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後端 JAVA 工程師 Backend Software Engineer (外縣市可遠端)(base高雄)

  • 高雄市前金區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

GLSoft 相信科技能夠創造更好的世界,我們正在尋找與我們有相同信念的夥伴加入我們的行列。 【 職責 】 1. 參與電子商務網站的功能開發,包括但不限於訂單處理、系統整合、庫存管理等。 2. 負責後端系統的架構設計、開發和優化,確保系統穩定運行並滿足業務需求。 【 技能要求 】 1. 通 Java / Spring Boot / Spring Framework / Spring Cloud 2. 熟悉電子商務相關領域,瞭解電商系統的流程和需求者優先考慮。 3. 積極學習新技術,能夠快速適應變化。 【 加分條件 】 1. 具備大型電商網站開發經驗。 2. 熟悉微服務架構。 3. 有高並發、高可用性系統開發經驗。 4. 具備英語閱讀和書寫能力。 5. 通 JHipster / Quarkus 【備註】 1. 請提供相關作品 github / gitlab 或項目經驗,以助於評估您的技能和經驗。 2. 我們提供具有競爭力的薪資、靈活的工作環境和良好的晉升機會。 歡迎加入 GLSoft 的團隊,讓我們一起以行動力成為驅動社會演進的力量。 GLSoft believes that technology can create a better world, and we are looking for partners who share the same belief to join our team. 【 Responsibilities 】 Participate in the development of e-commerce websites, including but not limited to order processing, system integration, inventory management, etc. Responsible for the architecture design, development, and optimization of backend systems to ensure stable operation and meet business needs. 【 Required Skills 】 Proficient in Java / Spring Boot / Spring Framework / Spring Cloud. Familiar with the e-commerce domain, understanding of e-commerce system processes and requirements is preferred. Actively learn new technologies and adapt to changes quickly. 【 Bonus Skills 】 Experience in developing large-scale e-commerce websites. Familiarity with microservices architecture. Experience in developing high-concurrency and high-availability systems. Proficiency in English reading and writing. 【 Notes 】 Please provide relevant works on GitHub / GitLab or project experiences to help evaluate your skills and experience. We offer competitive salaries, a flexible work environment, and good opportunities for advancement. Welcome to join the GLSoft, let's take action together to become a driving force for social progress.


服務可靠性工程師 - SRE / Site / Service Reliability Engineer

  • 新北市新店區
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

在Higgs,服務可靠性工程師 (Service Reliability Engineer)有別於網站可靠性工程師 (Site Reliability Engineer),負責系統服務的可靠性、可擴展性和安全性,同時專注系統服務的延遲、效能與承載量,並以高可用及分散式系統自動化維運基礎設施. [工作內容] • 建置與維運混合雲架構服務。 • 視覺化業務系統 / 管理系統的負載狀態、部屬狀態、服務健康…等狀態。 • 協助CI/CD流程自動化與CI/CD系統維運。 • 定期的報告與事件紀錄。 • 解決方案研究與推廣。 • RD團隊的技術支援。 [條件要求] • 具 DevOps/SRE工作 2 年以上相關經驗。 • Kurbunetes / Docker安裝、設定、管理及維護等。 • AWS 實務經驗 - 瞭解雲服務的本質及他對應的地端服務,有混和雲建構經驗。 • Ansible(AWX) / Terraform自動化組態部署與操作經驗。 • 具備建置與維運CI/CD ( Gitlab / Jenkins )流程經驗。 [優先考慮] • 取得任一AWS Certification。 • 熟悉AWS EKS / S3 / OpenSearch / ElastiCache / ECR / NLB / ALB / CloudWatch / CloudFront。 • 熟悉Kafka/ Elasticsearch 安裝/設定與效能調校。


7/27 生力啤酒南區營業所/業務主任,專員 (高雄市 、台南市)

