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4/30 (USA_west coast) Senior Marketing Manager

  • 美西地區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

Objectives: _Execute a comprehensive retail marketing strategy, incorporating promotional activities, targeted commercial tactics, gifting options, and both retail and customer-specific events. This should align with the overarching marketing strategy and calendar for the U.S. market to optimize synergy. _Design and implement innovative campaigns to support the introduction of new products and the promotion of existing core products, aiming to meet or surpass sales targets. _Continuously assess the impact of promotional activities and adjust strategies accordingly to enhance effectiveness. _Coordinate the local retail marketing calendar and oversee the execution of promotional programs across various retail channels, including physical stores, distribution partners, and online platforms. _Guarantee that pricing strategies, new product introductions, brand promotions, strategic initiatives, and other related materials are consistent with the brand's direction and strategic goals. _Manage the budget, planning, and execution of in-store promotions and events to bolster sales and enhance brand recognition. _Seek out and capitalize on new promotional channels and opportunities for collaborations with third parties to stimulate business growth. _Develop support strategies for marketing communications and devise forecasts for product and sample usage to meet marketing goals. _Oversee social media operations. Qualifications: _A minimum of five years of experience in retail marketing, preferably within multinational corporations in the Fashion/Retail or consumer goods industries. _A proven ability to build brand presence, work collaboratively, lead effectively, and a strong foundation in market analysis. _An energetic, creative, and proactive attitude with a commitment to excellence. _Solid business insight, a logical approach to problem-solving, and openness to new challenges. _Exceptional interpersonal abilities, creativity, and a keen eye for detail. _Proficiency in both English and Chinese languages is highly advantageous. _A bachelor's degree in Marketing, Business, or a related field is required. What We Provide: _Competitive compensation packages. _Comprehensive learning and leadership opportunities, including on-the-job training to ensure up-to-date skills and knowledge. _A commitment to career development, supporting your growth through various assignments and new experiences.

月薪70,000元以上 遠端工作
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4/30 美國鳳凰城自動化設備助理工程師

  • 美國亞利桑那州
  • 經歷不拘
  • 高中

工作內容: ※台積電廠區(配發台積電工作證) 1.自動化設備調整、維修、保養。 2.提供職前教育訓練 。 3.須配合偶時的加班 。 4.歡迎無經驗者加入,工作內容簡單易學。 5.無塵室(空調)環境,需穿著無塵衣 。 6.須配合外派其他工作廠區。 7.需要英語能力,能夠溝通對話。 ※正常日班,無須輪值大夜。 ※在美期間薪資加補貼約新台幣11萬元以上。 ※※※注意事項※※※ 不需相關工作經驗和學歷,需要良好的外語溝通能力,此職缺將會派發至台積電-美國亞利桑那州(鳳凰城)廠區,故需良好的外語溝通能力,將在台灣受訓1-3個月後,視表現派發至美國廠區3-6月。 公司支付必需的交通費用(計程車費/高鐵/機票)、美國簽證、保險、美國工作期間的飯店住宿、美國期間會配車自駕...等工作必需費用。 佰倫科技,主要從事機械相關業及無塵室自動化設備機械維護、檢修、保養之工作。 本公司以『安全第一、嚴格確認、服務至上』經營理念,追求企業永續經營及逐步成長。 我們重視每一位員工,除了有良好工作環境、也提供學習及成長的空間,歡迎優秀的朋友一起加入佰倫科技的工作行列。 ★畢業季/轉職專案★ 不限畢業科系/無經驗可/完整教育訓練 *此專區審核與面試時間將安排於2023年5月~7月啟動,請盡快投遞履歷。 *有英文溝通能力者,有日本/美國據點可安排,100K以上月薪。

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4/29 Graphic Designer (Remote in Taiwan)

