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  • 台北市內湖區
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

1.參與專案設計建構,進行客戶提案及 RFQ 設計評估。 2.負責新製程的開發,根據客戶需求進行客製化設計。 3.進行設計趨勢的分析,提供創新設計方案。 4.負責設計文件的整理和輸出,確保文件的準確性和完整性。 5.執行主管交辦的各項工作任務。 ※工作待遇以實際面談後依學經歷、工作年資 核定敘薪。


5/31 展覽設計執行業務

  • 新北市中和區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

工作內容: 1. 有效客戶聯繫與維護 2. 設計需求整合及展覽活動現場執行 3. 設計師與客戶的溝通橋樑 4. 設計創意發想 /創意提案 5. 展場或活動案件溝通與業務執行 6. 聯繫協力廠商發包事務及現場監製與客服 保證提供業界最好之待遇及福利 ! 具以下條件: 1.具有設計美學敏銳度 2.具有良好溝通表達能力 3.具有願意跟公司成長的心態 4. 具有活潑熱情的個性 5. 具勇於挑戰的企圖心 6. 英文讀寫能力佳者優先考慮 歡迎社會新鮮人對於多元豐富的展覽/設計產業有興趣及志向者應徵!

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5/31 Executive Secretary

  • 桃園市桃園區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

Job Summary: The Executive Secretary will provide high-level administrative support to the Executive Director and other senior staff. Job description o Thailand Project such as long-term investment and real estates. o Provides high-level administrative support and assistance to the Executive Director and/or other assigned leadership staff. o Performs clerical and administrative tasks including drafting letters, memos, invoices, reports, and other documents for senior staff. o Daily assignments by the executive supervisor. o Daily schedule, meeting arrangement and reminders. o Organize and submit online offline approval documents. o Invoice and expense collection, souvenir gift options and petty cash management with performing basic bookkeeping. o Help with the pre-review of contract documents and related operations. o Receiving VIP guests and maintaining customer relations. o Business travel, air tickets, accommodation and restaurant bookings. o Performs other related duties as assigned to support admin team.

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5/31 業務設計師 (提供3萬到職獎金)

  • 新北市板橋區
  • 2年以上
  • 專科

【試用期滿,提供 3 萬到職獎金】 負責室內設計業務接洽,以住家、辦公室、商業空間為主。     公司配案、無需自行開發客戶、 業務拓展能力。     建立及維繫客戶關係。     協助發展與執行行銷策略及計劃。     在未來,每個人都有成名的15分鐘! –Andy Warhol 讓工作變成志業.不再騎驢找馬 玖恆2023擴大徵才一次看 1. #具競爭力待遇|薪資可預期 玖恆旗下設計師群,任職第二年起的年薪多半可達到70~100萬,裝潢設計產業以「人」為出發點,玖恆惜才愛才,讓同仁能夠更快嶄露頭角獨當一面。 2. #發揮舞台空間|案件資源多 玖恆累積十年執業經驗,業界具有一定產能規模,案量穩定輸出,讓設計師可以擁有創作作品的空間,卻不需背負從零開始的業務陌生開發壓力。 3. #學習工班調配|內部資源多 玖恆多年與工班夥伴維繫良好革命情感,不同工種均可配合5-10班(相較於小型工作室,一年經手案量僅有約三~四件,旗下工班容易有缺工困擾),內部擁有穩定合作工班,也能讓服務業主的案期品質更好。 4. #深化專職專才|因應個人發展 針對不同設計師的工作性向,玖恆都能提供適才適所的工作環境。例如:專業分工部門配置,讓內部設計師可以專心做好設計的工作,而不需處理不擅長的客戶關係服務;倘若設計師有意願學習與客戶服務能力,公司也能夠給予職務上的安排,全面提升設計師的各種能力。 5. #見習創業環境|幫助分散風險 若未來有心想自立門戶創業,與其經驗不足時投入創業的草創艱辛,透過與玖恆總監近距離工作學習,也能做為未來創業的養分,讓自己不需自行試錯負擔吸收成本,避免跳進徒勞無功的坑。 玖恆超優福利一次看 #正式員工_基本福利 1. 保障面談時年薪(每年穩定加薪) 2. 勞健保/勞退提撥 3. 團險 4. 三節獎金 5. 公司每季員工聚餐 6. 員工生日慶生會 7. 員工在職教育訓練 8. 證照考取培訓全額補助 9. 每季、每年同仁分紅 10. 國內外旅遊 #年資滿兩年_立即享有 11. 指定醫院健檢 12. 結婚禮金$36,000~$100,000 13. 喪葬奠儀$1,000~$7,000 14. 生育補助$36,000~$100,000 15. 育嬰津貼每年$36,000至高中 16. 國際參賽得獎,公司獎金$100,000 ※依年資提供不同級距,福利實施細則依員工守則辦理