  • 高雄市仁武區
  • 2年以上
  • 專科

● 工作地點 :高雄市全區,台南市全區 ● 休假制度 :週休二日 ● 上班時段 :14:00~23:00 ● 負責夜間即飲通路: 1. 啤酒業務開發、推廣及訂單處理 2. 店家及客戶經營管理 3. 擬訂客戶拜訪計劃和銷售計劃 4. 產品促銷活動執行和結案報告 5. 協助公司業績成長和目標達成 ● 每月另加現金津貼補助: 油資、停車費、過路費、汽機車維修保養、手機通訊費 ● 按績效發的的月獎金、季獎金 ● 保障年薪13個月 ● 本公司介紹:關鍵字查詢「生力集團 San Miguel」、「台灣生力啤酒」 http://www.sanmiguel.com.tw/about.php 其他條件 1. 具相關產業經驗,啤酒、飲料、FMCG 產品、餐飲通路經驗者佳2年以上者佳 2. 有良好的銷售、基本拜訪、溝通及協商技能 3. 個性外向、喜愛挑戰、主動積極、負責任 4 需自備汽車

待遇面議 外商公司 員工25人
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7/27 Real Estate Analyst - Advisory & Transaction Services 商業不動產分析人員

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

ESSENTIAL DUTIES The responsibilities of the Real Estate Associate / Analyst for Advisory & Transaction Services are: 1) To arrange and coordinate work between clients and CBRE during the duration of the projects, including making telephone calls and arranging meetings and viewing inspections. 2) To manage the Department’s databases and undertake the preparation of market materials, PowerPoint presentations and report writing, both in English and Chinese. 3) To get involved in the marketing activities and branding exercises of the Department which includes organizing marketing programs such as advertising and promotional activities, assisting with the production of marketing materials such as slide presentations, press releases, brochures and mailshots. 4) To undertake the financial modeling and the ability to adept relevant data into different client. 5) To follow guidelines and carry out instructions from the Department Head, working as part of a cohesive team to identify business opportunities and generate business for the Company. 6) To assist the senior management in providing support for pursuing potential clients through analysis from internal and external research. 7) To assist in any special projects as delegated by the Senior Team Members. 8) To carry out any other duties as assigned by the senior management from time to time.

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7/27 經理 Manager - 估價及諮詢服務部門 Consulting

  • 台北市信義區
  • 5年以上
  • 大學

【職務說明】 1. 各類型不動產開發專案評估,包括但不限於下述項目: (1) 各類型不動產產品之市場調查、開發策略與產品定位。 (2) 土地開發規劃策略與法令檢討。 (3) 不動產開發或經營之投資或營運財務分析評估。 2. 協助公私部門業主分析研究國內不動產市場。 (1) 獨立進行產品訪商。 (2) 資料蒐集與分析。 (3) 論述與撰寫分析報告與製作簡報。 3. 提供業主各種不動產產品開發方案與策略。 (1) 各類型不動產產品開發或收益效益評估。 (2) 不動產開發或經營之投資或營運財務分析評估。 (3) 協助政府或公司機構辦理土地或不動產招商作業。

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7/27 Edelman 美商愛德曼公關【長期計時實習生 - 金融產業】

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

公司介紹:愛德曼公關是一家國際性並且也是全世界最大的獨立性公關顧問公司。在20多年間,我們已涵蓋亞太區13個市場,目前全球共有65個分公司、6000位公關專業人員提供客戶量身訂做的溝通策略及計劃。詳情請參考:https://www.edelman.com/大三至研究所學生佳。 【招募對象】大三至研究所學生佳 【職務內容】 1. 協助監看客戶新聞及整理(金融產業為主),並完成新聞監測報告 2. 完成主管交辦事項、專案協辦、文書處理、媒體連繫、活動支援 3. 具良好溝通、協調能力 【其他條件】 1. 對公關、行銷產業有興趣 (有相關經驗為佳) 2. 對金融、科技議題有興趣或熟悉尤佳 3. 態度積極、抗壓性強、細心 4. 英語能力佳(請附英語檢定證明,多益800分以上) 5. 熟悉office系統操作(word, excel, PPT) 6. 非短期工讀,最短任期建議一年 7. 無經驗可,建議須對公關有基本的認識及概念 《薪資待遇》:190元/小時 《公司福利》:含基本勞健保、團保、零食、飲料、咖啡、 不定期下午茶、Happy Hour、聖誕節晚餐等活動 。 ※ 本職缺需配合週一至週五平日皆可,總時數須滿每週25小時。 ※ 需配合4-5天上午,至少2天下午,(上/下午各4小時),可面議。