  • 美國加利佛尼亞州
  • 1年以上
  • 大學

Job Description: We are seeking a talented and passionate Graphic Designer to join our team remotely in Taiwan. The ideal candidate will be responsible for creating and designing content across our digital platforms, as well as physical collateral. You will also be tasked with maintaining and updating our website as needed. Ability to design a website is a plus. We are looking for someone who is enthusiastic about the CPG / Natural Foods Industry and is eager to contribute their creative talents to our brand. Good level of English is required (all communication with the team in the US is in English). Part-time/full time postion could be further discussed. Responsibilities: -Create visually appealing and engaging social media content for platforms such as Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, etc., consistent with our brand identity and messaging. -Develop innovative design concepts and ideas for digital marketing campaigns, promotions, and product launches. -Design eye-catching graphics, images, and videos that resonate with our target audience and drive engagement. -Collaborate with the marketing team to brainstorm and execute creative strategies for social media and digital marketing initiatives. -Update and maintain our website with fresh content, images, and graphics, ensuring a seamless user experience. -Stay up-to-date with industry trends, best practices, and emerging technologies in graphic design and digital media. -Assist with other design projects and tasks as needed. Qualifications: -Proven experience as a Graphic Designer or similar role, with a strong portfolio showcasing your creative work. -Proficiency in graphic design software such as Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, etc. -Experience creating social media content and digital assets for various platforms. -Excellent communication skills and ability to collaborate effectively with cross-functional teams. -Self-motivated, detail-oriented, and able to work independently with minimal supervision. -Passion for the Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) industry and a creative mindset. -Strong communication and interpersonal skills -Flexible schedule and professional approach to time, costs and deadlines.

待遇面議 員工5人 遠端工作
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4/29 Sr. Specialist

  • 美國加利佛尼亞州
  • 5年以上
  • 大學

1.Manage full sets of accounts includes performing daily accounting & finance duties such as receivables and payables processes, general ledger, tax and bank reconciliation, etc. 2.Prepare Monthly Financial Reports for Management Reporting. 3.Ensure integrity of GL and timely closing of accounts. 4.Liaising with suppliers and external auditors, coordinating with the tax agent on tax compliance, and ensuring that all accounting activities comply with the accounting policies. 5.Filling statutory, business statistics, and other returns required by local tax and legal legislation. 6.Any other ad-hoc duties as assigned.

待遇面議 員工6000人
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4/29 倉儲管理主管_派駐美國

  • 美國威斯康辛州
  • 10年以上
  • 大學

1.遵循公司倉庫管理流程,負責物品的收、發、存等日常倉儲業務和作業。 2. 負責在系統中做好出入庫記錄,確保數據輸入系統及時和準確。 3. 配合生產、銷售、採購等部門的工作,協助其進行材料使用的計劃、控制與核算。 4. 按照公司的政策實行月度、季度、和年度盤點,確保帳料相符。 5. 負責對物料儲存環境、質量、呆滯情況、不合格物料進行動態跟蹤,及時反映並積極處理。 6. 優化庫房管理制度與作業流程。 7. 嚴格貫徹執行相關政策法規及標準操作規程,負責倉庫區域安全生產及消防工作。

待遇面議 員工2000人
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4/29 水產品銷售業務(工作地點:Monterey Park, California USA)

  • 美國加利佛尼亞州
  • 5年以上
  • 大學

1.須有合法美國工作身份,且目前已居住在美國。 2.具中英文溝通能力強 3.有工作熱著及團隊精神 4.5年以上業務經驗 5. 基本電腦操作能力 6. 上班地址 Monterey Park, California 7. 年薪 US$40,00 ~ $50,000 /monthly commission / quarterly commission / yearly bonus 8. 員工福利: Paid Vacation time / sick leave 100% medical insurance + dental insurance 401K account / 2% match after one year

待遇面議 員工3500人
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4/29 FP &A Manager

  • 美國加利佛尼亞州
  • 8年以上
  • 大學

1.Provide leadership and strategic support to the Corporate Finance team, ensuring efficient operations and project execution. 2.Assist the corporation in Financial Reporting, Analysis & Planning: Leading complex financial modeling and analysis (e.g., consolidated reports, capital budgeting, investment analysis) 3.Produce monthly P&L reports providing financial commentary and variance analysis on the monthly results vs. forecast, highlighting risks and opportunities 4.Local statutory/tax/regulatory compliance and filings. 5.Conduct in-depth research and analysis on financial trends, market conditions, and industry benchmarks to inform strategic decision-making. 6.Develop and present comprehensive reports and presentations for senior management and external stakeholders. 7.Manage and mentor junior team members, providing guidance and ensuring their professional development. 8.Develop and maintain strong relationships with other departments (e.g., Sales, Operations, Engineering) to ensure alignment and collaboration. 9.Assume full responsibility for the team and their activities, leading and overseeing all aspects of the department.