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5/31 室內設計師助理 (提供3萬到職獎金)

  • 新北市板橋區
  • 1年以上
  • 專科

【試用期滿,提供 3 萬到職獎金】 // 協助專案設計師待辦業務事宜及執行 // //電腦專長: AutoCAD /SketchUp: 3D 設計軟體//    有熱忱、有毅力、有恆心,不輕易放棄  思緒清晰,注重品質,細心負責  有良好時間觀念,能有效率的完成工作    希望您具備以下特質:  1.對空間規劃有興趣  2.個性活潑不怕生、擅長溝通協調  3.對設計構想能清晰明確的表達  4.理性與感性並重,樂於接收新知  5.待人親切和藹 6.電腦專長: AutoCAD /SketchUp: 3D 設計軟體 在未來,每個人都有成名的15分鐘! –Andy Warhol 讓工作變成志業.不再騎驢找馬 玖恆2023擴大徵才一次看 1. #具競爭力待遇|薪資可預期 玖恆旗下設計師群,任職第二年起的年薪多半可達到70~100萬,裝潢設計產業以「人」為出發點,玖恆惜才愛才,讓同仁能夠更快嶄露頭角獨當一面。 2. #發揮舞台空間|案件資源多 玖恆累積十年執業經驗,業界具有一定產能規模,案量穩定輸出,讓設計師可以擁有創作作品的空間,卻不需背負從零開始的業務陌生開發壓力。 3. #學習工班調配|內部資源多 玖恆多年與工班夥伴維繫良好革命情感,不同工種均可配合5-10班(相較於小型工作室,一年經手案量僅有約三~四件,旗下工班容易有缺工困擾),內部擁有穩定合作工班,也能讓服務業主的案期品質更好。 4. #深化專職專才|因應個人發展 針對不同設計師的工作性向,玖恆都能提供適才適所的工作環境。例如:專業分工部門配置,讓內部設計師可以專心做好設計的工作,而不需處理不擅長的客戶關係服務;倘若設計師有意願學習與客戶服務能力,公司也能夠給予職務上的安排,全面提升設計師的各種能力。 5. #見習創業環境|幫助分散風險 若未來有心想自立門戶創業,與其經驗不足時投入創業的草創艱辛,透過與玖恆總監近距離工作學習,也能做為未來創業的養分,讓自己不需自行試錯負擔吸收成本,避免跳進徒勞無功的坑。 玖恆超優福利一次看 #正式員工_基本福利 1. 保障面談時年薪(每年穩定加薪) 2. 勞健保/勞退提撥 3. 團險 4. 三節獎金 5. 公司每季員工聚餐 6. 員工生日慶生會 7. 員工在職教育訓練 8. 證照考取培訓全額補助 9. 每季、每年同仁分紅 10. 國內外旅遊 #年資滿兩年_立即享有 11. 指定醫院健檢 12. 結婚禮金$36,000~$100,000 13. 喪葬奠儀$1,000~$7,000 14. 生育補助$36,000~$100,000 15. 育嬰津貼每年$36,000至高中 16. 國際參賽得獎,公司獎金$100,000 ※依年資提供不同級距,福利實施細則依員工守則辦理

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5/31 室內設計師 (提供3萬到職獎金)