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7/27 生啤酒設備維修保養人員【北區/夜間即飲通路】

  • 台北市松山區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 高中

1. 負責生啤酒設備維護及保養 2. 定期巡檢主要客戶生啤酒設備及系統管線 3. 生啤酒系統緊急故障排除 4. 協助安裝生啤酒設備 5. 本薪加津貼月入$35,000-$45,000元 ●本職務另享有津貼補助: 油資、停車費、過路費、交通保養、手機通訊費 ●保障年薪13個月 ●本公司介紹:關鍵字查詢「生力集團 San Miguel」、「台灣生力啤酒」 http://www.sanmiguel.com.tw/about.php 其他條件 1. 主動積極、負責任 2. 需自備機車 3. 加分項目:冷凍空調科、電工冷凍畢業、電機空調科畢業

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7/27 經理 Real Estate Manager - 商業不動產投資部 Capital Markets_台南/高雄

  • 台南市仁德區
  • 5年以上
  • 大學

1. 商業/工業不動產之專業顧問 2. 資產活化與銷售顧問仲介服務 3. 投資人購置與投資居間仲介服務 4. 進行客戶開發、業務會議及簡報提案 5. 提供不動產市場調查、投資評估報告之專業顧問及招商仲介服務 6. 需熟悉不動產相關法規,包含民法、土地法、土地稅法、都市計畫法等

待遇面議 外商公司 員工180人 遠端工作
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7/27 Edelman 美商愛德曼公關【長期計時工讀生- 科技產業】

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

大三至研究所學生佳。 ※ 本職缺需配合週一至週五至少可排3天 (每週工時上限25小時),依主管需求協調上班時段,如遇特殊狀況可能額外增加時數。 職務內容: 1. 協助監看客戶新聞及整理(科技產業為主),並完成新聞監測報告 2. 完成主管交辦事項、專案協辦、文書處理、活動支援 3. 具良好溝通、協調能力 4. 協助行政事項處理 其他條件: 1.對公關產業有興趣 2.對科技、3C議題有興趣或熟悉尤佳 3.學習態度積極 4.英語能力佳(附英語檢定證明為佳,多益750分以上) 5.抗壓性強 6.熟悉office系統操作(word, excel, PPT) 7.非短期工作,最短任期為一年

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7/27 Medical Scientific Liaison, Breast Cancer (歡迎身心障礙人才申請)

  • 台北市中山區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 碩士

**Please apply through the Workday website: https://novartis.wd3.myworkdayjobs.com/en-US/Novartis_Careers/job/Taipei/Medical-Scientific-Liaison_REQ-10015881?locationCountry=a4e08b475d6a4176853c9d1cb9854e02 【The Position】 Medical Science Liaisons (MSLs) are Field-based Medical Affairs Associates of Novartis, who develop peer-to-peer relationships with Medical Experts/Key Stakeholders and members of the scientific community, utilizing scientific and medical evidence-based non-promotional materials. They strategically prepare and support the development, launch and commercialization of Novartis products through scientific exchange, seeking external insight to shape Novartis understanding of the therapeutic environment. Their activities begin up to two years prior to launch of a new molecule. 【Major Accountabilities】 Medical Experts Management & Medical Support • Develop peer to peer scientific relationships, assess advocacy (degree of Medical Expert understanding and agreement with medical platform statements) and contributions (activities in which Medical Experts are independently qualified to engage or collaborate with the organization), and respond to unsolicited requests for scientific information using approved, non-promotional materials with Medical Experts/Key Stakeholders, Health Care Professionals (HCPs) and decision-makers. • Contribute to identification and mapping of Medical Experts/key stakeholders in line with local strategies. • Provide and discuss scientific information and data with HCPs to ensure quality and accuracy of medical and scientific information on new treatment options including Novartis products and selected areas of therapeutic interest. • Liaise and provide up-to-date medical support to relevant external groups to ensure evidence-based understanding of Novartis products relative to medical guidelines, and health economic information. Scientific Research Support • Provide scientific educational activities to support study accrual for key trials as appropriate. • Provide feasibility and research site recommendation for Novartis-sponsored clinical trials. • Collaborate with Triel team and Medical Advisors, to support clinical sites, including providing guidance in accordance with guidelines, Novartis Internal Policies, and regulations as appropriate. • Increase awareness of Novartis clinical research program to enhance patient identification and trial accrual. Upon investigator request, liaise between potential researcher and the Company on IIT submis-sion process or requests for research grade substance (Material Transfer Agreements) to support independent clinical/preclinical research Scientific Exchange/Insights • Engage in scientific discussions related to Novartis research areas/compounds/pipeline with MEs, speakers & investigators. • Support scientific exchange to advance understanding of new scientific principles, novel research trends, and current scientific debate. • Provide scientific and educational information to healthcare professionals on specific patient critical issues. • Collect, analyse and report insights that may impact Novartis development plans /trial designs, launch strategies and tactics and medical education programs tailored to physicians' education needs Scientific Projects • Provide scientific support to Medical Experts/Key Stakeholders upon their request • Implement scientific projects according to global, regional or local medical strategies. Examples may include, but not limited to, epidemiology projects, registries, preclinical or translational research, as well as multi-disciplinary projects involving education and collaboration of multiple functions in the medical community to improve patient diagnosis and treatment. (More detail, please refer to the Workday page.)