待遇面議 員工6000人
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4/29 感測器FAE (受訓後派駐美國)

  • 美加地區
  • 1年以上
  • 大學

工作職掌 (視能力調整工作): 1) 產品實車效果調試、評審、實車標定及驗證、問題處理應對 2) 產品軟/硬體需求研發、設計及研發過程中軟件調試維護 3) 產品軟/硬體功能及穩定性測試 4) 軟體或硬體架構、流程圖、功能說明書等文件編寫及維護 5) 參數調整(感測器內部參數校正,影像感測器畫質調校) 6) 車廠端產品DEMO調試、評審應對、簡報製作、協助項目爭取 7) 其他主管交辦事項 必備條件 (僅需部分滿足即可): 1) 一年以上Linux嵌入式軟件研發工作經驗 2) 精通C語言編程,能獨立編寫應用程序 3) 電子電路設計背景,並能操作示波器、電表、焊接工具等 4) 精通Linux內校及驅動之研發、移植、調試 5) 多益700分以上,英文聽說讀寫流利,需使用英文作為工作溝通主要語言 (其他語言能力為加分項目) 6) 報到初期須在同致台灣接受專業職能教育訓練合格,疫情後有機會派駐美國 7) 持有汽車駕照

待遇面議 員工2500人
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4/29 【USA】Outside Sales

  • 美國加利佛尼亞州
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

Outside Sales is responsible for driving and managing new opportunities to achieve revenue targets. The individual that will flourish as Outside Sales / Account Manager is someone that is sales centric, a self-starter, and can operate at scale with agility and accountability. This role will focus on the sales opportunity across system integrators as well as distributors/resellers in N. America. - Develop and execute a strategic and tactical sales plan to ensure revenue and gross margin objectives are met - Responsible for sales account planning, sales forecasting, inventory planning and engaging cross-functional resources to align with customer requirements - Provide in-depth analysis on customer-level issues and deliver resolution recommendations - Stay current with server market industry trend to identify new opportunities - Attend sales meetings, training programs and exhibitions as required - Provide weekly Sales report, Monthly Revenue Rolling Forecast, and Account Report.

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4/29 FAE工程師(常駐北美)

  • 美國密西根州
  • 2年以上
  • 大學

1) Establishing and maintaining customer relationship 2) Visit customer and provide support to develop technical solutions 3) Customer service on North /South American regions 4) MLD module product and relevant automotive product technical support 5) Working with team members locally and Asia region 6) Bug tracking and progress report preparation 7) Routine work report and meeting participation 8) Supply chain management to solve the material supply issue 9) Other assignments by headquarter

待遇面議 員工1400人
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4/29 【GEM Program】Field Application Engineer (America)

  • 美國加利佛尼亞州
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

●About GEM PROGRAM: https://www.deltaww.com/en-US/career/GEM-Program -Location Training location: Taiwan Designated global country:America.Thailand.India -What you will get Competitive Salary/Bonus/Settlement Allowance/Dormitory or Housing Allowance/Fly Ticket Subsidy/Annual Leave/Tailor-made Training Program ●Job Description 1.Provide the on-site technical support to customers 2.Customers Design-in and Design-win 3.Collect accurate information from module customers and work out solutions with Delta/cynetc teams 4.Co-operate with account and regional sales to mantain customers and develop new customers 5.Product: Choke for EV and power module Work Authorization: Legally authorized to work in the USA (now and in the future) without needing employment sponsorship or H-1B visa ●Job Requirement 1.Education: Bachelor & Above 2.Major: Electronics Engineering 3.Experience required:3-10 years 4.Skills & Expertise: Familiar with AC/DC and DC/DC Power converter design 5.Language Requirement: Fluent in English

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4/29 【主辦會計】(外派美國)

  • 美國北卡羅萊納州
  • 5年以上
  • 大學

1.美國子公司日常會計記帳業務 2.每月提供母公司需求資料 3.每年配合台灣會計師查帳 4.協助子公司同事日常行政業務 5.配合當地稅務會計師提供報稅資料 6.其他當地及台灣主管交辦事項

待遇面議 上市上櫃 員工600人
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4/29 英文老師 English Teacher (TOEFL)