  • 新北市板橋區
  • 1年以上
  • 專科

【試用期滿,提供 3 萬到職獎金】 在未來,每個人都有成名的15分鐘! -Andy warhol 讓工作變成志業.不再騎驢找馬 玖恆2023擴大徵才一次看 1. #具競爭力待遇|薪資可預期 玖恆旗下設計師群,任職第二年起的年薪多半可達到70~100萬,裝潢設計產業以「人」為出發點,玖恆惜才愛才,讓同仁能夠更快嶄露頭角獨當一面。 2. #發揮舞台空間|案件資源多 玖恆累積十年執業經驗,業界具有一定產能規模,案量穩定輸出,讓設計師可以擁有創作作品的空間,卻不需背負從零開始的業務陌生開發壓力。 3. #學習工班調配|內部資源多 玖恆多年與工班夥伴維繫良好革命情感,不同工種均可配合5-10班(相較於小型工作室,一年經手案量僅有約三~四件,旗下工班容易有缺工困擾),內部擁有穩定合作工班,也能讓服務業主的案期品質更好。 4. #深化專職專才|因應個人發展 針對不同設計師的工作性向,玖恆都能提供適才適所的工作環境。例如:專業分工部門配置,讓內部設計師可以專心做好設計的工作,而不需處理不擅長的客戶關係服務;倘若設計師有意願學習與客戶服務能力,公司也能夠給予職務上的安排,全面提升設計師的各種能力。 5. #見習創業環境|幫助分散風險 若未來有心想自立門戶創業,與其經驗不足時投入創業的草創艱辛,透過與玖恆總監近距離工作學習,也能做為未來創業的養分,讓自己不需自行試錯負擔吸收成本,避免跳進徒勞無功的坑。 玖恆超優福利一次看 #正式員工_基本福利 1. 保障面談時年薪(每年穩定加薪) 2. 勞健保/勞退提撥 3. 團險 4. 三節獎金 5. 公司每季員工聚餐 6. 員工生日慶生會 7. 員工在職教育訓練 8. 證照考取培訓全額補助 9. 每季、每年同仁分紅 10. 國內外旅遊 #年資滿兩年_立即享有 11. 指定醫院健檢 12. 結婚禮金$36,000~$100,000 13. 喪葬奠儀$1,000~$7,000 14. 生育補助$36,000~$100,000 15. 育嬰津貼每年$36,000至高中 16. 國際參賽得獎,公司獎金$100,000 ※依年資提供不同級距,福利實施細則依員工守則辦理

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5/31 Senior Designer

  • 桃園市桃園區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

Business Unit: Akacia Job Summary: As a consulting company, we provide our great value exceed client's expectations. The Senior Designer leads design projects, creates high-quality designs, and collaborates with the team to produce top-notch designs. Stay up-to-date with design trends and provide feedback to the team. Responsibilities: 1. Work closely with clients to understand their design needs and develop innovative design solutions that meet or exceed their expectations. 2. Lead digital design projects, including overseeing team members and ensuring projects are delivered on time, within budget, and to the client's satisfaction. 3. Create and present design concepts, sketches, and prototypes to clients, and incorporate feedback into the final design. 4. Collaborate with cross-functional teams, including engineers, developers, and project managers, to ensure designs meet technical requirements and are feasible to implement. 5. Carry on research to stay up-to-date with industry trends and best practices, and incorporate them into the team’s processes. Requirements: 1. Education: A bachelor's degree in design related field, such as digital, service design. 2. Experience: 3+ years of experience in service and digital design, with a portfolio that showcases strong design. 3. Communication Skills: Strong communication and collaboration skills experience leading design projects and mentoring junior designers. 4. Skills: Understanding of design principles, such as color theory, typography, and layout design. Ability to work in a fast-paced, deadline-driven environment.

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5/31 遠傳電信_北大通訊業務部門主管

  • 新北市三峽區
  • 3年以上
  • 高中

※熟悉電信銷售/服務流程,擁有電信從業經驗三年以上。 ※參與公司決策修訂與執行。 ※輔導門市達成業績目標。 ※落實總公司各項要求,以符合規範。 ※擁有培訓店長,門市人員,新進人員的能力。 ※能完整傳承公司企業文化。

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5/31 Consultant / Sr. Consultant, ESG and Sustainability Solutions