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7/27 秘書/Admin Assistant/Secretary

  • 台北市信義區
  • 1年以上
  • 大學

行政助理的主要角色和職責是: 1) 提供所有秘書、行政和​​文書事務的支援。 2) 維護、建立或更新世邦魏理仕的租賃/辦公室資料庫,並協助代理商準備推廣提案。 3) 維護與辦公室業主的關係,並每季更新最新的辦公室可用情況。 4) 擔任部門及其他部門的行政助理,負責部門秘書、行政和​​文書職能的運作。 5) 依照部門和其他部門的要求,執行秘書、行政和​​其他支援工作。 基本職責 依照部門和其他部門的要求執行秘書、文書和行政任務。 此類服務的範例包括但不限於: 1)日常信件、報告等文件的打字、速記、錄音。 代表部門接收、整理和跟進日常郵件。 依指示代表部門進行獨立通信。 2) 代表部門主管接聽電話。 這包括接收訊息並在適當時對這些訊息採取行動或跟進,以及在需要時建立電話會議。 3)提案、報告等文件的準備、整理、提交和裝訂。 4) 代表部門的任命安排。 這包括所有必要的準備工作和後續工作。 5) 會議安排、會議前後與客戶和其他工作人員的聯絡、會議室的佈置以及所需的任何餐飲安排。 協調客戶要求的任何客房預訂、餐飲、視聽和設備要求。 這包括; 根據需要與外部餐飲/設備公司聯絡和協調。 6) 可用且最新的歸檔系統的歸檔和管理。 包括最新客戶聯絡資料庫(Outlook、名片歸檔系統等)的管理與維護。 7) 該部門的旅行和當地交通安排。 準備差旅費和其他費用報銷表,以及所有必要的後續工作。 這包括準備旅行日程和會議行程,整理商務旅行所需的所有報告、文件、董事會文件、時間表和名片,以及處理護照簽證、與旅行社聯絡機票事宜以及準備資金以及任務所需的資金。 8) 支援一系列行政或幫助服務以及前台/接待和其他相關事務。 在其他人不在的情況下提供必要的支援。 9) 帳單和發票流程的日常操作。 10) 支援高階管理層不時指派的任何其他職責。 Key roles and responsibilities of the Executive Assistant are: 1)To provide support in all secretarial, administrative and clerical matters. 2)Maintain, create or update CBRE’s leasing/office database and assist agents to prepare pitching proposals. 3)Maintain the relationships with office landlords and update the newest office availabilities quarterly. 4)To act as Administrative Assistant in the Department and other departments, and to take charge of the running of the Department's secretarial, administrative and clerical functions. 5)To perform secretarial, administrative and other support tasks as required by the Department and other departments. ESSENTIAL DUTIES Perform all secretarial, clerical and administrative tasks as required by the Department and other departments. Examples of such services include but are not limited to: 1) Typing, shorthand taking and audio-typing in respect of daily correspondence, reports and other documents. Receiving, sorting and following up on the daily mail on behalf of the Department. Independent correspondence on behalf of the Department when directed to do so. 2) Receiving telephone calls on behalf of the Department executives. This includes taking messages and acting on or following up on those messages when appropriate, as well as setting up conference calls when required. 3) Preparation, collation, submissions and binding of proposals, reports and other documents. 4) Appointment arrangements on behalf of the Department. This includes all necessary preparation work and follow-up. 5) Meeting arrangements, liaising with clients and other staff members before and after the meetings, meeting room set-up and any catering arrangements needed. Co-ordinate any room bookings, catering, audio visual and equipment requirements requested by the client. This includes; liaison and coordination with external catering/equipment companies as/when required. 6) Filing and management of a useable and up-to-date filing system. Including management and maintenance of latest client contact database (Outlook, name card filing system, etc.). 7) Travel and local transport arrangements for the Department. Preparation of travel expense and other expense claim forms, as well as all necessary follow-up work. This includes preparing travel schedules and meeting itineraries, collating all reports, documents, board papers, schedules and name cards required for the business trip, as well as the processing of passport visas, liaison with travel agents on air tickets, and the preparation of monies and funds needed for the assignment. 8) To support a range of administrative or helpful services as well as front desk/reception and other relevant matters. Provide the necessary support in the absence of others. 9) Daily operation in Billing & Invoice process. 10) To support any other duties as assigned by the senior management from time to time.