  • 美國德拉瓦州
  • 2年以上
  • 大學

你對留學、數位英文教學產業有強烈興趣,並且對教學有強烈熱忱嗎? 克雷英文正在尋找成人托福英文老師,你將會發揮你的英文教學實力,幫助準留學生完成出國留學、工作的夢想! 【工作地點】 全遠端工作 【工作職責】 在克雷英文擔任英文老師,我們希望你有獨立完成教學事務能力,同時也具備專業的英文知識來與其他老師們共同編輯英文教學教材。同時,你對自己的教學有熱忱與信心,喜歡與學生互動並依據學生學習狀態做教學上的調整。 教學方面 - 線上批改學生的托福作文和口說錄音檔 - 進行線上一對一英文教學 - 線上帶領英文團體課程 教材編輯方面 - 使用不同平台與系統製作英文教材 (如pdf, slides, 課程網站等) - 英文教材編輯、校對、排版 - 編輯教材後的課程錄製 - 英文教材系統上傳、教材頁面更新 - 英文教學相關社群影片以及貼文校對 學生事務方面 - LINE, Email 等通訊軟體上回覆學生提出的英文學習相關問題 - 與學生進行線上1對1諮詢,測驗學生英文水平並且提供英文學習方向建議以及讀書計畫 【職務需求】 你必須具備的能力: - 至少兩年全職英文教學經驗 - 托福成績105分以上、多益950以上、雅思7.5分以上或其他同等英文檢定證明 - 能快速接收回饋並作改變調整 - 喜歡使用與快速適應遠距工作會使用到的線上教學工具 我們希望你同時也具備: - 擁有近母語等級的中英文聽說讀寫能力 - 曾有編輯教材與團體教學經驗 - 有優秀的溝通能力與注意細節的敏銳度 - 喜歡獨立以及團隊合作 - 英語系國家留學經驗佳 克雷英文專門幫助學生考取托福TOEFL以出國留學&就業發展。歡迎先行了解公司業務: 官網: https://www.clairesenglish.com Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa5oulemRwjN3zEVHWPJuUg

待遇面議 員工10人 遠端工作
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4/29 [AF] 財會儲備主管 (預計派駐美國亞特蘭大)

  • 美國喬治亞州
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

執掌美國子公司財務及會計職能,與當地記帳事務所配合,直屬報告主管為台灣母公司財會主管及美國子公司總經理。 工作內容: 1. 美國子公司 會計帳務、財務報表覆核。 3. 美國子公司 資金調度、現金流量預測及管理。 4. 美國子公司 經營分析、預算編制及財務預測。 5. 美國子公司 內稽內控、營運流程改善及分析。 6. 美國子公司 總公司會計師季度及年度查帳作業準備。 7. 其他主管交辦事項。 工作規劃: 初期將在台灣母公司(新北市新店區)就任,訓練熟悉後,外派至美國子公司就職,位於喬治亞州亞特蘭大,並由美國子公司申請工作簽證從當地聘僱,薪資福利及保險等均比照美國當地水準。 本公司目前海外子公司及分公司,遍及歐洲、美洲、東南亞及中東等地,共計在全球11個國家設有分支機構或據點,在地行銷,深耕各國行動支付市場。 本公司目前位於北美洲市場,受惠於無人自助支付領域深耕有成,及電動車充電樁大幅普及,行動支付解決方案未來成長動能可期,預計招聘專職派駐美國子公司財會儲備主管,負責本公司美國子公司的經營分析管理、財務控制及會計覆核。 薪資將依個人學歷、經歷及專業能力做為核薪依據,另依照本公司章程規範,每年提撥公司盈餘至多15%作為全體員工分紅獎金,依據個人績效,在年終獎金之外,額外發放分紅獎金,與員工共享公司成長果實。

待遇面議 員工500人
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4/29 雜項採購專員(北美)

  • 美加地區
  • 2年以上
  • 大學

1. 管理與開發供應商 1.1 評鑑選定新供應商 1.2 合理化年度價格 1.3 強化關鍵供應商策略合作關係,定期business review 1.4 整合與評鑑現有供應商 2. 負責直材採購 2.1重大設備採購 2.2工程採購 2.3雜項採購 3. 執行內部採購作業流程 3.1 詢/比/議 簽決文件建立 3.2 彙整與更新IATF16949 & ISO14001相關文件 3.5 主管交辦事項

待遇面議 員工2500人
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