  • 桃園市桃園區
  • 2年以上
  • 大學

Business Unit: Arola About the Position: We are an established and growing ESG and sustainability digital solutions consultancy seeking to add an experienced member to our team in a growth position. We help our clients translate insights into transformational actions and achieve their mission-critical priorities, and accomplish ground-breaking results for our clients. You will have the opportunity to make a real difference in shaping, managing and delivering real value assisting our clients in various solutions. Responsibilities: 1. Achieve or overachieve sales targets by retaining, growing, and prospecting clients. 2. Manage and contribute to the development of strategic sales plans for projects, aligning them with BU Arola’s goals to drive profitability and contribute to overall business growth. 3. Participate in the delivery of strategic consulting engagements within a given timeframe and budget for a variety of industries, including benchmarking and general consulting, etc. 4. Contribute to the development of stakeholder management, project management, quality assurance and professional consulting and auditing approaches/methodologies. 5. Identify, develop, and document issues and recommendations using independent judgment throughout the entire process. 6. Conduct research, analysis, interviews, and presentations, leveraging insights, for executive and/or board-level clients. 7. Demonstrate strong negotiation and collaboration skills in complex projects, engaging with stakeholders at various levels and fostering key business relationships. 8. Cultivate and sustain strong business relationships with key individuals at new and existing clients, fostering partnerships, creating sustainable engagement processes, and collaborating effectively with stakeholder groups. 9. Contribute to the development of methodologies for digital transformation, pursue new sales opportunities, and establish both short and long-term sales goals. 10. Team management. Required Skills/Abilities: 1. Outstanding presentation, communication, storytelling, client-facing, and consulting skills, coupled with excellent interpersonal abilities. 2. Ability to influence and build trust-based, value-added relationships with executive and/or board-level clients. 3. Expertise in expectation management. 4. Strong negotiation skills. 5. Natural aptitude for critical and analytical thinking, with a capacity for out-of-the-box solutions. 6. Track record in achieving / exceeding revenue targets preferred. 7. A consistently high achiever marked by perseverance, humility and a positive outlook in the face of challenges. 8. An ability to manage multiple client priorities simultaneously. 9. Extremely strong analytical and problem-solving skills. Education and Experience: 1. Minimum of a Bachelor’s degree; degree in Business Management, Sustainable Business, Marketing, or Communications is a plus. 2. Over 3~5 years of supervisory experience. 3. Requires a minimum of 2~3 years of experience in client management, sales development, consulting, and problem-solving in a similar role within a professional services firm or industry. 4. Manager level experience of strategy consulting projects, are necessary. 5. Negotiation and product demo experience are necessary. 6. Essential skills include strong project management, teamwork capacity, a robust work ethic, and readiness for an international work environment. 7. Demonstrated flexibility and adaptability, with the ability to change direction quickly and thoughtfully in response to evolving client needs. 8. Must have excellent communication and interpersonal skills to work with cross-functional teams and different levels and/or groups of stakeholders. 9. With deep expertise in sustainability topics, experience in sustainability digital transformation solutions, or sustainability certifications, is preferred.

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5/31 室內設計師

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 3年以上
  • 高中

【工作內容】 ❒ 了解業主需求,設計提案 ❒ 對於設計工程了解熟悉 ❒ 具有業務企圖心 ❒ 樂於忙碌,卯起來玩。 【執行需求】 1. 依業主需要規劃空間,根據需求提出相對應且符合空間邏輯之空間平面。 2.專案簡報、督導施工人員完成室內裝潢工程 。 3.繪製專業裝修施工圖,作為工程發包與施工準則及驗收依據。 4.具有完成各項圖面之能力(平立剖透、施工大樣、水電弱電施工圖...等相關圖面) 。 5.解決現場工程問題及介面收尾,掌握施工品質與進度。 【人格特質】: 1. 獨立思考能力、邏輯清楚。 2. 善於團隊溝通、合作。 3. 內外部溝通協調能力。 4. 極具創意及美感、顏色搭配。 【備註】: 1. 非本科系者亦可。 2. Sketchup及Autocad軟體的操作具備一定的流暢度。 3. 設計師的要求是具備獨立作業能力。但我們是一個團隊,會相互支援。一起努力完成屬於我們團隊的每一個作品 底薪+各項簽約金+結案獎金 年薪約80以上破百是實際不是夢想(依據設計師所接案的金額與數量決定)