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7/27 Regulatory Affairs Contractor (Part-Time)

  • 台北市中正區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

Job Purpose: This role is mainly responsible for supporting regulatory activities for all Alcon products, including regulatory submissions, maintaining the approved product licenses, and coordinating regulatory affairs activities in compliance with the Health Authority’s regulations and inter-company procedures. Also, following the supervisor’s instructions to support the departmental projects and documentation/ data maintenance is one of the responsibilities. Major Responsibilities: • Support product registration projects. • Collect and prepare documents and other registration activities for license maintenance. • Manage product labeling stuff. • Document filing and database management. • Consolidate and track internal product database maintenance and update the global regulatory database. • Support departmental projects assigned by the supervisor. P.s The candidate must be available to work for a minimum of three days per week until the end of 2024.

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7/27 |Services| Services Customer Project Engineer(PjM)

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 5年以上
  • 專科

Do you dream of working in a company that is driven by a meaningful purpose? An inclusive company that empowers you to do your best and be innovative? At Schneider Electric , we believe access to energy and digital is a basic human right. We empower all to do more with less, ensuring Life Is On everywhere, for everyone, at every moment. We provide energy and automation digital solutions for efficiency and sustainability. We are looking for Field Services Customer Project Engineer to make an impact! A field service project manager is responsible for the delivery of Service projects in compliance with the customer specification, on schedule, and within the project budgets, working in partnership with the staff to ensure technical excellence. Responsibilities - Manage complex service projects, to meet the 3 main objectives (1)Customer satisfaction and profitability; (2)Cost Control and (3)Monitor the project and identify and mitigate risk - Main duties include: organize the project, monitor progress, assess and manage the risks, identify and implement corrective actions - Manage relationships with customer and suppliers - Make all decisions in order to reach the project objectives (customer satisfaction and growth) in optimal conditions of profitability, quality and timing - Present progress to upper management, describe proposed solutions to solve issues and ask for support if necessary. - Responsible for project management and implementation throughout project phases. Monitor installation, integration and commissioning. - Manage project commitments regarding delivery, performance, quality, reliability and cost savings. - Coordinate and optimize dispatching field service resources (Schneider & non-Schneider) against project requirements - Work closely with related stakeholders from early stages of project engagement to ensure service offers are acknowledged and embedded in time - Act as a functional leader to develop service project competency within Operation team in close collaboration with local and global stakeholders

待遇面議 外商公司 員工300人
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7/27 硬體研發工程師

  • 桃園市楊梅區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

1.電子電路設計與檢視 2.PCB Layout設計與檢視 3.系統驗證與除錯(Debug) 4.依據客戶需求,設計硬體架構 5.依據產品特性,規劃以及施行適當的測試項目 6.配合工作團隊,將產品順利導入量產 7.自動測試設備設計開發

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7/27 |SP| Commercial Operation Senior Specialist/Manager

