goals. 【KEY RESPONSIBILITIES】 ▸ Strategic Partnership Development:  Proactively identify and pursue new partnership opportunities across different industries. Develop a thorough understanding of potential partners' business models and strategic objectives to create compelling partnership proposals. ▸ Negotiation and Contract Management:  Lead negotiations to establish and close partnership deals, focusing on creating value for both parties. Draft, review, and finalize agreements ensuring they meet legal, compliance, and business objectives. ▸ Cross-Industry Collaboration:  Work directly with partners from non-competing sectors to explore and develop innovative solutions that combine strengths and capabilities, enhancing product offerings and entering new markets. ▸ Quarterly Vendor Reviews:  Take charge of and represent the company at quarterly vendor review meetings, ensuring that all parties are aligned with the terms and goals of the partnership, and addressing any issues or opportunities for improvement. ▸ Relationship Management: Build and maintain strong relationships with key stakeholders and decision-makers within partner organizations. Regularly evaluate partnership effectiveness, making adjustments to strategies and agreements as necessary. ▸ Risk Management and Mitigation: Identify potential risks in partnerships, including strategic misalignments or operational dependencies, and develop strategies to mitigate these risks. ▸ Performance Metrics and Reporting: Establish clear metrics for success and regularly track and report on partnership performance. Use data to inform future partnership strategies and negotiations. ▸ Stakeholder Engagement: Engage and align internal stakeholders from various departments such as legal, finance, and operations to ensure seamless integration and execution of partnership strategies.

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6/07 AI 工程師_7187

  • 新北市新店區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 碩士

1. 深入研究大型語言模型(LLM),找到最佳的應用方法解決特定領域問題。 2. 利用現有工具(如Llama3、langchain)並結合不同套件,開發公司產品所需的AI功能。 3. 持續追蹤最新的AI論文和技術,評估其在實際應用中的可行性。 4. 與其他工程師密切合作,參與數據處理、模型訓練和模型部署的工作。

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6/10 Social Media Marketing Specialist_9646

  • 新北市新店區
  • 2年以上
  • 大學

Join our team as a Social Media Marketing Specialist and immerse yourself in the vibrant and ever-evolving world of social media! This role is perfect for someone passionate about engaging audiences, creating memorable content, and shaping effective social media strategies. We're looking for a creative, insightful individual who can leverage social media platforms to enhance our brand's presence and foster meaningful interactions with our audience. As a Social Media Marketing Specialist, you will play a crucial role in managing our social media channels, crafting engaging content, and staying ahead of digital trends. Your contributions will be vital in strengthening our online presence and supporting our overall marketing objectives. 【KEY RESPONSIBILITIES】 ✦ Social Media Strategy:  Develop and implement creative social media marketing strategies to increase brand awareness and engagement. ✦ Content Creation:  Generate compelling content tailored to each social media platform, ensuring it aligns with our brand identity and marketing goals. ✦ Community Management:  Actively engage with our online community, responding to queries and fostering a positive brand image. ✦ Campaign Execution:  Coordinate and execute social media campaigns, working collaboratively with marketing teams to ensure cohesive and impactful promotion. ✦ Performance Analysis:  Track and analyze social media metrics, using insights to refine and optimize strategies. ✦ Trend Monitoring:  Keep abreast of the latest social media trends and platform updates, integrating new ideas into our social media activities. ✦ Influencer Engagement:  Collaborate with influencers to expand our reach and engage with diverse audiences.

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