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5/31 Chief Consultant

  • 桃園市桃園區
  • 5年以上
  • 大學

Business Unit: Arola About the Position: We are an established and growing ESG and sustainability digital solutions consultancy looking to add an experienced member to our team. We are seeking someone for a growth position, with excellent managerial and customer service skills. Responsibilities: 1. Develop strategic sales plans that are aligned to business goals and profitability. 2. Direct and oversee the execution of client-specific sales strategies, identify, and pursue opportunities for new business and increased profitability, establish both short and long-term sales goals and objectives. 3. Build and maintain strong business relationships with key individuals at new and existing clients. Build strong partnerships, create sustainable engagement processes, and work effectively with stakeholder groups. 4. Be a Voice in Leadership, lead teams of people with different backgrounds and create a sense of belonging where everyone can be at their best. 5. Proven leader with the ability to inspire others, build strong relationships, sharing your expertise and create a true followership. Required Skills/Abilities: 1. Demonstrated experience in translating customer business requirements into workable business solutions. 2. Prior experience and demonstrated success in consulting service or digital solution. 3. Detailed oriented with accuracy, especially when following up with clients and support personnel. 4. Excellent interpersonal and customer service skills. Education and Experience: 1. Master’s degree preferred; degree in Business Management, Sustainable Business, Marketing, or Communications is a plus. 2. 5 years plus of Supervisory experience. 3. At least 5 years of client management and business development. 4. Public speaking and/or product demo experience is necessary. 5. Must have excellent communication and interpersonal skills to work with cross-functional teams.

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5/31 Analyst/ Sr. Analyst, Digital Solutions (Arola)

  • 桃園市桃園區
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

Business Unit: Arola About the Position: We are an established and growing digital solutions consultancy seeking to add an experienced member to our team in a growth position. We help our clients translate insights into transformational actions and achieve their mission-critical priorities, and accomplish ground-breaking results for our clients. You will have the opportunity to make a real difference in shaping, managing and delivering real value assisting our clients in various solutions. Responsibilities: 1. Create and translate the strategy for the deal at hand into high quality, powerful proposals, aiming to attain or exceed the target proposal success rate. 2. Analyze, own, and execute existing and future opportunities to implement both process improvements and innovative solutions that enhance productivity, efficiency, and quality, aligning with Arola's strategy. 3. Define problem statements, conduct root-cause analysis, research to gain insights into issues, and drive actionable resolution strategy and plans, ensuring projects are successfully completed and meet expectations regarding time, budget, quality, and other agreed-upon criteria. 4. Manage and execute a high volume of projects simultaneously. 5. Manage and communicate a clear project vision, motivating executive and/or board-level stakeholders to achieve goals. 6. Collaborate with cross-functional teams such as Consultants team, RD team, Design teams etc. to problem-solve, and support issue resolution. Required Skills/Abilities: 1. Excellent communication, storytelling, client-facing, and consulting skills. 2. Essential skills include expertise in expectation management, project management, stakeholder management, teamwork capacity, a robust work ethic, and readiness for an international work environment. 3. Proven ability to solve problems and bring timely resolution to on-going issues. 4. Natural aptitude for critical and analytical thinking, with a capacity for out-of-the-box solutions. 5. Required proficient in the knowledge, methodologies and/or tools including MS Office products, Marketing frameworks (e.g., SWOT, STP, Ansoff Matrix etc.). 6. Familiar with digital/ web based products, E-commence service and knowledge, such as Information Architecture, User Flow, Wireframe, UI, UX, Test Case, A/B test, etc. 7. Experience and proficiency in utilizing business methodologies such as the Agile, Design Thinking, Service Blueprinting, Business Model Canvas, and/or similar approaches is a plus. 8. Familiarity with CSS3, HTML, SEO, API, CDN, system integration and/or related technologies is a plus. Education and Experience: 1. A minimum of a bachelor's degree in marketing, communications, design, computer science, and/or equivalent is required. 2. A minimum of 3 years of experience or knowledge in branding, design, digital transformation, CMS, and/or website/system-related areas is required. 3. A minimum of 3 years of experience in project management and consulting in a similar role within a professional services firm and/or industry is required. 4. Managerial-level experience in project management is preferred.