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 5年以上
  • 大學

Do you dream of working in a company that is driven by a meaningful purpose? An inclusive company that empowers you to do your best and be innovative? At Schneider Electric , we believe access to energy and digital is a basic human right. We empower all to do more with less, ensuring Life Is On everywhere, for everyone, at every moment. We provide energy and automation digital solutions for efficiency and sustainability. We are looking for Commercial Operation Manager / Senior Specialist to make an impact! This position is for a Commercial Operation Manager / Senior Specialist based in Taiwan (Taipei). This position is responsible for leading and driving department commercial operation and in-country Commercial & Industrial sales administrative process. This position is also accountable for providing consistent supply chain forecast, invoicing forecast, project closure forecast and regional forecast for both product & systems. This position is expected to work with business leaders, sales managers, vendors, procurement, finance, legal and solution team members and to provide status update to management. The candidate should be highly proficient (written and spoken) in both English and Chinese languages as this position is expected to actively engage in a daily basis with in-country and regional Schneider Electric stakeholders and customers. PRIMARY ROLE Operation - Establish and enforce orders/sales targets with all the commercial operation process activities - Work with internal regional and supply chain team members to review orders/sales strategy and perform proper forecasting for monthly, quarterly, and annually reviews. - Assist business commercial meetings by performing reportings and tables while conducting analysis on the market conditions, customer requirements, and policies. - Business marketing on new partners, channels, and distributors for IT, ET, and SI. - Act as SPOC for internal operation process such as invoicing, delivery, VO/PO…etc Commercial - Conduct thorough review of all the order, sales, PO, and invoicing (Financial, risk management, legal). - Lead commercial and contract terms and conditions negotiation. - Establish proper scheduling with commercial partners for delivery vs forecasting. Sales Reporting - Manage all sales review and order target reporting - Strategize and set clear action items for sales target achievement - Manage distributor and channel targets - Manage all distributors MDF/Rebate - Manage all distributors and partners sales-in margin

待遇面議 外商公司 員工300人 遠端工作
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7/27 【身心障礙人才招募專區】行銷/採購/行政實習生

  • 台北市中山區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

歡迎在校生或對醫藥產業職涯有興趣之身障人才加入! 透過實務學習建立專業職能,提前為未來職涯預做準備,展現最好的自己,發揮個人影響力 Dreaming and let's change the world together! 【申請方法】 .為保障身障人才之申請權益,申請者須具備身心障礙證明文件。 .請在個人履歷或104申請上註明「欲申請部門」。 【出勤時間】 一週時數需要三天以上進公司,排班時間面議。 職務內容 【行銷部門】 .與行政團隊合作,協助營運部門處理公司內部行政作業 (例如:請款流程、文件歸檔、印刷品寄送)。 .協助處理專案相關的文書工作、資料彙整。 .其他主管交辦事項。 【採購部門】 .協助指導採購系統操作,支援同仁操作更流暢 (例如:建立採購單、供應商管理建置)。 .協助行政作業及專案執行 (例如:合約管理、資料彙整、資料分析)。 .協助安排內部會議、活動。 .其他主管交辦事項。

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7/27 |Services| Services Representative 客戶服務工程師(北部)

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 1年以上
  • 專科

您將在客戶現場對所有施耐德產品進行安裝、檢查、維護、故障排除和維修客戶設備和提供技術支援。利用各種工具測試電路和設備、分析設備故障原因並為客戶說明維護手冊內容。 工作職責: 1. 提供卓越的客戶服務與建議。 2. 對施耐德電氣產品組合中的設備執行啟動/調整/測試。 3. 對設備進行預防性、計劃性和計劃外維護。 4. 記錄每個站點所有必需信息,並提供技術報告。 5. 現場工作執行後,提供當日的服務時間和費用,由客戶簽字驗收。 6. 正確記錄、標記設備維修時所使用的所有故障或短缺料件,並將其送回指定的維修地點。 ※此職務須能配合客戶地點出差至其他縣市,但多為當日往返行程,無須長期派駐外地。 ※台北/高雄皆有辦公室,歡迎北中南優秀人選踴躍投遞應徵。 What you will do: 1. Provide outstanding customer service. 2. Advise customers on best practice, new services and upgrade opportunities. 3. Perform Startup/Commissioning on equipment across the Schneider Electric product portfolio. 4. Perform Preventive, scheduled and unscheduled Maintenance on equipment. 5. Track Installed Base. (serviceable assets) 6. Submit Opportunity Detected during his interventions. 7. Support serviceable Schneider equipment including but not limited to: electrical switchgear, HVAC/CRAC systems, UPS systems, PDUs, RPPs, BMS systems, PLCs, HMIs, Drives. 8. Leads or contributes to Field Services small projects coordination and execution on customer site. (end of life, modernization, upgrade etc) 9. Must have proven skill level to interpret blueprints and other service documents, including but not limited to, specifications, reporting and quality requirements. 10. Perform basic audits of customer’s electrical systems and equipment. 實際職務內容,請參考影片:https://youtu.be/CAKJVzjVMTA

待遇面議 外商公司 員工300人
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7/27 LA PRAIRIE 萊珀妮 - Planning & Logistics Supervisor (產代約聘)

  • 台北市中山區
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

Main Accountabilities - Develop demand plan based on business trends and demand patterns. - Use and maintain the Demand Planning software (OMP) as the primary forecasting system tool. - Analyze and troubleshoot demand related issues in a timely and accurate manner. - Develop routine and ad-hoc demand related reports for management. - Coordinate with 3rd Party Warehouse team to monitor and maintain optimal inventory levels. - Resolve SAP transaction or interface problems with IT team. - Issue purchase orders to HQ and handle the PO delivery process. - Report product defect issues which come from clients or deliveries.

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7/27 |APC| Program Manager - New Product Development

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 5年以上
  • 專科

Do you dream of working in a company that is driven by a meaningful purpose? An inclusive company that empowers you to do your best and be innovative? At Schneider Electric, we believe access to energy and digital is a basic human right. We empower all to do more with less, ensuring Life Is On everywhere, for everyone, at every moment. We provide energy and automation digital solutions for efficiency and sustainability. We are looking for Program manager to make an impact! ╴Lead global, cross-functional teams to develop and deliver new products for customers worldwide. ╴Create and own project plans and contribute to the product definitions. ╴Motivate and direct staff to execute project plans and follow Schneider Electric design process. ╴Initiate all project, design, cost, DFA/DFM, safety, and other reviews to ensure schedule, cost, and quality goals are met. ╴Coordinate on-time development, manufacture, and delivery of quality products to market. Responsibilities: 1. Follow Company’s New Product Development Processes • Lead a global, multi-functional team to deliver new products and offers to market • Manage to internal Schneider Electric lean new product development and quality documentation processes • Execute and implement all work aligned with the new product development process • Educate team on the lean new product development process 2. Deliver • Manage projects involving department or cross-functional teams focused on the delivery of a product from concept to launch • Manage project teams globally dispersed across multiple time zones and continents • Identify root causes of problems, offer options and solutions to resolve issues • Handle multiple projects simultaneously (up to three or more in various states of execution) • Work with functional management to staff projects appropriately 3. Lead • Build trust and consensus for effective project collaboration. • Work Independently with little or no supervision • Advance corporate competencies and processes through continuous improvement activities 4. Exercise Project Discipline • Create and own project plans (schedule, resources) to meet project expectations and to ensure quality, on-time delivery • Contribute to creating the product definition • Coordinate all support activities to meet new product contract deliverables • Analyze, anticipate, quantify, and mitigate risk (technical, schedule, manufacturability, application, etc.) • Maintain a risk register to co-ordinate, record and manage potential issues and follow mitigation plans through to completion. • Lead lean product development project planning, visual management, marketing and supply chain events 5. Report • Report status of project activity to all stakeholders (e.g., management, support functions, customers, etc.) • Communicate and manage changes in project scope to departmental and cross functional teams • Be responsible for project metrics for schedule, cost, quality, customer satisfaction 6. Improve • Interface with Cross-functional teams and with Corporate project office to continuously improve the lean new product development processes • Improve factory and field product quality • Implement and support organizational, workload, and process changes • Contribute towards performance reviews in partnership with functional managers

待遇面議 外商公司 員工300人 遠端工作
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