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5/31 Consultant / Sr. Consultant, Digital Solutions

  • 桃園市桃園區
  • 2年以上
  • 大學

Business Unit: Arola About the Position: We are an established and growing digital solutions consultancy seeking to add an experienced member to our team in a growth position. We help our clients translate insights into transformational actions and achieve their mission-critical priorities, and accomplish ground-breaking results for our clients. You will have the opportunity to make a real difference in shaping, managing and delivering real value assisting our clients in various solutions. Responsibilities: 1. Achieve or overachieve sales targets by retaining, growing, and prospecting clients. 2. Manage and contribute to the development of strategic sales plans for projects, aligning them with BU Arola’s goals to drive profitability and contribute to overall business growth. 3. Participate in the delivery of strategic consulting engagements within a given timeframe and budget for a variety of industries, including benchmarking and general consulting, etc. 4. Contribute to the development of stakeholder management, project management, quality assurance and professional consulting and auditing approaches/methodologies. 5. Identify, develop, and document issues and recommendations using independent judgment throughout the entire process. 6. Conduct research, analysis, interviews, and presentations, leveraging insights, for executive and/or board-level clients. 7. Demonstrate strong negotiation and collaboration skills in complex projects, engaging with stakeholders at various levels and fostering key business relationships. 8. Cultivate and sustain strong business relationships with key individuals at new and existing clients, fostering partnerships, creating sustainable engagement processes, and collaborating effectively with stakeholder groups. 9. Contribute to the development of methodologies for digital transformation, pursue new sales opportunities, and establish both short and long-term sales goals. 10. Team management. Required Skills/Abilities: 1. Outstanding presentation, communication, storytelling, client-facing, and consulting skills, coupled with excellent interpersonal abilities. 2. Ability to influence and build trust-based, value-added relationships with executive and/or board-level clients. 3. Expertise in expectation management. 4. Strong negotiation skills. 5. Natural aptitude for critical and analytical thinking, with a capacity for out-of-the-box solutions. 6. Track record in achieving / exceeding revenue targets preferred. 7. A consistently high achiever marked by perseverance, humility and a positive outlook in the face of challenges. 8. An ability to manage multiple client priorities simultaneously. 9. Extremely strong analytical and problem-solving skills. Education and Experience: 1. Minimum of a Bachelor’s degree; degree in Business Management, Sustainable Business, Marketing, or Communications is a plus. 2. Over 3~5 years of supervisory experience. 3. Requires a minimum of 2~3 years of experience in client management, sales development, consulting, and problem-solving in a similar role within a professional services firm or industry. 4. Manager level experience of strategy consulting projects, are necessary. 5. Negotiation and product demo experience are necessary. 6. Essential skills include strong project management, teamwork capacity, a robust work ethic, and readiness for an international work environment. 7. Demonstrated flexibility and adaptability, with the ability to change direction quickly and thoughtfully in response to evolving client needs. 8. Must have excellent communication and interpersonal skills to work with cross-functional teams and different levels and/or groups of stakeholders.

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5/30 【台中】市場業務專員

  • 台中市南屯區
  • 2年以上
  • 學歷不拘

主要工作內容: 1.開發與維繫客戶關係、處理公司相關活動 2.保持與客戶間之聯繫,彙整回覆上級 3.定期提供業務銷售狀況報表,以供主管參考 4.處理銷售業務相關之作業 5.整理客戶資料(如:交易紀錄、問題處理狀況等) 6.其他主管交辦事項 加分 1.有從事過髮品業、保險業、微商業、傳直銷業、批發業等業務經驗者佳 2.能獨立舉辦活動與訓練授課者優先錄用

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5/30 化驗人員/8H

  • 桃園市蘆竹區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 高中

1.檢查、測試、或測量材料、產品、裝置,使之符合規格。 2.使用測量儀器(如:尺規或測微器等)測量產品的尺寸以符合規格。 3.分析及解釋藍圖、數據、手冊和其他材料,以確定規格、檢驗程序、測試程序、調整方法、檢定方法等。 4.收集或挑選樣本,以進行測試或作為模型使用。 5.分析、計算測驗數據,以確認測試結果。

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5/30 業務/業務助理

  • 高雄市小港區
  • 1年以上
  • 大學

1. 開發新客戶。 2. 掌握產品設計時程及產量狀況。 3. 參與企劃,協調行銷活動(如:展覽、廣告、會議)。 4. 針對客戶提出的合約(交易條件、生產流程、產品要求、售後服務)作初步評估,並在必要時尋求其他部門協助,以即時回應客戶需求。 5. 提供報價確認訂單,以準時出貨。 6. 提供完善的客製品需求服務(如:包裝),達成客戶需求,定期清查呆滯料問題,以避免囤積無用廢材,減低庫存壓力。 7. 提供客戶新產品及市場資訊,及早送樣取得認可,並定期檢視借料狀況,以免造成掛帳問題。 8. 定期檢視每個客戶的下單及業績狀況,製作報表,報告最新狀況。 9. 提醒客戶應收帳款情形,定期檢視客戶現行付款期限是否合理,並隨時回報客戶帳款異常情況,以保障公司權益。 10. 即時反應客戶抱怨及協助客戶解決產品、出貨流程、退貨重工等相關的問題,並提出解決之道,以提高客戶滿意度。 11. 充當客戶與各部門間的橋樑,以達成溝通協調目的。 12. 完成主管交辦事項。 13. 熟悉CAD圖紙與工程圖紙尤佳。

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5/30 Scientist, biochemical R&D

  • 台北市南港區
  • 2年以上
  • 碩士

We are seeking a highly motivated scientist in cell biology to join our biology R&D team. The main role of this position is to perform biochemistry experiments to facilitate the development of reagents that will be applied to our world-leading MicroscoopTM technology. The major tasks involve optimization of experimental conditions for photo-induced labeling or immuno-precipitation. You will enjoy the innovation process of novel reagents from concept to commercialization. Responsibilities • Execute the R&D projects related to photo-induced labeling or immuno-precipitation • Perform and optimize biochemistry experiments, such as proximity labeling, immunofluorescence staining, and immunoprecipitation. • Perform high-content epifluorescence and confocal imaging • Deliver presentations and effectively communicate with other staff • Design and write standard operating procedures (SOP) related to product research and development • Perform other tasks as needed Qualifications • Master’s Degree or above in biology, cell biology, biochemistry (for biologists) or related fields • 2+ years of experience in immunofluorescence staining, microscopy imaging, and basic image analysis is required • Strong and thoughtful ability to solve technical problems • Hands-on experience in proximity labeling or immunoprecipitation are preferred • Ability to work on multiple projects with evolving priorities and deadlines • Ability to create clear reports and documentation • Self-initiative and able to work independently in a fast-paced team environment Why Syncell? Syncell pioneers in technologies that require knowledge from multiple disciplines, including chemistry, biology, optics, mechatronics, software development and artificial intelligence. In such a vibrant environment with talents from different specialties, a lot of creativity has been stimulated. You will be excited to work with our synergistic team together to broaden your technical scope and push the boundary of biotools technologies.

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5/30 寵物食品 | 通路業務代表|保障底薪,挑戰獎金

  • 新北市新莊區
  • 2年以上
  • 高中

─ 歡迎有志挑戰高薪的優質夥伴加入 ─ ▷月薪(底薪+獎金)平均35,000元以上。 ─ 這份工作的主要職責及工作範疇 ─ 1. 客情維繫(顧客與產品售後服務、報表填寫與管理) 2. 市場開發(客戶開發、產品銷售、提升產品價值) 3. 市場調查(市場資訊收集、顧客意見回報) 4. 活動執行 (專案活動邀約、執行與教育訓練) 5. 績效審視 (監控行動數據及轉換率) 6. 理念傳達(傳達公司注重寵物健康飲食的決心與努力) 7. 其他主管交辦事項 ▷服務範圍依公司分派(需自備交通工具) ▷自備智慧型行動裝置(筆電) ─ 我們希望具備這些人格特質 ─ 如果想朝寵物產業發展 將是現在未來的趨勢, DoggyWillie需要充滿熱誠、自信、性格樂觀,且主動積極、高效率精準完成目標的你! 業務是份具有挑戰的職務,如果你願意接受這份挑戰,歡迎熱愛寵物的你成為我們的一份子! ─ 有這些經驗或技能,會加分 ─ • 具零售通路業務銷售經驗。 • 具有寵物相關產業銷售經驗。

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